Call Me Up

QMi Ficlets


Zhou Mi knows from the ringtone who is calling and he flicks his phone on excitedly.

“Hello,” he says breathlessly, not caring that it's rather late and he has a busy schedule tomorrow.

“Hey,” comes through the crackles and as always Kyuhyun doesn't bother with formalities. “We keep missing each other,” Zhou Mi says, knows that Kyuhyun can probably hear the smile in his voice.

“It's not my fault you're an idiot,” Kyuhyun responds, “Oh I saw that picture of you with the flower in your hair.” Kyuhyun pauses and Zhou Mi absentmindedly traces Kyuhyun's name in Chinese on his thigh. “You look like a girl.” Zhou Mi laughs. “I know you're just jealous of my good looks.” Kyuhyun's laugh comes out sarcastically and Zhou Mi can picture his smirking face.

“I am in no way jealous of you being a total girl,” Kyuhyun answers. “You weren't complaining that one time.” Zhou Mi remembers the dress perfectly, the red fabric had clung to Kyuhyun in all the right places. He had hips Zhou Mi would die for and his hair had fallen over his shoulders perfectly. Zhou Mi sighs happily just imagining it and Kyuhyun lets out a groan.

“Why do you always bring that up?” he hisses and Zhou Mi giggles. “Because you liked it.”

“I think Heechul knows about it, he keeps giving me weird looks and when we go shopping he looks at girls clothes, then back at me.” Zhou Mi doesn't answer. He might have told Heechul about it because that's what they did and it was obviously too good a story to pass up. Kyuhyun starts talking about his day, mostly ranting about his games and his schedule and Zhou Mi lets Kyuhyun's voice wash over him.

“I miss you,” Zhou Mi says suddenly. Kyuhyun hums. “I wish I was going to more shows.” Kyuhyun is silent. Then he speaks slowly. “Well, we get to see each other soon.” Zhou Mi sighs because it's never enough, and he wishes he could just live in Korea sometimes.

“I love you,” Zhou Mi says and wills himself not to cry. Kyuhyun's voice drops. “I-” he starts to say but then Zhou Mi hears shouting and rumbles. “I, I have to go. Yesung's being a ,” Kyuhyun says and Zhou Mi can hear Yesung's low laughter in the background. Then the phone clicks off. Zhou Mi frowns.

Several minutes later, his phone buzzes. He picks it up to check the text. It's a picture of Kyuhyun, a soft smile on his face, the usual smirk gone. It's a smile Zhou Mi treasures because it's his smile, the one that Kyuhyun only shows Zhou Mi. The message is simple. “I love you too.”

Zhou Mi smiles, his fingers brushing over the words. He marks another day off his calendar, and realizes it just means he's one day closer to seeing Kyuhyun again.


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Chapter 1: oh, good end !
Chapter 2: Both of these are great!
I laughed a lot at the gnome one, Kyuhyun as a gnome is completely genius XD and it was so cute how Zhou Mi got all creeped out but he wouldn't get rid of it, like he subconsciously knew it was Kyuhyun and just wasn't totally aware of it.
And then the second one! Oh my gosh, so so sweet!
"I have to go. Yesung's being a " Oh lord that line cracked me up XD

These are really good!! I wish there were more of them~
syasya95 #3
Chapter 2: i don't actually understand this..does Kyuhyun the gnome?