A Psycho

If YOU Could See ME Now

I followed Aunt Lindy out of Yoogeun’s room and into another room, next to Yoogeun’s. A study room it is. It is as boring as the hallway and kitchen downstairs. Books of all kinds mostly on interior designing lied silently on the racks against the right side of the wall. I let out a long and loud yawn, immediately I saw Aunt Lindy’s body stifled and her pen she was holding drop to the ground behind her long wooden desk. And then her eyes grew marble big as she stare at where the sound had came from.

She gasped.

And then, she screamed.

“Who are you? How did you get in? Why didn’t the alarms blow when you came in?” Multiple questions were thrown at me at once but I’m pretty sure the last one was directed more to herself. She grabbed a baseball baton which was kept beside her desk. Good strategy.

“I’m Kyuhyun. Your nephew, Yoogeun let me in so I guess that’s why your alarms didn’t bother to ring.” I calmly answered her question, shoving my hands into my worn out jeans pockets.

“What did you do to him?” she asked and ran out of the room before I could reply. My mouth hung a little open but decided to shut up until she comes back which I know she would.

“Yoogeun’s safe,” again she’s talking to herself as soon she reappeared.

“Of course he is,” I said which seems to have taken her aback.

“But it makes no sense.” She said looking oddly at me.

“It makes perfect sense.”

“I didn’t see you come in.”

“Because you were too preoccupied,”

“Was I?”

“Yes, you were.”

“Wait, enough of this. You’re a total stranger, so I guess you need to get out of my house.” She said suddenly changing into somebody sterner.

“But I guess not.”

“Stop it! Now get out or I’ll call the police.”

“Go ahead, it’d be my pleasure.” I smiled and walked over to her swivel chair and sat on it.

“Don’t try me because I really would call.” She said as she took out her mobile from skirt’s left hand pocket.

I started humming a song while she continued to ‘threaten’ me and finally gave up and dialed the numbers for the police.

“They’re on their way and by five minutes you’re not out of this house, they’re gonna arrest you for trespassing private property.” She announced with her arms on her hips.

I walked towards her swiftly and stopped until our toes are touching. She tried to back off but I held her firmly.

“What do you think you’re trying to do? me?” She smirked although her heart was thumping against her ribcage hardly and quickly.

“Is that what you can only think off? With cops coming in less than five minutes?” I asked now in a voice much deeper and softer.

“Then what is it that you want?” she asked frowning.

“You,” I said bluntly.

“W-what? What’re you talking about? I barely know you.” She stammered as she struggled to break free from my grasp.

“But I know you.”

“You stalked me?”

“No but I know everything ever since the first time I saw you.”

“And when is that?”

“When you called Yoogeun for dinner,” there was no reply from her for a while.

“So you’re the imaginary friend Yoogeun said.”

“I’m not ‘imaginary’! I’m real!” I said frustrated.

“Okay chill. I’m sorry I didn’t mean it. It’s just that I didn’t see you at first so…”

“Never mind,” I wanted to continue but I was interrupted by a harmless ring of a door bell.

“Ah, finally the cops are here. Let go of me.” She demanded.

“So you’re still going to let the cops arrest me after I’ve explained everything?”

“Yes,” and out of the room she went. I followed her suit, shrugging. She’s different but I guess I could still manage to deal with her.

She opened her door and led two officers in.

“Where’s the trespasser you said?” one of them asked, looking around the house.

“There,” she pointed at me where I stood beside the stairway.

Both officers frowned then raised an eyebrow at her, scratching his head the other officer asked her, “specifically where is the intruder?”

She walked to my side, practically dragged me right in front of the two big burly officers.

“Now, he’s right in front of you.”

“Uh, yeah, Lindsay maybe you should get some rest and quit this silly game of yours. It doesn’t really work on us, y’know.” Officer A said slowly as he smiled politely. The other officer was already heading for the exit.

“Wait, you can’t just leave me here with-with him!” she cried as the two officers stepped into their car.

“We all know you’re struggling, Lindsay with your sister, nephew and career. I think it’s time for you to get some help.” Officer A offered as he put on his seatbelt.

“A psychiatrist would be ideal.” Officer B told her and before she could reply, the police car drove off.

“I’m not a psycho!” she screamed at the direction where the car had just vanished.

“Looks like I’m still here.” I smiled as we went back into the house.

“Get lost,” she said dully.


She climbed up the stairs once again and I followed her. Down the hallway she went until we reached the last room. It is her bedroom, decorated in a soft creamy texture.

“So what do we do now?” I asked as I sat on the bench beside her large window pane.

“Why are you still here? Leave me alone.” She glared at me as she switched on her LED television.

I went to her side, sitting next to her on her bed. I snatched the controller from her but she said nothing except for rolling her eyes. I switched the channel to my favorite channel, Cartoon Networks.

“You watch Teen Titans?” she asked with a slight tone of amusement.

“All the time,”

“Yoogeun too,”

Sensing that she was going to doze off, I put my arms over her shoulder. At first she looked like she was going to push me away but on second thoughts she accepted it and let her head lie on my right shoulder.

“You said you knew me but how well do you know me?” she asked. I looked at her and thought for a moment.

“Prove to me that you know who I am.” She said once more when she didn’t get my reply.

“First, your name is Lindsay Lee and your nephew is Yoogeun Lee. You grew up in a broken family. You think you need to solve your family’s problems but you don’t even know that the biggest problem is you yourself.”

“What do you mean that I’m the biggest problem?” she asked curious not angry as she sat upright.

“You try to bury your past. You want to perfect your life. You stress yourself up on every single thing. You burden yourself with other people’s problem.” I didn’t know where that all came from but it felt true and it is true because Lindsay was quiet.

“You know what? You should get some rest. We’ll figure all this out tomorrow.” I said and switched the television off.

After I’ve tucked her in and was about to exit her bedroom.

“Is that why you’re here? To solve my problems?” Lindsay asked in a tiny voice.

“Not exactly, it’s more like helping you get over them. But on the whole, yes.” I smiled although I doubt she could see it in the dark.


“Sweet dreams,” and closed the door behind me.

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Your story looks best! I looking foward to read it<3