Tea With The Mad Hatter


"Have I gone mad?" Yongguk asked. "I'm afraid so," I replied, "You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are."


One day a little girl fell through a hole.

Down, down did she go

Into a land full of wonderful creature

But little did she know

The evil hidden within.


Every where that she went

She was met with confusion,

And did not know what things meant.

Good, and Evil are curious things for a girl,

So she lived with discontent.


That is, until she met him.

People called him crazy,

Because of the things that he believe in.

But their view on him was a little hazy,

For they did not know about his secret.


She likes him and,

He likes her.

But in the end,

They can't be together.






"I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then."

-Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland 


"Off with her head!" The evil queen screeched. She pointed her large staff at the girl who was running away. Her henchman quickly followed the girl with swords in hand.

"Go," Yongguk yelled at her. The girl shook her head and replied, "I can't just leave you!"

"Forget about me. It's not me that she wants." Yongguk pleaded. "Follow this path, Zelo will be waiting for you at the end. There he will show you the way out."

"So this is goodbye then?" She whispered, a tear escaping her eyes.

"I'm afraid so," Yongguk replied sadly.

The girl quickly wrapped her arms around Yongguk in a hug, and cried.

"Do you know why a raven is like a writing desk?" She asked in between her tears.

Yongguk smiled at her and answered, "No, I don't. What's the answer?"

"I haven't the slightest idea."



I don't own any of the quotes in this.

It all belongs to Lewis Carroll.

Hehehe~ Do comment with your thoughts and stuff^^

Thanks to chagimadu for the poster/background/cc



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Mustache_Panda #1
Chapter 1: I bet you the rabbit was himchan. Please update ASAP.
Zeal95 #2
Chapter 1: I'm super interested in this and super curious who that bunny is hope it's youngguk xD
Chapter 1: hm...who is that weird rabbit?
i dont know! update please~
Chapter 1: Ohmygosh! I can't believe I found something like this! Alice in Wonderland + BAP.. Yongguk as the Mad Hatter..
I love it so far. Let me fangirl a sec Asdfghjkl; LOVEIT!
/Subscribes* ^_^
Chapter 1: YOU UPDATED WWWWWAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!! I've been waiting and waiting :( but yay! I'm already loving this!!
mwoyaa123 #6
update juseyoo ;A;
ohhh~ nice! i love this movie^^
slave_nicole #8
Subscribing update soon
OHOHOHO, Alice In Wonderland is my movie though! Lol this sounds amazing, update sooooooooon!~