Park Chanyeol

The Art of Magic

“MWO?!” Heeyoung exclaimed. With a sigh Kai grabbed Heeyoung's hand, making Luhan's pretty face scowl. Heeyoung rolled her eyes, this was so not the time to be getting jealous...not that she didn't like it.


“Let's go, I'll teleport us.” This time Heeyoung didn't mind holding Kai's hand, as long as she didn't have to hold Luhan's. OK, not the time for that either.


“Come on, Sehun,” she called, suddenly feeling annoyed and wanting to kick some unseelie . Instantly, he ran over and grabbed her outstretched hand, resulting in Luhan having to hold Sehun's and Kai's free hands.


“LUHHAAANNN HYUNG HELLLPPP!” Chen yelled at the top of his lungs, probably on a higher note than he could sing. Heeyoung turned to look in the direction of the distressed voice and her eyes widened at the sight of Chen being surrounded by a small group of people grinning deviously.

She looked around and saw Luhan helping a bunch of girls get away, Sehun was with Luhan and Kai looked obviously busy having a karate showdown with a person; Byun Baekhyun to be exact. She rolled her eyes and suddenly felt anger building up in her body.

'I swear, I'm going to kill you, Baekhyun...'

But now wasn't the time, Chen needed help. No one else was available. With a sigh she ran over to the group of people cornering the scared boy against the wall of Seelie Village.

'Come on, put 10 years of tae kwon do into use, Heeyoung,' she told herself, getting angrier with every unmanly scream that came out Chen's mouth. Adrenaline pulsing through her veins. 

Fearlessly, she ran up behind a short boy with dark eye circles, jumped slightly and kicked him in the back. His back bent unnaturally, causing him to fall to the floor while yelping in pain, making his attacker smile in satisfaction. 

The other boys -including the terrified Chen- froze, their eyes darting between the heroine and the almost-unconscious boy. One particularly freakishly tall boy with peculiar ears had a grin on his face as he eyed Heeyoung up and down. She narrowed her eyes and gave him a 'so not the time to be checking me out' look. Seeing her slightly off guard, another tall -hot- boy ran up to her, his fist aiming straight for her face! Thanks to her fast reflexes, she caught his wrist with enough strength to stop the punch and glared at him.


“Ever heard the phrase 'never punch a girl?” she asked, cocking her head and batting her eyelashes, pretending to act girly as she twisted his arm so it was in a position no human arm should ever be in. A sadistic smirk graced her lips as well as the fiery, dangerous 'I'll kill you' aura that was blazing around her, as the remaining 3 boys -and Chen- stared at her in shock, practically shaking fear. She didn't believe in fighting physically unless provoked and vowed only to use her master tae kwon do skills for self-defence, but for some reason she was buzzing with adrenaline and anger...besides they started it. After the second boy fell to the floor, the victorious girl looked up again and glared at the boys so strongly, one thought it was worse than being beaten up by her. When her gaze fell on one, she realized it was the student who'd tried to hurt her after she'd walked into the wrong classroom. Once again, she felt her blood pounding in her ears as anger coursed through her veins. The now-scared boy's eyes widened to the size of saucers as he noticed Heeyoung's hands slowly, yet threateningly closing into fists, making him gulp. Heeyoung could see his knees quivering, as if he was about to collapse and let out a small chuckle, sending a chill down his spine.

Soon, her eyes weren't focused on the remaining 3 anymore, but on a figure in the distance slowly walking towards them. He wore a handsome smirk on his equally handsome face, but Heeyoung could only glare at him as she felt her insides squeeze in disgust.


“Kitty's more like a tiger today,” he mused. Kyungsoo who'd almost died of fear turned to stare at his leader in admiration, it as a miracle that Baekhyun wasn't the least bit scared! But then the giant baby next to him had been laughing his head off next to him.


“Shut up,” she hissed, tightening her fists and gritting her teeth, trying to refrain from ripping his head off. Baekhyun's expression remained the same, it was Heeyoung's that changed. Her angry face changed to a look of surprise and worry. From behind him, Baekhyun had brought Sehun, who was gripped by the collar and looked as if he had no energy left in him. Without words, the smug looking man brought his hand closer to Sehun's head, a flickering fire sitting in his palm. The once triumphant girl's stomach squeezed in frustration when her dongsaeng's face became contorted with fear as the fire came nearer and nearer to his hair!


“Oh...poor Kitty, you can't do anything now...” Baekhyun teased. Without thinking, Heeyoung's hand moved by itself. Her hand extended in front of her, palm facing towards the flame and suddenly a huge ray of water shot out her hand...putting out Baekhyun's fire! Everyone around her became quite, even the once smug face of the unseelie leader had changed. The people around her had become shocked at sudden magic, but Baekhyun's had become expressionless, his eyes scanning her up and down with no hint of what he was thinking. Which was all the more frightening.


'You don't think that water beats fire all the time do you?' his words rang in her mind, sarcastic and mocking.


'If water didn't always put out that why everyone was so surprised? But it's common sense, right?' she thought to herself, eyebrows furrowing in frustration as she tried to figure out what was going on inside his complicated head. She was expecting him to say something to her, maybe make things easier for her to understand, but instead he silently let Sehun go and let his hands fall to his sides, turning into loose fists. Sehun and Chen immediately sprinted off, after shouting a loud thank you to Heeyoung, who didn't notice because she was too busy trying to analyze Baekhyun, whose eyes looked almost unfocused. No words were exchanged, not even the smallest clue as to what he was thinking. He his heel and motioned for everyone else to follow him.


'He's retreating?' But she knew it wasn't that simple, nothing Baekhyun said or did was simple, she'd figured that out. Today's attack wasn't merely because of seelie vs unseelie; she knew it. There was a deeper, more dangerous ulterior motive to what had just happened, but as usual he left no clue.


Her thoughts were interrupted...but weird laughing. Heeyoung's eyes narrowed as she looked in the direction of the sound. Her heart almost jumped out her chest when she saw the freakishly tall unseelie boy walking towards her, laughing his head off. The other had run away after shaking in fear, but he stayed and was now shaking for a completely different reason.


'Derp' she thought, eyeing him cautiously even though he'd now doubled over laughing and clutched his stomach. She looked around and noticed it was only the two of them alone in the otherwise empty field. 'What the hell? Is this just a way to distract me?'

Without another seconds hesitation, she hit him in the back of the neck using the side of her hand. He instantly froze and became silent, he moved his neck and looked up at her with rounded sad eyes. Heeyoung's mouth dropped open as tears started forming in the giant's eyes.


“Why did you do that?” he asked in low, whimpering voice, contrasting to his baby-face. “I was only laughing...”


“I-I-I...” She couldn't find any words to say and only stared back at him slightly apologetically. Then she mentally smacked herself. 'Get a grip, he's an unseelie.'

“Y-you tried to hurt my friend, how do I know you weren't only laughing to put me off, and then attack me?”


The boy pouted as he straightened up, now towering over Heeyoung like a skyscraper, she had to crane her neck upwards to look at him.


“Do I look like the type of person to do that?” he asked. If it was someone like Baekhyun saying that, he'd put as much sarcasm as he could into it and obviously have that ever-present smirk on his face as well...but the person in front of her had wide, innocent eyes, as if he was asking that seriously and didn't know he gave off that kind of impression. From a distance when he was surrounding Chen, he was so tall it looked almost menacing. Then she saw his face while he was laughing and wondered how a person like that could even hurt a fly...then when she heard his voice she realised she was a little too quick to judge him as the intimidating aura came back. And now...those naïve eyes were boring into her very soul.


“Just what are you trying to do!?” she demanded, balling her fists again. He noticed and only started laughing again. His eyes shone as he smiled, making him look like an innocent kid. Something in his laugh was infectious and Heeyoung felt a smile threatening to spread across her face.


“Ah, seriously why are you so uptight?” he asked. Before she could say anything else, the boy had come right up to her and used his fingers to lift the corner of her lips into a 'smile'. Heeyoung's eyes widened at his sudden proximity and grabbed his hands in the blink of an eyes, digging her nails in as she glared at him. He started blinking fast due to the pain.


“Y-yah!” he said, tears threatening to fall again. She let go when realization hit her that he didn't do the action out of evil, he was only trying to make her smile. Heeyoung immediately felt guilt wash over her and her gaze fell to the ground.


“Mianhae,” she mumbled. “I thought-”


“I won't hurt you,” he cut her off, making her look up, into his sincere eyes. He was smiling again. “Just because I'm an unseelie, doesn't mean I'm a bad person...and just because we don't belong to the same court, doesn't mean we can't be friends!”


“Y-you want to be my friend?” she asked in disbelief. He nodded enthusiastically, his smile never faltering.


“The truth is, I wasn't going to hurt your friend of anyone...even if Baekhun gave me orders to, I'm not that kind of person...”

Heeyoung was completely taken aback by his confession.

'Even if Baekhyun gave him orders...he wouldn't hurt anyone?'


“Hi, my name's Park Chanyeol, will you be my friend?” he asked childishly, extending his hand and offering a smile. She examined him up and down before taking one last look at his sincere eyes.

'If he's messing with you, you could always kill him later...' she thought, before slipping her hand into his. 


“I'm Kim Heeyoung,” she said, returning his smile.


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ok i missed out a chapter wth? it was an important one too!!


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rasyajung #1
Chapter 14: Helo new reader here! Good story I guess(?) But really, the story was GOOD.
rasyajung #2
Chapter 14: Helo new reader here! Good story I guess(?) But really, the story was GOOD.
greasydeer #3
New reader! Wow I found this story and I think this is interesting. Well, this kind of story is actually one of my favorites. Haha please update soon author-nim!
I just read this story until chapter 14 and it's really good and interesting. Please update soon.
Chapter 2: I find it a little funny that Baekhyun is in the Unseelie court, when is power is light, though you did add fire for him. I can't wait to see what you do with this, because books on the Fay are my favorite.
Chapter 1: UPDATE!~~~