Omoni, I'll miss you while I'm in Seoul.

I can't stand living with a flower boy!


I was sleeping tighly until my omoni started yelling my name ''YunHee... Won YunHe--''



I woke up and mumbled ''Aish!, I'm coming omoni!'' before she could finish calling my name.



I went downstairs in my pajamas while looking at my phone to see if I had any messages, which wasn't the case, and then I noticed it was 5:00 am.



''Why did you wake me up so early?'' I said, giving her a sleepy face.



''Aish YunHee... you're so forgetful!''

''Huh?'' - I asked.



''Today is the big day! You're going to move to Seoul, to my friend's house and start living there... That's why I woke you up so early... You need to pack your stuff, since yesterday you were supposed to do that. I didn't want you to do that the last day because you seemed really tired because of your busy schedule. So I let you rest the entire day.''



''I guess I forgot... kkk sorry omoni''



''What about the piano classes, omoni?''



''Don't worry about that, you'll now attend Seoul Art High School, where you'll have guitar, piano, vocals and dance lessons.''




''That's a relief... I couldn't just quit piano...''




''Go pack your stuff immediately and take a shower, neh?'' - omoni said.






The fact is that my mom was transfered to Finland to work, and she asked her friend if I could stay there while she's out of Korea. She'll pay her childhood friend a little rent for my stay there. I actually couldn't go with my omoni, since she's going to live in a dorm with the rest of her co-workers and there's no space for me.



Whilst I was reaching the top of the stairs my mom shouted loud ''YunHee... don't forget to dress in pretty clothes and put some make up on, you'll have a surprise when you arrive at their house''- she said laughing a bit.



A surprise? I hope it'll be a good thing, because it's already too bad the separation between me and my only family, omoni.



While I was packing I saw some cute pictures of me and my best friend HyoJu, took by a polaroid. Those great times we spent together... I can't believe I won't be able to see her so often. She's a really good girl. I'll miss her and Daegu (my hometwon) a lot.



Memories filled my mind as I saw pictures of my appa, harabouji and halmonhee who died in a car accident when I was 3 years old. Even though I passed a short time with them, I still miss them everyday of my life.



I was interruped by my thoughts when my omoni shouted again ''YunHee, are you okay? Are your clothes and stuff packed already?"



''Yes''- I answered in a high tone.



I suddenly started to put the pictures of HyoJu and my family inside my suitcase, I needed to have at least one souvenir of them.



When I finished packing all my stuff, I went take a shower and put some makeup and when I arrived downstairs, breakfast was already served. My sweet omoni had prepared it for me, she was always caring for me ever since I was little.



''Waah, Gomawo'' - I said surprised.



I ate it all and when itwas about 6:15 am she said ''YunHee you have to go now, here's your ticket to catch the bus at 6:30 am to Seoul''



''But..." I said " How do I know the address of your friend's house?''



''Here's a sheet of paper with the adress and a letter for my friend. Don't forget to give it to her darling, okay?''



At the moment we arrived at the bus station the bus was almost leaving so I gave a hug to my mom and started running to catch it and by that time I shouted ''OMONI, DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME! I'LL STUDY HARD AND TAKE A PART-TIME JOB TO HELP YOU WITH THE BILLS!'' I yelled



I could see tears falling from her eyes, as I shouted again ''DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME AND TREAT YOURSELF WELL, OMONI, SARANGHAEYOO!!~~''



As soon as I reached the bus I went to sit near the window to wave the last farwell to her.



The bus passed many different cities and I took many photos, during the trip. When I was almost falling asleep, the bus driver said loudly ''We arrived at Seoul! I hope you enjoyed the trip and please get off safely!''



It was already 10:00 AM when I arrived at Seoul. 



The streets of Seoul were so cheerful and pretty, and people also seemed very nice.



I decided to go to a bubble tea shop, and get a bubble tea, since my throat was thirsty. I ordered a large strawberry bubble tea and at the moment I was leaving the store, I bumped into a tall, blonde guy who was wearing sunglasses and a mask, hiding his mouth.



He seemed really handome...



''Mianhe~~'' I said shyly.



But the guy just went to the cashier and asked for the same bubble tea, that I had. I couldn't hear his voice, I just saw him pointing to the bubble tea.



I was looking at him in confusion and when he paid for the bubble tea, he turned to me, stared a bit, and then extended his arm giving me the bubble tea, since mine was on the floor



"Kamsahamnida, but you didn't have to--" I said, as he suddenly left the store, leaving me alone.



OMO... how could he do that? He had the nerve to leave me... I said to myself.



I was so furious with that stranger, but then it popped in my mind I had to go to my mom's friend house. So I looked for the address and I noticed it had a note below saying ''Dear YunHee, I put some money in your pocket for you to have lunch and dinner in a restaurant in Seoul. Then, go the bus station near Namsan Tower and go to a local who lives there  and ask about this address you'll easily find the house. By the way, my friend's name is Choi Hana. She's really nice, you'll surely like her. Have fun, darling.''



''Ok... I'll explore more of Seoul city'' - I whispered to myself.



I decided to go have lunch a few hours later, and the smell of the Ramen shop caugh my attention... so I went to eat a bowl of ramen. It was delicious! The best ramen I've ever eaten!



As I was walking in the city of Seoul, another weird guy yelled ''Wait a minute, miss!''



I looked at him and didn't recognize him from nowhere, so I was a little confused about that.



He suddenly pulled out his jacket and started doing pushups while the cameraman was recording.



I was really scared and my eyes grew wider at that moment.



When he finished he said ''Kamsahamnida'' and started running together with the cameraman.



''Are people in Seoul that crazy?''- I said out loud.



Later I found it kinda funny and laughed a bit, but at first I was really scared because he could be a et or something. So then, I decided to call my best friend to tell her what happened.



--- call on



''Yoboseyo, HyoJu! I already arrived Seoul''




''Yoboseyo YunHee-ah! Oh chincha?! That's awesome!'' - she said with a smiling voice.



''Neh! You don't know what happen to me...''



''What, chingu? tell me!''



''In the first place, I was going to a bubble tea store to get an bubble tea, when suddenly I bumped into a really tall blonde guy who was wearing sungalsses and a mask with a bunny hiding is face. He seemed really handsome! Then I apologized to him... but he didn't answer me... instead, he went to the cashier and ordered a new bubble tea, equal to mine, and then gave it to me so I thanked him. But at the same time I was thanking him, he left the store and let me talking alone. He had the never to do that to me... I was so furious!''



''Wait YunHee... a mask with a bunny? I think I recognize it from somewhere...''



''Chinjja? And then I was walking in Seoul streets where a weird guy came next to me and asked me to wait a little. I was kinda scared because I didn't recognize him... Then he pulled off his jacket and started doing pushups while the cameraman was recording. Suddenly he thanked me and started running.''


''Wait... I've heard B.A.P are recording 'B.A.P diary' in Seoul... All blonde, probably good looking guys... with a bunny mask... it's B.A.P! Omo Yunnie, you're so lucky!!~'' she said, fangirling a little.



''HyoJu... what's B.A.P?''- I asked innocently.



''Omo Yunnie-ah... how couldn't you know? They are a really famous new rookie group. They're known for being badass and having a lot ot fierce. How couldn't you know them?''



''Back to Daegu, my schedule was really busy so I had no spare time to listen that kind od music... Mianhe~~''



"No problem Yunnie-ah! Let's to this... I'll send you the profile members pictures an tell who they are. Then you can see if it was any of them who you met."



"Sure chingu! Annyeong, saranghaeyoo~"


"Saranghaeyo Yunnie!!"


--- call off



The weather was getting sunny, so I decided to take off my jacket when I immediately heard my phone ringing. It was HyoJu.



--- message on



"This is the first member, Moon Jongup. He's the second maknae and has daebak dancing skills"- she texted.



"It isn't him."- I texted back.



"This is the second member, Yoo Youngjae. He's one of the vocalists."



"I don't know him too."



"This is  the third, Bang Youngguk. He's on of the rappers and also the leader."



"Omo... it was him! The pushup guy! I'm sure it was him, I can recognize him by his smile"



"You're so lucky YunHee... I envy you a lot right now...'"



"This is the fourth, Kim Himchan and he's the visual of the group"



"I don't know him either"-I texted.



"This is the fifth member, Jung Daehyun, the main vocalist of the band."



"Omo he's so cute ^^ But it surely wasn't him too."



"And last but not least, Choi JunHong or Zelo (his stage name), the rapper and the sixth member. He's just one year older than us and he's also the maknae... So cute."



"Him! It was that rude guy at the bubble tea store. Definitely it was him with a different hair color though."


"OMO, your so lucky to have met the leader and zelo... aish! You have to take me to Seoul one day."



'Kekekeke, I surely will HyoJu. I have to go now, annyeong chingu!'



'Annyeong Yunnie-ah!'



--- message off



It was almost 7:00pm... I should go have dinner. I saw a resturant, and I entered and asked for kimchi fried rice. It was good for my health so I ordered.



After paying and leaving the restaurant, I went to the bus station near Namsan Tower where I caught the bus to her house.



When I arrived the local, I saw a really beautiful and giant mansion. I was kinda nervous at first but then I rang the doorbell, where a woman with a sweet voice answered ''Who is it?''



''Y-YunHee imnida.''- I said shyly.



''Ohh, YunHee-ah, we've been wating for you, please enter.''



She suddenly opened the gateway.



While I was entering I saw a beautiful garden with yunhee flowers (lotus flowers). It was so beautiful! But what amazed me more was the water font in the middle of the garden.



You could see my mouth opening a little of surprise.



They must be rich, I thought to myself.



Meanwhile the women appeared ''Annyeonghaseyo, Choi Hana imnida!'' -bowed-



She was really pretty! Her hair was dark and long and her skin was really flawless and pale white.



''Annyeonghaseyo, Won YunHee imnida!'' - bowed-



''Oh you're such a cutie, and we both have names of flowers! Let's become close and share lots of things, neh?''- she laughed a little.



''Neh''- I laughed too.



She kinda reminded me of Baek SeungJo's mother, in a k-drama called Playful kiss. She was a good person with a nice personality.



''Let's enter the house, it's really cold here... Call me omoni please!''



''Neh, omoni''- I replied, smiling.



''You're so cute~ My husband isn't home right now, just me and my son who you'll meet soon. You're both around the same age, but I think he's your oppa but don't bother calling him oppa. He'll become too cocky kekeke''- she said with a bright smile.



''I'll prepare both of you a healthy supper... so let me just call him.''



''Neh, omoni!''



She smiled. ''Junhong-ah, came here please! Come introduce yourself to our guest.''



Wait... Junhong? where did I heard that name? It sounded familiar...



When he arrived in the living room he turned to me, I was totally in shock and my mouth made an 'o' while I was looking at him...



''Annyeonghaseyo Won YunHee! Choi JunHong imnida.''- he said with a bright smile.



I felt my face becoming warm and red.



It can't be... I'm probably dreaming! Wake up, wake up!






















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Chapter 1: Such a bipolar maknae xD I liked it!

Update soon :D