Hurry Back

What I Did While You Were Gone

It was finally Saturday and you don’t intend on doing anything. You slept in which was something you rarely got to do. You made your way into the kitchen sluggishly, running your fingers through your bed head. You turn on the coffee maker and head to the fridge, taking out the fruit salad you had made the night before. Taking your breakfast and steaming cup of black coffee you settle on the couch in the living room in front of the tv. You turn it on and resume the movie you had started last night. During a particularly romantic scene you suddenly remember that today is your three year anniversary with your boyfriend Niel. You may be the girl but you forgot important dates occasionally too, even though he seldom does. Unfortunately he is out of town for work so the two of you will have to celebrate next week when he returns. You decide you should at least shoot him a text since he’s probably to busy for a phone call. You pause the movie and walk back to your bedroom. You find your phone charging on the nightstand by your bed. You pick it up and find that he had already messaged you. You read the message and smile getting a little giddy.
Good morning baby girl. Happy anniversary! I love you. I promise we’ll do something special when I get back. Call me when you can J

You dial his number and almost instantly hear his sweet voice greeting you.
“Hey sweetie, how are you?” he asks
“I’m great. I miss you.” you frown a bit to yourself
“I know, I’m sorry ____ I really wish I was there”
“It’s alright, you had to go. Just come back as soon as you can”
“I promise I’ll be back as early as I possible and I’ll make it up to you, ok?”
“You better” you pout
“Don’t be sad babe. I’ll call you again before you go to bed alright?”
“Do you have to go already?”
“Yea, sorry, we have a lot to get done here. Have a good day. I love you.”
“I love you, too. Don’t work yourself to hard.”
“I have to so I can come back to you” he chuckles
“Maybe work just a little hard then”
“Ok. Take care of yourself for me.”
“I will. Bye Niel”
“Bye baby” he hangs up.
A bit sad now, you decide to get dressed and go for a walk. You put on a light blue top and your favorite black skinny jeans. You slip on a pair of shiny black boots that go up your calf a little and push your pant legs over them. You grab your bag and head out the door. You take in the fresh air and the comforting warmth from the sun. you sigh and start walking. You stop in a little shop you’ve visited with Niel several times, hoping to find something to give him when he gets back. You make your way slowly through the shop waiting for something catch your eye. You spot a red soccer jersey and seem to recall it belonging to his favorite player. You grab it and take it up to the register. After buying the gift you head to the music store a few blocks down. You know Niel will go all out for you so you want to get him a few things. Niel really likes foreign groups so you immediately walk to the back of the store where they keep the merchandise from other countries. As you browse through the racks of cds your phone vibrates in your pocket. You take it out and read the message from your boyfriend.
What are you up to beautiful?
You tell him that you’re spending the day in town and want to find some new clothes, which you plan to do after you get his gifts.
I can’t wait to see what you pick. How long are you gonna be out?
You tell him you want to get some shopping done so you’ll be out into the evening.
Well have fun. I can’t wait to see you!
You tell him you’re eager as well. Putting your phone back in your pocket you pick up a cd you think he’ll like and pay for it. You walk up and down the street for a while checking out a few more stores and enjoying the local group playing music on the street corner. You spy a cart selling ice cream and get a scoop of strawberry before settling in front of the performers, enjoying the music as you savor your treat. When you finish you head to one more shop to find a new top. After searching the racks with no success, you decide to head home. It’s starting to get dark as you walk down the street back to your and Niel’s house. When you reach the door it’s already unlocked. You panic a little wondering how you forgot to lock it. You open the door and are hit suddenly by the smell of food cooking. It smells delicious. You take your shoes off and walk into the kitchen. It’s a mess but no one is in it. You wonder if your mother stopped by. You make your way to the bedroom and open the door. Your mouth drops a little when you see candles lit and a beaming man sitting on the bed holding a bouquet of flowers.
“Happy anniversary” Niel grins and walks toward you, holding out the flowers to you. You take them, still surprised.
“I thought you weren’t coming back till next week!”
“I couldn’t miss this!” he says as he pulls you into his arms and kisses you.
You hug him tightly, overjoyed that he was able to come back so early
“I hope you’re hungry” he says “I made you dinner”
You smile up at him and he leads you into the dinning room. The table is set and there are more candles lit on the table. He gestures to your seat and you sit down.
“I’ll be right back” he goes into the kitchen.
You stare down at the black box sitting on your empty plate. Niel comes back with a sizzling pan and sets in on the table. “Help yourself” he says. When you don’t move he looks at you starring at the sparkling contents of the little box. He smiles. “Is this…” you trail off. He gently takes the box from your hands and kneels beside you.
“____ I love you very much and I always want to come home to you after a long business trip. You make me so happy and I hope I can make you just as happy. Will you marry me?”
You look at him at him for a moment in shock “Niel..” not knowing what else to say you lean down and kiss him, wrapping your arms around his neck. You feel him grin as he kisses you back and slides the ring on your finger. With the shimmering band around your finger and unbreakable smiles on both of your faces, you dig into the delicious meal Niel prepared.
“I love you” he says, taking your hand
You look up from your food “I love you too” you lean over and kiss him.
You stare at him as he takes a drink, rubbing your hand lovingly with his thumb. This is definitely something you want for the rest of your life.

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janale6 #1
Chapter 1: sweet niel :3