I Loathe You With All My Heart


I love you.

I love you so much that it hurts.

I love you so much that my love for you has turned into a strong form of hate, I loathe you.


It suddenly came to me. An eli kiseop story. im not sure if anyones done on of these but hey i want to give this pairing a try and i hope you readers have a good mind and stay open minded to this pairing.

i never thought to use them before but hey i can see it happening.


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MeLart #1
You know who this is I hope. I decided to read it and I think that it is starting off strong,but now all you need is to keep this running strong. Even if it is -ish in your vision or others I hope you know is that all you have to do is ask and we the readers will be happy to give you helpful hints. Don't worry about how long it take you to update that just makes the wait all the more sweeter. HWAITING!!!!<br />
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DBSKforelove33666 on MeLart's account <br />
seems interesting :DD Please update soon <33
gonenuts4strbux #3
omg. elseop. <br />
pleaseeeeeeeeeeee update! my OTP also :3
orcumGod #4
I can see this happening too, they are my OTP so pls update soon