Feedback (part 2)

Thank you and I love you

Miako’s POV


I was trying not to cry when someone knock my door.

First thing come to my mind.


What is he going to say? I kept thinking about what he will say about the feedback. But the most important thing is, does he even know that the entertainment company I audition is not even in America? Does he know that the company was from Korea?

If he knows it’s from Korea, I doubt he will give permission. Sigh.

I walk to the door and open it while I keep my head down.

It strange but why the slippers are pink? AH its my mom slippers and I straighten my head up and saw my mom and…. Dad behind her.

Mom smiled and dad go inside my room as he look around all over my room. He even look closely to all of posters.

“Who are they?”, he ask as he look at me.

“They are idol group in korea, dad. I like them very much”, I try to smile.

My dad nodded and keep looking to their faces and look at every detail from the every posters. I follow behind him to answer every time he ask about them.

“Well I heard what happen today”

Woah okay he heard it.

“And well I was surprise about it”

He surprise? The thing I remember is you never surprise at everything I do that have to do with my hobby

“I mean look at your posters”

What about them dad?

I look at my posters and look to my dad with my confuse look.

“They are singers. Not just dance act or something”

Oh okay now you going to say that I can’t sing. Oh great.

“Well yeah I know you can sing, but Maiko”

….did he just say that he know I can sing? I’m surprise that he actually admitting something about me

“Are you ready for all this?”, my mom suddenly join the conversation.

“Hm yeah of course. I’ll work very hard to achieve what I’ve been wanting to do all my life”, I look at dad and he seems like he’s thinking about what I said.

“I’ll think about it then, since I can see that you really wanted this. Okay then, don’t sleep to late, I know it’s holiday but sleep late won’t get you any good, ok?”, as he tap my head and go out of my room.

“Good night sweetie”, my mom kiss my head and follow dad and closes my door.

Wow I can’t believe what has just happen. Am I dreaming? Is he actually going to think about it? Is he saying that he is going to think about it rather to say no without any thinking?

I smile and laugh at my self. Way to go mom. Thanks for you help mom.

I hug my half body size teddy bear and fall asleep.



Mom’s POV

“You see dear, she really have talent. You never give her a chance. Maybe you should see that her hobby is really her talent”, I said.

He looked at me while he put down his cup of coffee.

“Well, I..”

“Dear, don’t you remember you were a great dancer back then? I first met you in that dance competition. And we became closer because we were the top 5 finalist and you won the competition. Don’t you remember all of that? If we weren’t going for that dance competition, we won’t be able to meet and got closer and married and now we have a beautiful daughter”

He looked at me with a amazing look and sigh.

“Dear, you see, Maiko is having her talented because of you. And she doesn’t even know you can dance. She got it all from you”, I try to convince him.

“It’s been a long time. I didn’t think you would pick this up”, he said with a sad face.

“Is there anything you want to tell me?”, I said and still massage his leg.

He start to think. I think his mind gazing some where else.

“My dad. Dad also didn’t like that I dance”

I was shock and pause for a bit and look at his face.

“Hm I never told you about his because I didn’t want you to know about it. Well I had a fight with him every day when I want to go practice dancing. Then I decided to run away from home because I didn’t want anyone to distract what I want to do and focus on”

“Dad?”, I ask him with a confuse face.

“Yeah, he doesn’t want me to dance. He want me to be like him. He wanted me to go to business school and run the company after him. I was not ready for all that. Dancing were all I wanted. But I was selfish and always think about what I wanted to do”

I can feel that he was going to cry talking about that. I pat his shoulder while holding his hands and try to comfort him.

“I run away and didn’t want to go home, I beat up my body guard and send him away to leave me alone. I was wrong. From that moment dad never look for me anymore and I don’t even care”

“Dear”, I said to stop him because he seems like he is going to hard breathing.

“My dad was sick. He was sick because of me. He was sick because I don’t care about him. Now I hate seeing my own daughter act like me. I don’t want him to be like me.”

H e starts crying and I hugged him tightly. I wipe his tears.

“Dear, maybe now you should give her a chance. So both of you could actually get along well. You both have many things in common but you haven’t figure it out yet”

He smiles and hold my hand tightly.

“Hm well”, he clears his throat as he wipe his tears and come back with his serious face as if nothing has happen. I giggle and hold hands.

“Well, I think you should tell her. Give her a chance.”, I sad courage him to talk to Maiko him self.

He suddenly stands up and walk to the stairs. I followed him up to Maiko’s room.

Maiko open the door and I got in first and He followed behind me and start looking to all of the posters.

“Who are they?”, he says and I giggled because of the awkward voice he’s given to Maiko.




Maiko’s POV

“What?????”. I said and my eyes gotten bigger and bigger as if I can’t believe what I was hearing from my dad.

I just woke up Monday morning and I already on a long holiday but something wake me up early today and I go down stairs and see my dad is still in the dining table.

Dad drinks his coffee and read the newspaper.

“You know what you heard. Don’t ask me again”, he said behind his newspaper.

I feel like I was going to hug my dad. But then something was just so awkward about that so instead I come closer and kiss my dad’s cheeks.

“Thanks Dad. I…I am really happy. Thank you that you believe in me.”

He look at me and smiled.

“I’ll take care of you passport and stuff. You just need to get ready and pack your stuff okay? I’ll send a body guard to look after you when you arrive there, ok?

I still can believe what dad was saying.

So I look at my mom. She is smiling at me and I can see that she whisper “see?”

I run off to my room and start packing up my stuff.

After I put everything I needed, I look to my posters and I decided to bring one with me instead to leave all of them here, since no one is going to enjoy seeing it now that I’m not here. I take off the biggest one and roll it up and put it inside my suitcase. 

Ok that will do it.

So here I am ready for this new adventures.

I am totally ready~

I jump up and down in my bed.

"Dear, dad say..", mom stop talking as she saw me jumping up and down.

"Oh hehe, what?" I stopped and blush.

"Dad say you need to go to the imigration tomorrow okay?", mom smiled and out of my room.



Short chapter

I still haven't reveal who's in the poster?

Who do you think it is?

Shinee or 2PM?

Haha keep guessing and I'll reveal it soon!

Take care~

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awwwwwwww.....Finally key is seeing another side of her!!!<br />
i want to have a special fan day with Key!!<br />
lol...<br />
update soon please
awww!!! Key why cant the person that will be sad be you!!!!<br />
awwwww. poor onew! but key should be the one for her!!!<br />
update soon please
yews yes yes yes yes!!!<br />
hahahahah you go Key!!!<br />
thats more like it!!<br />
hahahahahahahaah He took her away!!!<br />
lalalalalalalalala<br />
update soon please
NOOOOOO!!!<br />
jay CAN NOT tell her that he likes her!!!<br />
Key-ah you got to see her more than just a fan and a girl who's beduting!!!<br />
update soon please
i vote KEY<br />
update soon please!!!!
awww i really hope she doesnt fall for jay and jay doesnt fall for her!!!<br />
"update soon please
awwwww.....<br />
poor key just dont understand her!!<br />
lol...<br />
update soon please
stupid key man!!<br />
he keeps making her feel like nothing!!!!<br />
update soon please
ahhh!! man key your soo stupid man!!<br />
hahaha Aww she spend time with Jay!!<br />
update soon please
key shouldnt be ignoring her like that!!<br />
or she'll be a Onew Fan!!!<br />
update soon please