
Of Myungsoo and the dark

Warning: poor grammar





Myungsoo hated the dark, if anyone wanted to ask. But he had forgotten what had made him hate the dark much. Maybe it was the boy in kingergaten who accidentally locked him in the painting room then left without notice, which made him have to stay there – in the dark – until almost midnight when his parents and his teacher went unlocking him. Maybe it was the  classmates in primary school who told him those scared-to-death stories in which ghost always appeared in the dark. Or maybe it was his friends in high school who hide all candles to light, then imitating a ghost to scare him in the night they went going. Maybe it was all, or maby not. Myungsoo don’t know, but whatever the reason is, the only thing that can’t be changed is that he hated the dark. Very much. And if there was anything he hated more than the dark, it was being alone in the dark.


Like he was, at the moment.


Today was one of the rare days-off of Infinite, so everyone had their own plan to enjoy these up-coming days. Sunggyu and Woohyun returned to the oldest’s hometown since Woohyun wanted to visit his soon-to-be parents-in-law (quoted exactly what he had said). Hoya and and Dongwoo went shooping to reduce their stress after the album’s promoting. Sungjong went with them. Sungyeol  left the house very early in the morning and went to some God-know-where places. And Myungsoo, since his family was going on a trip to South East Asian, his closet was already full of clothes which were gifts from fans and he didn’t have any secret place to go, decided to stay at home and enjoy this precious day in his own way.


When he said “his own way”, it only meant one thing: sleep.


He had slept since  8.00 yesterday’s evening, almost more than 12 hours until he woke up the first tim at about half past eight to see Sungjong waving goodbye to him. Then he returned to his bed, continuing his perfect dream of the world where he could eat everything without afraid of getting fat. His wonderful journey lasted 2 more hours, before he woke up the second time to find something low-fat to eat. After that, he returned to bed, again, and slept till now, when he woke up the third time because of the sweat clinging to his skin. It made him uncomfortable, then he opened his eyes, and realised that it was completely dark around him.


It was definitely a power cut, Myungsoo came to a conclusion.


After his brain had absorbed the information about his situation, the first thing Myungsoo did is to find his cellphone. You know, when there’s no electricty, cell phones were always a good light source. But that time lucky didn’t stand by his side like usual, and it’s why his cellphone has run out of battery.


“What the is going on??!!”, Myungsoo mumbled. And replying him was the heavy silence of the dark surrounding him. Yeah, in front of him is totally a dark, Myungsoo realised. Like the painting room in kingergarten. Like the camp in high school. He started to feel something familiar run through his vein. Something that he once felt when he was much younger. He was afraid, not hated, but afraid. Afraid of the dark.


Of being alone.


Of being abandoned.


His heartbeat was getting faster when Myungsoo tried to catch his breath. He leaned to the wall with knees to the chest, hands gripping hard the blanket as the momeries from the childhood hauting him, again.


“I need you… Umma, Appa” he panted heavily “Sungyeol…”








After an hour – or a day, a month, Myungsoo didn’t know, he heard someone’s accent. It’s so familiar, and smooth, and somehow made him feel safe. Extremely safe.


“Open your eyes..” It said “Don’t be afraid, Myungsoo. It’s me.”


He  slowly opened his eyes, like the accent had guided. Slowly. Too slowly.


Then he saw a light. In a tall boy with a lot of tooth and a brown messy hair’s hand. The boy was looking at him with worried expression on his face – it’s too strange to a person like this boy, Myung mentally noticed.


“Don’t be afraid. I’m here.” The boy said, gently pull him into a warm hug. “Your light is here”


“I’m forever your Light. So as long as I’m be with you, you’ll be safe, my L”




Does it remind you of Death Note :D


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Chapter 1: Yeah I'm here totally agree with Fallenenigma, 'bout the bottom thing. :)) u're the only one who put the tag yeolmyung *just see the tag and understand rite away Lol * actually I know u have made a list of fanfics that Kris being the bottom on tumblr :D it did help me a lot baby :) many people here can't stand precious Kris or L being Top Lmao! Đồng hương đây :) cuối cấp nên chắc ko có thời gian viết/ trans fic hay edit đ.mỹ huh em :)
Fallenenigma #2
Chapter 1: I think we have a same sense about deciding who's bottoming. You know Kris and Myungsoo are rare to be bottomed. This is perfect. Err.. What about write it in chapters ?
Chapter 1: Well, to be honest, it doesn't. Really.
I, for one, cannot associate Sungyeol with Light. For the love of something divine and all thing's logical, I just can't.
Do you?
deliciousyou #4
Chapter 1: This is sp cheesy!!! Hahahhaha thanks for the story, i hope you'll write more myungyeol^^
Chapter 1: Light and L!!!
i know right!