The Queen

The Art of Magic

Heeyoung walked along the bookshelves, running her finger along each book while staring at them in awe. Never before had she seen such beautiful and intricate looking books before.


'Ah...Don't judge a book by it's cover,' she said to herself. But she couldn't help it. Her history books looked so dull and boring back on earth, but on EXO they were completely something else. She craned her neck up so she could fully take in the largeness of the shelves. They reached all the way up to the ceiling! She froze and narrowed her eyes, homing in on a particular book that caught her eyes, even though it was up on one of the last shelves.

The book glimmered as the sunlight hit it. It was a rich, gold colour and tiny little vine-like details ran over the spine. It was as if it was calling her name.

Looking around, she saw Luhan and Kai were busy examining other books, she didn't want to disturb them. With a pout, she scanned the bookshelves again, and her eyes literally lit up when she saw a long ladder, high enough so she could even get to the very top shelf. With a smile, she approached the ladder and steadily climbed up it. She didn't know how far up she'd gone, her eyes were only glued to the book.


“Y-yah! Heeyoung, be careful!” Luhan's concerned voice yelled. Considering how worried he sounded, she guessed she was probably quite high up. She wasn't scared of height, in fact she loved being up high, she just didn't like the idea of falling from high, unstable places so she spared herself the possible fear and didn't look down.


She finally reached the book and stretched out her hand, it was a little out of her reach. Desperately, she moved right to the edge of the ladder until the book was in her grasp. As soon as her hand made contact with the book, she felt as if a surge of electricity had coursed through her body, and she never felt more powerful. With a smile she brought the book towards her, but she felt herself wobbling. Then before she could register what was going on; she was falling.

In a desperate urge to keep the book safe, she clutched it in her hands and hugged it close to her chest and shut her eyes.

She seemed to have been falling for ages. Meekly, she opened her eyes, only to meet the concerned gaze of Luhan! She looked around her and her eyes widened when she realised that she'd fallen but was caught by Luhan, and she was now wrapped safely in his embrace.


“Gwaenchana?” he asked, clearly worried. She nodded and cleared in embarrassment before scrambling out his arms.


“Yah! That's why you shouldn't go up that high!” Kai yelled, coming up to her and looking at her with eyes mixed with anger and concern. Heeyoung tilted her head down and muttered an apology. Her eyes then traveled to the book wrapped safely in her hands and she smiled in relief.




Silently staring at the book while she sat down on the desk, Heeyoung felt intrigued. On the front cover it was the symbol of EXO planet that she had seen so often. And it was surrounded by the symbols of the 4 elements. Fire. Water. Air. Earth.

With a shaking hand, she opened up the book. Luhan and Kai, who were sitting next to her also looked interested.


The page she opened it on had intricate, curly writing:


The powers of the people of EXO are ruled by the 4 elements: water, earth and fire. The powers children are born with depend on which court they belong to. Unseelies tend to posses Fire and Earth and Seelies are more likely to have water or air. Powers such as teleporting, flight or time control can be a power obtained as well, these are known as the powers of the 5th element; the mind and spirit. It is also more probable that Seelies be born during Summer or Spring while Unseelies will be born during Winter or Autumn.


'So that's why they freaked out when I told them I was born during Winter's solstice...'


She skipped some pages again and landed on a more interesting topic.


Connections between Earth and EXO planet


Faeires, in the time when the courts used to alternate depending on the seasons, would play tricks and mess around with humans.


'Already knew that,' she thought to herself, quickly skimming to the next sub-heading.




Faeries would sometimes steal a human child from Earth and leave their own faery child in it's place. The reasons would be because their faery child was sick or ugly and they desired a healthier or more beautiful human child to raise. Or they could simply have wanted to play a trick on them. Or to give their children a better upbringing on Earth, acting like a human. The exchanged faery child would carry on pretending to be a human, they can choose to return to EXO or they could even forget that they are a faery and live the rest of their lives on Earth, the stolen human lives with the faery parents either way. To this day, only ¼ of people on EXO have powers, while the rest are powerless, because of the amount of changelings. Changelings left on Earth may never come across their powers in later life because Earth doesn't have the proper atmosphere to nurture the growing powers inside their bodies. If a changeling does acquire their power on Earth, they will be brought back to EXO planet, though the chance is rare and little to none changelings are brought back.


'That's sad...' she thought with a pout, a surge of questions and thoughts filling her brain. She looked behind her and saw Luhan and Kai as deeply engrossed in the book as she was.


“Didn't you guys know that already?” she asked, a smile of amusement playing on her lips.


“Of course, these are the basics we were taught since we were merely babies...” Kai said, straightening up and trying to act as if he wasn't that interested. Her smile slowly faded and she looked down at the book again.


“I never knew that only a few people have powers...” she muttered, resting her head in her hands. Then a sigh tumbled from her lips. “Was I a changeling?”

Her question lingered in the air as neither of the boys said anything. Luhan solemnly exchanged glances with Kai.

She had powers -strong ones- no one could doubt that. But where they came from and how they managed to develop in a place such as Earth bewildered even Mr. Lee.


“S-someone in your family could have been a changeling. Usually powers don't get passed's very rare.”

She knew Luhan was trying to help, but even thought his voice seemed so utterly sincere, she just couldn't believe those words. With a sigh of defeat, she shut the book bitterly. She'd never quite known how to take in bad news, though this wasn't being directly told to her, something inside told her she'd been shipped from EXO to Earth by her faery mother. There was no other explanation.

'I'm probably one of those 'rare cases' who forgot their true identity and had to wait until their powers developed to be brought back and shown the real me...'



“Hey, we should get back to class,” Kai said, his eyes looking at her with slight worry, even though he wouldn't admit it. Heeyoung nodded blankly as she got out her chair.


As she got out her seat, being the klutz she was, her hand knocked again the book and fell to the ground.


“Whoops,” she muttered, bending down to pick up the book. Her hands stopped in mid-air and her eyebrows furrowed together. She saw the page the book had opened on and stared at the hauntingly familiar picture in front of her.


It was a picture of the most beautiful woman she'd ever seen. She wore a flowing green dress embroidered with pink flowers. Her brown eyes and al of her beautiful features had a gentle and kind feeling to them, and her pitch black hair was tied up in a loose bun and the top of her head was graced with a beautiful golden crown, adorned with rubies.


“Who is she?” she asked Luhan, completely breath taken. As she stared at the beautiful woman, a chill ran down her spine when she realized how familiar she looked.


“It's a painting of the late seelie queen.”


A/N- YAY! Interesting chapter ^^ Double update! I think I'm getting better at updating :3 

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ok i missed out a chapter wth? it was an important one too!!


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rasyajung #1
Chapter 14: Helo new reader here! Good story I guess(?) But really, the story was GOOD.
rasyajung #2
Chapter 14: Helo new reader here! Good story I guess(?) But really, the story was GOOD.
greasydeer #3
New reader! Wow I found this story and I think this is interesting. Well, this kind of story is actually one of my favorites. Haha please update soon author-nim!
I just read this story until chapter 14 and it's really good and interesting. Please update soon.
Chapter 2: I find it a little funny that Baekhyun is in the Unseelie court, when is power is light, though you did add fire for him. I can't wait to see what you do with this, because books on the Fay are my favorite.
Chapter 1: UPDATE!~~~