I'll crush you

Always by my side


Ryeowook keeped me in his arms until we heared the Dorm door open and many people shouting, knowing they were our members. We slowly let each other go.

“I think we should explain“ Ryeowook began.

“Huh?” I asked not knowing what to explain.

“Well, Kyuhyun is lying unconscious on the Balcony. We should explain what happened”

“Oh, yeah, we should” I said wanting to stand up but Ryeowook held me down.

“You wait here. I'll tell them a lie and come quickly back here, ok?”

“Uhm, but shouldn't I help you. I'm your hyung and so I should...” I got cut of by Ryeowook.

“No, It's okay. I'll eyplain to them. You wait here, alright?”

“Alright” I said giving up the argument. Ryeowook left the room and I started looking around me. His Bed was one sized and his blanked and pillow had black and white stripes. I looked around more until I heared a light sound from Yesungs side of the room. I looked at the corner from where the sound came and saw Yesungs turtle. I got up from the Bed and kneed in front of it with my arms around my legs and chin rested on my knees.

“You sure have a easy life, the whole day playing and not caring about love or other emotions.” I said while looking at the turtle doing nothing.

“Yesung is right. You are boring. Don't you know that you'e boring? How about walking faster? I mean, crawling?” I scouled but then I noticed.

“Wait, why am I talking to a turtle? Ah..., stupid Idiot, idiot!” I scould now myself and hit myself as I heared a laughter from behind. I turned around and saw Ryeowook standing in the door.

“What are you doing?” He said not stopping laughting. I turned red like a tomato from embarrassment.

“Nothing! More important, what did you tell the member?” I asked not daring to look at him.

“I said Kyuhyun played games, got too excited and hit his Head while running around. With Kyuhyuns love for games everyone believed me.” He said not laughting anymore.

“Is that so? Then It's good.” I sighed in relieve.

“Yeah, let's go out. I told them you are in my room and I'm getting you and come back quickly.” he grabbed my wrist gently and started walking to the door. I followed him until we were in the living room. Everyone sat on the couch expect Siwon. He was still at the filming set for his movie. As the members saw us they all looked at me and said simply 'Hi'. Leeteuk had Kyuhyun in his arms and tried to wake him up shaking him gently.

“Kyuhyun-ah. Wake up. Come on, It's not sleeping time yet.” Leeteuk said as he began to shake him roughter. Then Eunhyuk stood up and slapped Kyuhyun across the face.

“YAH” What do you think you're doing?” Leeteuk screamed caressign the maknaes now red cheek. Then Kyuhyun began to twitch his Eyebrows. Everyones attention got on Kyuhyun and not to Leeteuk and Eunhyuk who were nearly killing each other.

“Mmhh...” Kyuhyun slowly opened his eyes. Everyone was relieved the maknae woke up but I couldn't help but get a little scared.

'What If he tells them the truth about his bruise? What If he does something again? No, I don't want that.' I thought and hide myself behind Ryeowook while pulling on his shirt. Ryeowook turned to me, caressed my hands and smiled gently.

“It's ok. He won't lay hands on you again. I promise!” He said and I let go of his shirt.

“Yah! What are you two doing there? Come over here.” Yesung said making us look in front of us. Kyuhyun got up from lying to sitting on the couch and hold a hand on his cheek. He touched his bruise, looked up and noticed Ryeowook and me. He got anger in his eyes until Leeteuk called him making him look away from us.

“Hey, are you alright now? I heared you got to engrossed in your games and hurt yourself.” The Leader told him and Kyuhyun looked at him in confuse.


“Well, Ryeowook said so.” Leeteuk said now pointing at us. Kyuhyun blinked a few times and smirked, I got a shiver from the way he smirked.

“Yeah, I tripped over my own feet. I'm really clumpsy.” He smiled and looked at me.

“Sungmin-ah. I want to talk to you. Can you follow me?” I got scared and hold Ryeowooks hand. Ryeowook hold my hand in his and replied Kyuhyun instead of me.

“I don't think he wants to talk to you.” Kyuhyun glared at Ryeowook and wandered his eyes down to our holding Hand. He glared angrier and said calmly.

“Well, you can come too if you want?” Ryeowook and I exchanged looks and I nodded. I will clear everything and with Ryeowook by my side nothing can happen.

“Okay, then let's go.” Kyuhyun went ahead and we followed.

“Let's go to our room, Sungmin-ah.” He said. Shortly before our room, Kyuhyun grabbed my wrist and pulled me into Eunhyuks room. Before I could protest he had already shoven me inside and locked the door. I heared Ryeowook slam against the door from outside as Kyuhyun pushed me against the wall next to the Door. I yelped in pain and Kyuhyun placed his arms next to my head trapping me.

“How dare you knock me out like this.” Kyuhyun said glaring at me. Before I could respons he punched me across the face. I sank to the ground while holding my cheek where he punched me.

“You . Right after dumping me you go to Ryeowook and let him you!?” He said and I could see tears form in his eyes while I could feel myself getting teary.

“No, you're wrong. I don't sleep with Ryeowook. We are just Friends and he saved me from YOU!” I said with shaking voice but shouting the last word. Now tears bagan rolling down my cheeks remembering everything. Kyuhyun stared at me in disbelieve.

“Saving you? So it was Ryeowook who punched me?” He said and I wided my eyes.

'! I said too much! Why can't I just shut my mouth!?' I slapped myself mentally. Kyuhyun looked at me interpreting my silence as a yes. He smirked and began laughing what surprised me.

'Why is he laughing? Has he gone insane?' I frowned. Kyuhyun said amused.

“The angel-like Ryeowook punched me, huh? That's a surprise. Now, what should I do to him? Maybe making him bleed would be a good beginning.” I wided my eyes.

'Making him bleed? No, I can't get Ryeowook hurt just because he helped me. I need to do something!” I thought to myself with determination. I got up from the ground what surprised Kyuhyun. I looked him in the eyes a long time before taking a big Breath and beginning talking.

“You can't hurt him. You can do whatever you want to me but don't hurt Ryeowook! Please.” I plead to him what seemed to surprise him even more. I hoped he would say yes. It didn't matter what he would do to me but I need to protect Ryeowook. He is inoccent and has nothing to do with all this. Kyuhyun smiled at me before a smirk creeped up his face making me shiver.

“He's precious to you, right?” He said rising and eyebrow. I nodded hoping he would understand but my hopes were crushed as his next words shocked me making my stopped tears roll again.

“If he's so precious to you, he needs to get crushed. I will make you regret dumping me and all the people that want to help you.” Kyuhyun took his arms away from my Head as I slid down on the ground again. He opened the Door and exited the room but not forgetting giving a smirk to Ryeowook who waited outside the whole time. As Kyuhyun was gone Ryeowook got into the room. He wided his eyes as he saw me crying on the floor and rushed to my side.

“Hyung, Hyung, are you alright?” He shook my shoulder lightly- I didn't respons because I was lost in thoughts.

'No, he will hurt him! No, please, no!' I screamed in my Head but snaped out of my thoughts as a soft Hand caressed ny cheek where Kyuhyun slapped me. A even softer voice made me relaxe at the touch.

“Hyung, are you alright? Does it hurt? Did he do something horrible to you again? Should I teach him a leasson?” As Ryeowook saw that I was crying harder now, he got it as a yes and wanted to get up to punch Kyuhyun but I held his wrist making him stay. He looked at me confused. My tears didn't stop. I sobbed hard but got a single short sentence out of my mouth making Ryeowook even more confused.

“I'm sorry.....”



Hello readers. This is my 3th Chapter. Hope you like it. I want to say that I intent to couple two other members than Minwook but I won't say who yet. Please look forward to it. Please command if you like the story so far. See you in a week.  Bye Bye~!!!!!


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wintertmm #1
Chapter 9: LOL sungmin sure is good at kissing and I just wonder how many members wookie dated won't they feel aukward with one another?
roya_elf-shawol #2
Chapter 8: omo sungmin is so funny n wookie so shy<3<3<3<3<3 it was so funny when min spoke his thoughts out and when wookie was angry at him n he chuckled. also the way wookie blushes is just so cute and i think he is one of the cutest members of sj. im really looking forward to the next chapter cuz i think the one who sungmin is going to have a schedule with is kyuhyunnie, right? what a pity!! poor sungmin... author thanks so much bcuz of this cute chap:-) update soon plz.
roya_elf-shawol #3
Chapter 7: wow it was amazing chapter hun! am so touched u congratulated my b day and introduced ur new fic to me<3<3 i'll start reading it chapter by chapter since tmorrow. that's the best gift to me n wookie babe~ thanks so much am speechless what can i say to a caring loyal friend like u dear?! it was a great chapter cuz i could imagine everything in my mind n it seems kyuhyun was the evil maknae from the first and min was a regular bunny from first everXD:-D
roya_elf-shawol #4
hope u update the next chapter as soon as possible<3btw i'm ur age(born in 1998), my birthday is a day before wookie's birthday.
roya_elf-shawol #5
u know both kyumin and minwook are so great together but i want minnie back to kyuhyun and love him:-D
Chapter 6: i know the feeling of not getting comments and it is bad in my opinion and yours too from how you expressed yourself... i like how you mange to put fluff and angst together and blend themm so easily cause it balances the story's feels! i also like how the plot is different from all others but mostly... i appreciate that this is minwook!!! i am so minwook deprived and you have no idea how happy i am i found this story :) so update soon ne author-nim~?
Kyu-Min #7
Chapter 4: Aww Minwook are kyute together~

Update soon! Fighting Author-nim~
Chapter 3: Oh my~
I never thougt that i'll read Minwook....but i really like it!
i was always an big KyuMin fan but Minwook is quiet cute too x3...
i can't wait to read more about it~
Kyu-Min #9
Chapter 2: I hope Wookie can protect Sungmin. Will this end in Minwook?
Also though I will always ship Kyumin, I don't want Kyu to end up with Min in this fanfic because of the way he treats him.

~Fighting Author-nim!!!~ Good story!