Leetuk & Tiffany - WEDNESDAY

A WEEK SERIES: A Week Into Marriage/ A Week to Marry


Leetuk ran into me and tackles me to the ground, we begin wrestling. He was the older brother but I was the stronger one I flip him over and laugh holding his arms above his head with one hand and gently slapping his cheek with the other.

"Stop it Siwon!"

We look up at mom and laugh she was still breaking up our fights even to this day.

"He started it." I point to Leetuk.

Mom glares at Leetuk. "You are going to be a father soon and yet you still like a kid."

"You're going to be a dad?" I shake him. "Finally!"

Tiffany walks out of the car smiling at us. "Can you not hurt my husband? I still need him to carry my bags inside before you injure him."

"Noona!" I push Leetukk into the ground and stands up.

"Where is the wife of yours? I want to meet her."

"Don't worry you'll get to see her. She's with grandpa in the garden."

"I see he has a new favorite now."

"Don't worry noona he still loves you, you are giving him grand kids."

Leetuk stand up next to me. "I'm hungry."

"So am I" Tiffany rubs her stomach.

"Let's go feed the hungry pregnant woman before she eats us." Leetuk dust himself and ran over to Tiffany.



This family is too happy for my liking. I thought Siwon was the happiest of the bunch but I was wrong Leetuk always have a smile on and laughing. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one with the straight face on. I fake a smile on and off at the jokes going around the table. I was glad dinner was over an hour later. Everyone is in the family room drinking and talking business. I sat next to Siwon and try my best to keep up with the conversation.

Tiffany invited me to help her with unpacking and I gladly went. Leetuk and Tiffany live in the house with grandpa and their parents.

"Is Siwon treating you good?"

I nod.

"That's good. If he's acting up just tell me I'll set him straight for you."

I smile at her, I could tell I was going to like Tiffany she gave off a big sister vibe.

"I know it must be hard to adjust to the family but you'll get use to it GaYoon. I never thought I would be accepted but here I am. Everyone is great and supportive."

"I can tell."

"Siwon is a good guy as well. He might joke around a little too much but he gets serious when the time comes."

"He's been nothing but a gentleman towards me."

"Good. So are you two planning to stay here or go back to New York?"

"I think we're going to go to New York and see how things are."

"Have you been to New York before?"


"You'll love it. I'll ask Leetuk and we can visit you guys before I pop this baby out."

"That sounds great."

"It's good to have another female in this house. I finally have someone to talk to."

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This story might get a [M] rated chapter later but nothing graphic!! I promise.


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Asmaamanina #1
jihae couple
Chapter 12: about sohyun next pls hihi
Chapter 12: Please do make the third addition to this series for Jihyun and Donghae. I really want to know haha xD
fatymoona #4
Chapter 12: hope you will be update soon, hope to know more about JiHae couple
Chapter 12: Jiyoon and Kyuhyun couple please...
Chapter 12: Yay!!!! Thank you I've been waiting for this.
I will definitely be awaiting for the third in the series!!! :)
rion_01 #7
Chapter 12: Yay~ Completed~ Congratulations! It's a great read. Loving this gentle Siwon but too bad that the story's already over. >.< Thank you so much for sharing this fic and for the sweet and happy ending for both of them. ^^ Great job and more strength to you for your other future fanfics . <3 Keep it up!
hessah #8
Chapter 12: Yaaay you will complete jihyun and donghae story
so excited can't wait
nezzazu19 #9
Chapter 12: Waaaaaa great job author-nim. *\(´▽`)/*
Thank you for make this story complete.
I hope u can make another great story. I can't wait for donghae and jihyun.

Fighting author nim :)