Work And Love ♥



    You are Song Hye Jin, one of the famous Fashion Designer in Korea. You're living alone in Seoul City since you were 18 to fulfill your dream(to become a fashion designer). Many of your friends tell you that now that you achieved your dream, all you need is a man. A man who will take care of you, give all you need, and love you. 
But how? 
If the man I loved for so many years broke my heart.
His family made him choose between me and his inheritance. But instead of choosing his girlfriend for 4 years... he chose money.
Did he even love me? Was this relationship just a game?
And now?
Now, I can't trust a man like I did before, I don't dare to have a relationship again with someone, I'm afraid to get deceive by people I love and get hurt in the end.
But what?
There's a man named Kris. He's working with me for 2 years as a model
And...?Go on.
And...I don't know. He's so confusing.
Because there's always a moment when I don't know how to figure out if he's just joking or he's being sincere and telling the truth.


My 1st One Shot~! :D




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ya update more often. aigoo.. kekekeke