A WEEK SERIES: A Week Into Marriage/ A Week to Marry


The necklace mom gave me kept bothering me. I was supposed to give it to GaYoon to wear tonight but I haven't seen her today yet.  She didn't come down for breakfast and I didn't want to go bother her in case she was still sleeping. After what happen yesterday I gave her space. I waited until noon then I walk into GaYoon's room and watch as she ran around her room picking up her things and stuffing them into her luggage.

"You don't have to pack yet you know. There's still tomorrow."

She looks behind her shoulder after jumping. "I want to head out early tomorrow."

"Are you okay GaYoon?"

"Fine." She blew out a deep breath.

"You seem a little jumpy."

"I'm okay."

"If there's something troubling you, you can tell me."

"I'm fine." GaYoon zips up her suitcase. "Let's get tonight over with."

I hand her the necklace. "Mom wants’ you to wear that. It’s a gift."

GaYoon shakes her head. "I can't Siwon."

"Yes you can, it's a gift from mom not from me." I place the necklace on her vanity. "You should wear it tonight."

GaYoon stood next to me like a trophy wife and made everyone I knew jealous. She looks sleek and classic in her yellow hi-low gown with her hair pull up into a fancy braided bun. The only jewelry she wore was my grandmother's necklace and it made her shine even more.

"Hello GaYoon."

We turn to see her step mother and step father standing in front of us. GaYoon tense and hid behind me. I look at them trying my hardest not to glare at them. Whatever happened to GaYoon in the past it was them who did it. I could tell by the way GaYoon was holding on tighter to me.

"Good evening, what brings you two here. GaYoon inform me that you guys were on vacation."

"We came back." Her step mother glare at GaYoon. "GaYoon can we talk for a moment please."

I look at GaYoon  and saw true fear and hate.

"Whatever you have to say to GaYoon you can say it in front of me. I am her husband after all."

"Yes you are." Her step mother nodded. "I guess I can just talk to you then."

Her step father reaches out for GaYoon. "Why don't we leave them alone for a while."

"No" GaYoon snap at him. "I'll stay here with my husband."

Her step father grins at her. "Fine with me. I'm going to go get a drink."



"I need money."

Wow talk about shameless. My stepmother look at me like I was just suppose to hand it to her.

"What happen to the money my father promise you after I married?"

"Las Vegas."

"You gamble it all away!" I scream out.

People turn towards us and Siwon led me out of the ball room.

"I don't have any money." I told my mother.

"Your husband does."

"NO! You are not going to get one penny from us. You did your deed and got paid now leave! I don't owe you anything."

"GaYoon I help raise you."

"Raise me? You? You let him hurt me."

"Please GaYoon I thought we were over that long ago."

"I'm not over it! It still haunts me every day! I'm not giving you any money so just take him and go."

I turn back into the ball room and Siwon followed me in. Tiffany ask if I was okay and I fake a smile telling her I was fine. Siwon's grandfather had security my step mother and father out. Even though they were out of this party I knew they weren't gone from my life forever and I will have to deal with them after tonight.

Siwon waited by the front door as I went to my room and grab my luggage. He hasn't said anything to me after the talk with my step mother and I don't blame him. He is probably glad I was going. He didn't need any of my issues in his life and I didn't want him to suffer with me. Even though it would be nice to stay by his side it was the better choice to go. I walk towards him with my head held high. I was going to be okay and I didn't need him.



He shuts the door. "Stay"

"I can't stay Siwon."

"You can, I want you to."

I shake my head. "I can't."

"I can protect you." He pleaded.

I smile knowing he meant it and it felt good to be protected.

 "I know."

I walk up to him and did the one thing I wanted to do during this whole week with him as my husband. I kiss him.



I sat down in my office and pick up the phone. I called the driver to delay GaYoon's ride and then to the only person I hate having to ask favors from. He picks up on the first ring.

"I need a favor."



My grandmother's apartment was the only place I could go to so I headed there. I didn't use it often but it was here if I ever needed a place to stay. It was too close to my step parents so I never stayed here. I don't know why I'm still calling them my step parents but what else should I call them? I called them that all my life.

I shut the front door and then head into the bed room to settle in. I decided to take a shower to calm my nerves and set the alarm on. After the shower I headed into the room again leaving the bed room door open so I can go back out to watch some TV before I sleep. I'm standing in front of the vanity mirror brushing my hair when I heard the door close.

The door shuts and then I heard the lock click into place. I turn around and froze. My step dad was here looking like the ugly disgusting he was. He steps forward smirking. I was trap in this room. He was blocking the only way out and I didn't have much room to move unless I got on the bed which I was not getting on the bed and giving him the chance to trap me there.

"Hello GaYoon." He came closer.

"What do you want?" I step back since it was the only way I could go.

"You know what I want GaYoonie." He reaches out and grabs me.

"Let me go!" I scream pulling away but he's not letting me go.

"Oh come on GaYoon, it'll just be like old times. You remember how good it felt don't you?" He pulls me into his chest trapping my arms between us. He pucker his lips.

"No!" I squirm so he couldn't kiss me.

"GaYoon! Don't make me get the ropes you little ."

I never stop squirming around hoping he let go but he never loosen his hold on me.

"You are mine you know. It doesn't matter who you marry or where you run off to I will always find you and you will always belong to me."

"NO!" I brought up my knee and strike him where it hurts the most between his legs.

He hunch back in pain. "!"

Grabbing the closest thing to me I hit him on the head. The vase splatters into pieces and scatters around the room. I grab the candle holder on the table and strike him again and again crying and cursing him to give me back my youth. He was the reason I was like this. He was the reason no one wanted me. He was the reason I'm tainted. I keep striking him until someone grab me and pulled me away.

"GaYoon stop! He's dead stop!"

Siwon grabs my face making me look at him. "It's me GaYoon calm down."

I realize I'm shaking. "He..He" I turn to look at his lifeless body being check by two officers.

Siwon pulls me back. "Shh it's okay." He wipes my tears.

"I...I...I didn't" I start shaking my head. "I didn't...him. I didn't mean to kill him...he was touching me...and I..."

"Shhh it's okay. It was self defense. I'll call my lawyer and everything will be fine. I won't let anything happen to you."



The police took GaYoon into custody to question her. There was evidence that she was only in self defense when she killed him but it was police protocol and they had to integrate her for records and evidence. I waited for her in the lobby knowing everything was going to be fine. Kyuhyun was in there with her as her lawyer and the secret cam I had hiding in her apartment was more than enough for her to go free. After hours of waiting GaYoon and Kyuhyun came out. I walked over and pull GaYoon into a hug. To my surprise she hug me back.

"For now everything is going smoothly. They have no problem ruling this case as self defense but GaYoon is advise to stick around until the trial is over in case there are any more questions."

"That's fine." I answer, I would call DongHae and ask for an extension to stay. "We can leave right?"

Kyuhyun nods. "I recommend you get her help to deal with everything she went through Siwon."

I took off my jacket and wrap it around GaYoon. "I will."

We made it to my house without talking. There was too much to talk about but at the moment there was nothing that could be said to comfort either of us. I led her to my room and place her in bed. With a wet towel I wipe her face clean and hand her a long shirt of mines to change into while I step out to go grab some water or scotch. When I got back into our room GaYoon was changed and up looking out the window. I place the water down and carry the scotch over to her.

I hand over the amber liquid to her. "Drink this, it'll help you sleep."

GaYoon took it and drink it in one go coughing at the end.

"You're safe here GaYoon."

She nods.

"I'll protect you so don't worry about anything okay."

GaYoon backs away looking at the floor with tears on the rim of her eyes.



I pull away hugging myself. I have to tell him. I have to tell him what happen. He wants to protect me so bad but he doesn't know what I been through and when he finds out he won't want me anymore. I had to tell him before he made me promises he couldn't keep.

"He hurt me...he touched me...he tied me up, lock me in the closet and let me starve."

"GaYoon..." Siwon was trying to stop me.

I shake my head stopping him from talking. I needed to keep going or I wasn't going talk at all.

"I try to tell...I did...but no one listen. They said I was lying! They said I deserved it for leading him on. I was sixteen. I didn't even have my first kiss yet but they believe that I could seduce a man like him. No one believe me, no one cares."

Siwon place his hands on my elbows to stop me from walking back. "Shh it's okay baby. I believe you. I care" He pulls me into a hug.

I cry even harder into his chest. I start shaking my head. "You don't care...I'm just some job you have to do for your family. No one cares about me."

"If you let me, I want to be the one who cares for you. I want to love you. I want to protect you."

I pull away looking up at him. "Why? I'm not good for you. I'm too tainted."

"No, you're perfect for me." He reaches out and wipe my cheeks. "I don't care what people say or think about you. All I know is for the rest of my life I want to be the one you can rely on. Give me the chance to love you."

I hesitate for a moment because this was too good to be true. Could he really love me after everything? I look into his eyes to decline him but the look in them made me weak. In his eyes it was nothing but love and worry for me. I want this, I want him just as much as he wanted me.


His y smile spread across his face as he realizes I said okay. "Thank you"



“How did you know?” GaYoon ask me.  “How did you know about the apartment?”

She got up on her elbow and I push her back down to my chest.

I rub her back to calm her. “I called an old friend of mines to dig up some stuff for me on Thursday when you had that big freak out. I learned about the apartment and I had a feeling it was the only place you go to. After you left yesterday I called the driver and told him to detour your ride while I called someone I know to set up a few cameras.”

“Hmm no wonder the drive took so long.”

“Yeah, but the friend who place the camera in your apartment didn’t put the alarm back up right since it was a last minute thing. That gave your attacker the opportunity to get in.” I groan. I have some kicking to do tomorrow.

GaYoon pats my chest. “It’s over and that’s all that matters to me.”

“You’re safe and that’s all that matters to me. I don’t care about the gossip and media and neither should you.”

GaYoon raise her head.  “This thing between us…what is it? Relationship? Fling?”

“It’s called marriage.”

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This story might get a [M] rated chapter later but nothing graphic!! I promise.


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Asmaamanina #1
jihae couple
Chapter 12: about sohyun next pls hihi
Chapter 12: Please do make the third addition to this series for Jihyun and Donghae. I really want to know haha xD
fatymoona #4
Chapter 12: hope you will be update soon, hope to know more about JiHae couple
Chapter 12: Jiyoon and Kyuhyun couple please...
Chapter 12: Yay!!!! Thank you I've been waiting for this.
I will definitely be awaiting for the third in the series!!! :)
rion_01 #7
Chapter 12: Yay~ Completed~ Congratulations! It's a great read. Loving this gentle Siwon but too bad that the story's already over. >.< Thank you so much for sharing this fic and for the sweet and happy ending for both of them. ^^ Great job and more strength to you for your other future fanfics . <3 Keep it up!
hessah #8
Chapter 12: Yaaay you will complete jihyun and donghae story
so excited can't wait
nezzazu19 #9
Chapter 12: Waaaaaa great job author-nim. *\(´▽`)/*
Thank you for make this story complete.
I hope u can make another great story. I can't wait for donghae and jihyun.

Fighting author nim :)