You remember me?


Jiyeon is a sweet and bubbly girl,she owned a big house that her late father gave to her,she was offered to have a vacation to Tokyo and met a superstar called Lee Joon,when she came back the house was sold,she slept at the garden of the house,then when she woke up,she saw Lee Joon,the superstar,will she have feelings for him?


Park Ji Yeon

:19 years old

:A sweet and bubbly girl.

:Has a temper.

Lee Joon/Lee Changsun

20 years old

Cute,he's kind to the people that he likes and his friends and family.


Credits to Dreams & Premonitions poster shop for making the poster,

Credits to:Summerswirlies

Credits To:Derp_Squad 


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uzumakiminato #1
Chapter 1: Isn't this a copy of full house with rain instead of lee joon. It is one of the best Korean drama out there.
secret-lover #2
i wish you would update <333. I love Jiyeon and Leejoon