Chapter 1


A/N: Why, hello there! Yes, I know, I should be posting the two oneshots before this. But anyway, here's a new one from me. I was channeling my inner third-grader on this one, not that it was difficult since i do have the mind of a child. I'm stunted, I know.


As always, HUGE thanks to my beta and gullfriind, Emma a.k.a. thecafewriter for editing this. (ILU BB \(OAO)/ ( = 3=) ~~~<3<3<3) I know, I'm waaaaay behind sched on my other fics, and I have yet to send you the edited chapters of Recalled To Life.


Disclaimer: Wouldn't it be nice to actually own EXO? Too bad I don't. Bummer.




Chapter 1


Dear Diary,


                Teacher Kim (she’s my third grade homeroom teacher!) gave us a project today. We have to write in a special book called a diary, so here I am, writing to you! Whoo!


                She said that it’s gonna be fun ‘cuz we get to write what we want in it like things  we really love and stuff and “interesting” things that happens to us every day (I’m using the word of the day!). Oh, and if we don’t feel good about something, we can write here, and she said that it’s gonna make us feel okay after. But that’s not gonna happen to me! I guess. Well, maybe I will if my little brat brother’s gonna do something I don’t like again. Like that one time, he doodled on my walls. With coloured markers! Daddy and I just painted them, too! I got so mad my mommy said that my face was really red like a tomato. But he was grounded for a week, so problem solved!


                Oh, right. Today we did the usual school stuff. It’s Monday, so we had science and yay Teacher Han! (He’s so funny ‘cuz he has these really big eyes and huge glasses and curly hair and he’s kinda shorter than my daddy by a lot. Shh! Don’t tell him I said that!) We had this really cool lesson about “The Life Cycle of a Butterfly”. I didn’t know pretty butterflies came from those icky worms I see crawling and making these holes to our plants. Butterflies are so pretty, aren’t they?


                But that’s not the interesting thing I saw today. There’s this new kid from the class next door, I think his name is Park Chanyeong (???). He’s a little chubby, wears glasses, and has this weird eye twitch thing when he laughs, oh, and he has these really cute floppy ears! Kinda like my puppy, Ppang. I wonder if he likes dogs...


                Mommy said it’s sleep time already! Can’t wait for story time tomorrow. Good night!



Kang Choonhee


                P.S. My bad! His name’s Chanyeol! Sorry...


There you go! Chapter one of my Diary Series. Don't forget to leave a message. I want to know what you think of it, so far. And, as already stated at the foreword, please don't leave a comment that only says "update soon, please, please, please". I don't find that motivating at all. Others do, but not me, so sincere comments and constructive critisism will be really appreciated.


Cross-posted to my tumblr.


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Metamorphosis - hiding the 2nd chapter until I get the edited version from my beta.


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