Wait... ME????


It's the last day of 11th grade and the class decided to play Would You Rather. You sit next to one of your best friends Lee Taemin, one of the few people I love besides my adoptive parents. Next to Taemin is Sunny, his girlfriend. Taemin and Sunny are the most popular people in the school, yet your a nobody. 

Yuri spins the bottle in the middle of the circle we are all in.It lands on Jinki.

"Ok Jinki, Would you rather live life without eating Chicken, or walk around at the mall for 5 hours." Yuri says causing laughter to spread everywhere in the room but Jinki.

"Of course be in the mall. I can't live without my chicken."

Jinki spins the bottle next and it lands on Taemin. 

"Taemin. If you could go back to before you and Sunny were dating and if Nicole was at this school. Would you rather be with Nicole, or Sunny?"

"OOOOOHHHHHHHH" everyone says in the class. My ears started to get red and i looked at Taemin and Sunny.

"There is no way he would take me over Sunny. I'm just a nobody to him..." i thought to myself.

Sunny hates the fact that I'm so close with Taemin. She gave me a snotty look and holds her head up high knowing Taemin would choose her over me. I look at my feet and try to control my breathing so i don't blush.

Taemin looks at both of us before giving his answer.

We all are shocked by his answer. Mainly me and Sunny.

he said "I would choose Nicole"

I just stared at him as he stared at me. I was in complete shock.

Everyone gasped and we were all silent for a minute until Sunny came over too me.She slapped my in my face before crying and leaving the classroom.

I help my face rubbing the spot she slapped me. DANG, she could slap hard. I felt something on my hand so i pulled it away and saw a few drops of blood. She had to have long pointy nails...

As I am about to get up and find something to stop the blood from dripping, Taemin pulls me down. He quickly grabs a wet paper towel and starts dabbing my  cheek.

"Nicole. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for that to happen..." He said.

My eyes start to water. "it's ok. I'll be fine." I put on a fake smile and i think i'm going pale.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. She slaps like a girl any ways." The people around me who heard that started to laugh.

Taemin starts to whisper in my ear sending chills down my spine. "I know you love me Nicole. just admit it."

"I- I never said that." I whisper back.

"Then why are your ears so red?" He says still whispering while he pushes my long blonde curly hair back behind my ears exposing how red they are.

"Because I'm pissed I just got slapped." I bluntly said in a normal voice.

"Nice cover up. I'll let it slide this time." he says while standing up, pulling me with him. He switches spots with me so he can stop the bleeding better.

The class is silent and Sunny comes back in the room. She was looking at us through the window before she entered.

"YOU ING !! I"M GOING TO ING KILL YOU!!!!! TAEMIN IS MINE NOT YOURS!!!!" After screaming at me, she calms down and sits next to Taemin after forcing Yoona to move to her old spot.

The bleeding stops finally and we all continue with the game. After about 30 minutes, we all take a break. Everyone gets up and as i was about to, Taemin pulled me down.

"Nicole. I need to tell you something." Taemin said. Sunny starts laughing at how pathetic we are i guess.

"Um, later ok?" i said. I tried to get up again, but Taemin pulls me down, even harder, but instead of falling on the floor, I fall down an his lap. He starts to hug me and I'm in shock. I have always dreamed of this, but it does not feel like i thought it would.

"Y-YAH! LET ME GO!" i tell him. I don't yell though, because the class is not paying attention to us. Sunny is in tears again.

 Taemin grabs my face and bring it facing his causing our eyes to meet "Nicole. Don't fight it anymore. I know you love me a lot. Just admit it. Please"



"You know your a bad lier right? I can tell in your eyes that you don't love me."

"I can see in your eyes that you love me though." He brings his face closer to mine. His lips meet mine. He kisses me with a lot of passion. His eyes are closed, yet mine is open. A few tears escape my eyes as he takes his lips off of mine.


"What? What's wrong." I pinch his arms tightly until he lets me go. I quickly stand up and go to leave to room. I quickly run out of the room, and run down the hallway. Taemin quickly catches up to me and grabs my wrist.

"What's wrong."

"How could you."

"How could i what?"


Sunny started laughing.

"Your first kiss was just now?" She said walking closer to me.

"Why does it matter to you." i said. Tears running down my face still.

"Sunny just leave us alone." Taemin pulls me in for a hug. I quickly get out of it though.

"Taemin. Why don't you just leave me alone." i said.

His eyes are shocked and confused, yet plead to me to play along with him.

"Nicole..." he said taking a step closer to. I take a step back and try to run down the hallway but he grabs my wrist and slams me against the wall.

"Please..." he whispers to me, tears rolling down my cheeks. 

"WOW." i sarcastically say. "Taemin, you may be a good actor with the fake tears and all, but acting and lying are two different things. I know you love me only as a friend, so please. PLEASE stop whatever game you are playing. You already went too far..."

Taemin pounds his fist on the wall next to my head. More tears start falling down my cheeks, and his.

" I. LOVE. YOU. AND SUNNY. I LOVE YOU MORE THOUGH NICOLE. why cant you believe me..." Taemin said while releasing my wrist.

"You want to hear the truth." I calmly say trying to calm him down.

"Iv'e loved you for 3 years now. THREE YEARS TAEMIN." i slide down the wall and sit down. My knees to my chest and i look at the wall in front of me as tears continue to slide down my face.

"Ever since i came to this school, i was treated differently. You were my only friend. My brother. I started to love you more and more the more we started hanging out. Then I found out you had a girlfriend. i wasn't upset. I did not want to ruin your relationship. For three years you looked at me as  a sister. I didn't mind though. As long as I could be a part of your life, I was happy. Now, with the same look on your face, the same look in your eyes, your going to tell me you love me. Your going to tell me in front of not only your GIRLFRIEND, but in front of the whole class. You know they would misunderstand. You know I hate being on the spot, in the middle of all the attention, yet you tell me right then and there. Do you how much I hated everyones eyes on me, the stares i got, the attention I had. It's not my style. then your GIRLFRIEND smacked me, and made me bleed. You know i can't stand blood." i looked up at Sunny who is now speechless and her face full of regret, sorrow, and anger. Taemin is sitting next to me, tears running down his face. I look back at the wall and continue.

"When you kissed me, it just didn't seem right. I didn't feel anything special. I felt upset actually. I felt like I was taking you away from your GIRLFRIEND. Yeah were close and all, but that's just too much, even if we treat each other as family.Your GIRLFRIEND did nothing unusual to me before today besides being upset about how close we are." I stand up and force sunny to sit next to Taemin. I sit facing them so we are in a triangle.

"  Look at what you caused Taemin. I know you love me. I mean were family, but you should have clarified things with at least your girlfriend. How am i going to explain this to Mom and Dad when we get home? They are probably going to ground you for a few months..

I notice Sunny looking confused. "Sunny. I'm sorry for everything. But I can't leave Taemin. I won't leave Taemin. Your right, Taemin is yours. He's your boyfriend. He can be your boyfriend. I'm perfectly fine with that." I look at Taemin and give him a nod. He began to speak to Sunny.

"Sunny. We have been going out for four years now.  Remember our first New years together? Valentines? April Fools?" He chuckled a little bit. " i remember our first April Fools a little too much. Remember when you pulled that prank on me? You wrote that letter saying you wanted to break up and you felt so sorry for me. It said I would be too late to catch you and you would already be dead. I noticed your shoes and a heart next to the window at you apartment. When i looked out your window, you were lying motionless on the ground 7 floors down. I quickly ran to you and hugged you. You started laughing at me and told me "April Fools". I was so scared that day."

I noticed Taemin and Sunny's faces are both filled with tears and they are looking at each other.

Taemin continued to speak. "This is what i call payback... Happy April Fools Day Sunny!"

Sunny looked up confused. Taemin and I both stood up. Taemin helped Sunny up. "Sunny, remember how i told you my parents adopted an American child but she went to the American tourist part of Seoul to study?"

Sunny nodded her head yes.

"Well, this is her. Nicole is my adopted sister."

"W-WHAT!!!!" Sunny said, shocked of the news.

"Yep. It's true." i said,

"b-But you said you loved him for three years, and he chose you over me, and he kissed you..."

"Well duh stupid" Taemin said hugging her. " Family is first. Then you.

"I lived with his Mom in the part of Korea where a lot of tourist are so i would feel like i fit in better being surrounded by my race and all. It was to make me feel normal." I said. "Three years ago, I found out my adoptive parents had a child. That's Taemin. Taemin lived with his dad, i lived with his mom. Three years ago, the whole family came back together as one. Taemin and I were strangers at first, but i started to love him more and more as a brother. We decided to keep us being siblings a secret though so that it wont draw us attention, because i hate having attention. I have to admit though, the hug did shock me. It was the first time he hugged me so yeah."

"The kiss thing was not real. We did Stage Kissing. You see, Nicole and I are both into acting so we decided to do this as payback for you." Taemin added on. He hugged Sunny tight and continued to talk to her. "You see, I will never leave you because i will always love you."

"Whose else was in on it?" Sunny asked. 

"The whole class." Jinki said. "Who ever got to ask Taemin the Would You Rather question had to ask that one to him."

"I'm sorry Nicole. For everything. Was the blood real?" Sunny said hugging me.

"Yeah. The slap thing was real and the blood, along with the fact that Taemin will get in trouble with our parents."

The whole class goes to the three of us and we all gather for a group hug.

"HAPPY APRIL FOOLS SUNNY!!!!" we all scream.

HEY GUYS!!! Sorry I could not update as soon as I wanted too. This fanfic was in honor of April Fools and i enjoyed writing it. i hope you enjoyed it! Please comment and tell me what you think. I'm still new to writing and i want to know if i could improve on anything.

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Lisasa #1
Chapter 1: Omg i was pretty made for sunny but nice ( i think ) pay back taemin!