Chapter 1

How to Love Your Enemy

Jiyu's POV

"I can't believe, out of all people, it was you who has to share a house with me." I said. I rolled my eyes.

"Living with you isn't such a prize in my mind either, brat." said Kris. I clenched my fist, trying to hold in my anger.

"Whatever. I'm going to go take a shower..." I gritted my teeth, still mad and boiling inside. I stomped upstairs and got my pajamas, then making my way to the shower. I spent about 20 minutes in there, as I mummered things about Kris and how much of a jerk he was. Just as I was about to get changed, I noticed something.

"Oh, no! I forgot the pajama pants!" I thought. I opened the door just slightly to make sure the hallway was cleared. Then, I tip-toed my way to my room and snatched the pants off my bed.

"Thank, god." I thought as I sighed in relief. Just when I was about to walk out my bedroom, Kris opened the door and his eyes widened. I was wearing nothing but a towl around my body. 

"AH!" I yelled, as I tried to cover myself.

"U-uh, sorry! W-wrong bedroom!" Kris's face was totally red. He quickly slammed my door shut and walked into the room next to mine, which was his bedroom. 

"I guess he forgot which was his room..." I thought. When I heard his door close, I quickly opened my door and ran into the shower. Phew!


Kris's POV

I was sitting in my room, trying to process what just happened. That was so awkward. All of a sudden, I felt hungry. I walked downstairs and got into the kitchen. I noticed Jiyu there as well and this time, she was fully dressed. I glanced at her, then cleared my throat.

"You know, you should be more careful next time so the incident we had won't happen again." I said.

"Me?! You're the one who opened the door! Plus, it was my room!" she snapped. Jiyu had a point there. I knew she was right but I didn't want to admit that I was wrong.

"Whatever.." I walked over to the fridge and pulled out a drink. Then, I went to take a shower and brushed my teeth. I went to sleep and drifted off.


Jiyu's POV

My eyes slowly opened as I got out of bed and stretched my arms. Suddenly, my mom came in the room.

"Morning, sweetheart. Hurry and go get ready. It's time for school." she said.

"Okay, mom." I replied. I got myself ready and changed into my uniform, then walked out. I bumped into Kris.

"Ouch! Watch where you're going!" I yelled. I looked up and saw Kris. He was still not in his uniform and his hair was messy. It looked so attractive. His face is just perfect and-- snap out of it! I mentally slapped myself.

"You bumped into me. YOU should be the one who should watch where you're going." he said, in the middle of yawning.

"Yeah, yeah. Just hurry up and get ready for school. My dad's gonna drive us." I told him.

"Wait, what? I don't want people to bombard me and ask me why I came to school with you, in the same car!" Kris whined and complained over and over and over.

"Well, too bad. Just hurry up and stop being a baby." I said. I walked downstairs and waited for Kris. Finally, after 30 long minutes, Kris came downstairs in his uniform, his hair combed nicely.

"Took you long enough." I mummered as I rolled my eyes.

"I heard that!" he said. I made a face and I mocked him. Kris and I got in the car and drove all the way to school. As we got out of the car, people started staring at us. Girls gave me those evil death glares as whispers went around.  I rolled my eyes and just made my way into the school building. Suddenly, someone stopped me.

"Why were you in the car with Kris oppa?!" I looked up at the girl. 

"Great, one of the queenkas..." I thought, sarcastically.


Update! Yay, the first chapter! I hope you guys like it! Please comment and leave me feedback (: THANK YOOOU!

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LoveCuteFanFics #1
Chapter 3: I love the idea for the story-line! Update please! :)