The accident.

Choosing sides


“Hurry unnie!!” Seohyun shouted as she ran through the hallway of Music Core backstage, “we’re late! We’re late!”


“Last one in the room is a rotten egg!!” Tiffany laughed and yelled at the same time, causing a lot of heads to turn at their direction. Taeyeon walked casually behind her two dongsaengs and bowed while apologizing for Tiffan’s and Seohyun’s loud commotion, “I’m sorry…I’m sorry,” she continued as she strolled down the cluttered hallway of people.


Just as Taeyeon passed a certain door, the door opened and a familiar guy walked out, “Noona,” the voiced excitedly called. Taeyeon stopped in her tracks and spun around to face one of her same company dongsaengs, “Hey~,” Taeyeon strolled her way up to her dongsaeng and peeped into the room behind him, “Getting ready for your comeback stage?” she asked and he nodded.


“Yeah, we just got done rehearsing but now we’re waiting for the show to start,” he answered her, eyeing Taeyeon’s outfit from head to toe, “did you guys…”


“We’re running a little bit behind schedule,” Taeyeon answered him instead of allowing him to finish his sentence, “if that’s what you were going to ask.”


“Uh…yeah I was just about to ask you that,” he answered her with a chuckle, “but noona looks great in that outfit though,” he complimented Taeyeon. Taeyeon blushed a little and giggled, “Thank you.”


“Hey,” came a different voice from behind her dongsaeng, “oh hey Taeyeon noona,” the boy greeted her with a nod of her head. Taeyeon smiled hugely back at him and bowed back, “Hey to you too Baekhyun,” she replied.


“Come on, I thought we were supposed to grab some drinks for the other guys,” Baekhyun said and smacked Suho on the arm. Suho turned his head a little to the side and gave Baekhyun a nod, “Right,” he then spun back around to face Taeyeon, “well…I guess we have to go now…and good luck with the recording.”


“Thank you Joonmyeon,” Taeyeon patted Suho on the arm and gave him a thumbs up, “good luck with the comeback stage.”


Suho blushed from Taeyeon’s words and nods, “Thanks noona.”


“Come on, quit blushing and let’s get going,” Baekhyun grabbed Suho by the left wrist and yanked the older man out of the room, causing him to stumble over his feet for a couple of steps before regaining his posture. Taeyeon shook her head at the two boys before entering the room, “Hey guys,” she called, catching the attention of the other 10 boys currently in the small and crowded room.


“Taeyeon sunbaenim,” Kris stood up from his seat and ordered for the rest to follow him. They all stood up from their seat and gave her a bow.


“Wow, so much in sync,” Taeyeon complimented and clapped her hands at the same time, “I just came in here to check on how you guys are doing.”


“We’re doing good but a little nervous,” Kris answered, rubbing his stomach and tried to get rid of the butterflies. Taeyeon laughed at his comment, “I know how you guys feel, whenever we have a comeback, my girls and I still always get that nervous feeling before going on stage but don’t worry so much, once you’re on stage everything will run smoothly.”


“Thank you for the kind words Taeyeon sunbaenim,” Kris replied with a bow.


“No problem Kris,” Taeyeon answered him and stepped up to them then stuck out her hand, “Let’s say ‘EXO fighting’,” she enthusiastically said. The rest of the boys gave a laugh before following Taeyeon.




“Where are you going Youngjae?” Yongguk asked, sitting in his chair while playing a game on his phone.


“I’m a bit thirsty,” Youngjae replied to his leader, “so I’m going to go get a drink from the vending machine, you guys want anything?” he asked, grabbing his wallet from his makeup table.


“Water is fine with me,” Daehyun called from across the room.


“I’m good,” Himchan answered.


“Give me something delicious to drink hyung,” Zelo chimed in.


“Water for me as well,” Jongup piped in.


“What about you hyung?” Youngjae asked, facing Yongguk. Yongguk paused his phone and stood up from his chair, “I’ll go with you because if I tell you what I wanted from the machine, you won’t be able to get the correct one,” he grabbed his wallet from the counter behind him and walked up to Youngjae to sling an arm around the younger one’s shoulders, “lets go?”


“Yeah,” Youngjae answered and the two left their waiting room.




“Alright then, I’ll be going now because I’m sure Seohyun and Tiffany are worried where I’m at,” Taeyeon got up from her seat and bowed to her dongsaengs before leaving. She exited EXO’s waiting room and turned to her right side to continue on her way when she accidentally bumped into someone, “Ouch,” Taeyeon yelped and fell on her .


“Are you okay? I’m so sorry,” the person whom Taeyeon had bumped into quickly ran up to her and crouched down, “Are you hurt?” he asked. Taeyeon cracked open her eyes and glanced up a the person who she had bumped into seconds ago, “I’m fine,” she answered him with a  smile.


“Youngjae,” Yongguk called from behind the blonde and ran up to him, “What happened?” he asked, his eyes falling down on Taeyeon, “Taeyeon sunbaenim,” he squeaked a bit, “here let me help you,” Yongguk quickly got down and helped Taeyeon to get on her feet, “are you okay?” he asked. Taeyeon gave the two a chuckle before dusting off her outfit, “I’m fine, it was an accident,” she answered Yongguk then turned to face Youngjae, “are you okay though?” she asked him.


“Huh? M…me?” Youngjae stuttered and pointed to himself, “Oh…um yeah I’m fine Taeyeon sunbae,” he answered her.


“Good,” Taeyeon replied, “I’m sorry for not looking where I was going.”


“No it was my fault too,” Youngjae said.


Taeyeon nodded her head a few times before giving the two boys a bow, “Well I have to get going now and good luck with your guys’ performance tonight,” she said then walked off. Yongguk turned around to watch Taeyeon disappear around the corner while Youngjae noticed a wallet lying on the ground, “Ah, Taeyeon sunbae dropped her wallet,” Youngjae said loudly and picked it up.


“What?” Yongguk asked, turning around to face Youngjae.


“Nothing,” Youngjae answered and stuffed the wallet into his pants pocket, “let’s go get the drinks,” he said and walked off. 


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exotaeng9 #1
Chapter 1: update.....
TaeyeonKim97 #2
Chapter 1: Tae and zelo is the best .___. Taeyeon for zeloo pleasee :3
kahina #3
Chapter 1: kristaeguk!!!!!! s*** gooot reaaaaaaaallll; it would be awsome if u make it a love story between tae kris and yongguk
i love all the characters!! hwaiting
Chapter 1: OMO.!!!! I love it when all the boys fighting for Taeyeon's love.!
Ahahahahahahahahah..! I'm pathetic, right?
This story is daebak.!

Update soon , author-nim.! :D