Officially His

Officially His


EXO-K is performing MAMA live on Music Bank. The fans shout like there is no tomorrow. Some of them even cry, seeing their idols performing on stage. I don’t feel the same though. In fact, I don’t feel anything. I hate seeing him. I hate hearing to his voice. I hate listening to the song of his band. Whatever it is, I hate him, PARK CHAN YEOL. His weird hairstyles, his grin, anything about him make me want to kill him!




I arrive school and see something I really don’t want to see. My desk was doodled.

“Who doodled my desk!?” I ask, angrily. I’m pretty sure it is that Park Chan Yeol guy who did it.

Eun Min then walks closer to me and whispers something to my ear. Apparently, it is really him. I look around, searching for that Park Chan Yeol guy, but he is nowhere to be found.  Later then, Mrs. Oh walks in, asking us to hand in her homework. I search for the homework in my bag.

“Where is it?” I ask myself, almost like whispering.

“Jang Sera.” Mrs. Oh calls me. I response to her call.

“Where’s your homework!?”

“I left it.”

Park Chan Yeol then walks in the classroom, looking happy. He notices Mrs. Oh and apologizes for being late. Mrs. Oh smiles and says it is okay. She then asks me to get out of the classroom.

I sit on my knee and put up my hands until her class is over.




Yes, my name is Jang Sera. My name is actually Jang Sera Cavalay. Dad is a France and Mum is a Korean. We lived in Paris when I was a baby until I was 14. My parents then decided to move to Seoul, South Korea. So, here I am. About Mrs. Oh, she doesn’t like me ever since my first day at the school, I don’t even know why.


I wake up, feeling lazy to go to the school. Mum and Dad are abroad for business. I then realize that I am late for school. I immediately put on my school uniform and run out. Suddenly, I knock into someone.

“Sorry! I’m late for school! Sorry again!” I apologize, without looking at the person who I just knocked into.

“School? Haha. Who goes to school on Saturday, Jang Sera?”

That voice.  It is no other than, “PARK CHAN YEOL.”

“You know her?” The other guy asks. Oh, he is Baek Hyun.

“Yeah, she’s my classmate.”

“Oh. Nice to meet you then, Jang Sera.” Baek Hyun greets me.

“You looked like you were in a hurry. You haven’t eaten your breakfast yet, have you?” Park Chan Yeol asks.

I nod and say, “I’m not hungry.”

“Are you sure? Your stomach growls though.” Baek Hyun asks.

“Let’s go then.” Park Chan Yeol says.

“Park Chan Yeol.” I call.

“What? He responses.

“I told you I didn’t want to join you.” I finally say, looking down.

Park Chan Yeol follows my eyes and sees it. I had my Converse on my left foot and a high heel on the other side. He just chuckles. He promises me that we will go to Converse after done eating and I just nod. He is actually nice, but that doesn’t mean that I have stop hating him. He really buys me a new pair of Converse. Still, I hate Park Chan Yeol.

I just have done taking my shower when my phone suddenly rings. It is Park Chan Yeol who texts me. He wants to meet me at the Han River.

“Jang Sera. Jang Sera. Jang Sera.” He calls.

“You’re late.” I say.

“I know, and I’m sorry that I’m late. I’m sorry that I used to always make you angry. I’m sorry that I gave you a frog for your birthday. I’m sorry that I hid your books. I’m sorry that I used to tease you a lot. I’m sorry that I doodled your desk a lot. I’m sorry for everything.” Park Chan Yeol says, more like rapping.  I can hardly understand.

“Why are you apologizing?” I ask.

“I just feel like I have to?” Park Chan Yeol answers.

“Oh, okay. So, why did you want to see me?” I ask.

“How are the sneakers?” He asks.

“Sneakers? Oh. Sneakers. Yeah. They are fine.”

“Here.” Park Chan Yeol hands me a bar of Cadbury.

My phone suddenly rings.


“Sera sweetheart. Where are you? We can’t find you.”

“Oh. I’m out to buy snacks. Sorry, Dad. I’m on my way home.” I lie and hang up.

“Sorry. My parents are home. I need to go home now. Talk to you later, maybe?” With that, I walk home quickly.

The next morning, Dad drops me by the school as usual. People keep looking at me like I am a criminal. They even whisper.  Eun Min then runs to me and ask, “Are you dating Park Chan Yeol!?”

I am shocked by the question. “What!? Dating? NO! I’m not going to date someone like him!” I answer.

“Thought so~ They keep spreading the rumor about you and Chan Yeol dating. Aren’t you going to do anything about it?”

“Nope. Let them be. Rumors are rumors. Nothing bad is going to happen. So, relax. Soon enough, they are going to forget about this.” I answer while walking to my locker.

As soon as I open my locker, there are frogs hopping out of my locker. I am shocked.  I almost cry. I act like nothing happened and just walk to the class. Once I sit down in my seat, I can’t get up. My is glued to the chair. Oh my, oh my. This is not going to happen. I call Dad.

“Daddy! Come to my school right away!” I cry.

While waiting for Dad, I cry silently.

“Sera honey.” Dad calls. Finally, Dad arrives.

“What happened?” He asks. I point to my .

“Daddy~! My is glued to my chair!” I cry.

“Oh my. Poor my daughtie. Don’t worry, okay? I’ll bring you home.”

As soon as Dad hands me a pair of spare jeans, I change into it.

“Dad!” I call as I hug Dad.

It has been almost two weeks since the incident happened. Mum and Dad aren’t home, they have gone to Washington to visit Aunt Nicole. I stay at home because the rumor is still spreading. Even though SM Entertainment denied it, the rumor is still spreading. Plus, I’m having a high fever. Suddenly, my phone rings.


“Where are you?” Park Chan Yeol asks.

“Home. Why?”

“Open the door.” He orders me to.

I open the door and Park Chan Yeol walks in.

“Park Chan Yeol, what are you doing?” I ask.

“Where are your Mum and Dad?”

“They are not home.”

“How are you?”

“I’m good.”

“I heard you’re having a fever.”


“Let me cook for you then.” Park Chan Yeol says as he walks to the kitchen.

After Park Chan Yeol done making the porridge for me, he says, “I’m sorry for the rumor.”

“A stupid rumor.”

Park Chan Yeol suddenly walks closer to me. “What are you doing?” I ask, curious.

“Jang Sera, I love you. I made you angry because I wanted to seek for your attention. I want you to focus on me, only me.” He confesses and kisses me passionately. I am shocked, like really shocked. I pull away and slap him on the face.

“Park Chan Yeol! What do you think you are doing!? How could you!? Get out of my house!” I yell.

He walks out of the house and I cry loudly.

I ignore his calls, his texts since then. Eun Min is staying at my house overnight.

“Sera, is Chan Yeol still keeping in touch with you?” Eun Min asks.

“Don’t mention him~ A few days ago, he came to my house. You know what he did to me?”

“What is it? OMG! It’s true that you guys are dating then!” Eun Min becomes more excited.

“HELL NO! He kissed me, and I slapped him. It was a passionate kiss though.”

“What!? You slapped an idol!?” I can see that Eun Min’s eyes widen.

“Sera, let’s watch SM Town concert tomorrow! I brought-“

Before Eun Min can finish her sentence, I interrupt, “Wahhh~ I’m sleepy! I’m going to sleep now. Night!” I then drift to sleep.

The next day after we watch the concert, I handle the laundry, the figure of Chan Yeol suddenly lingers in my mind.  Chan Yeol’s confession keeps repeating in my mind. Oh God, did I just call him Chan Yeol? Without his surname?

“Eun Min!” I call, more like shouting while walking into the house.

“How do you know if you had fallen in love?”

“You will get butterflies in your stomach just by thinking about him, you will get happy just by thinking about him, or something like that~”

“OMG. It can’t be, it can’t be. Eun Min, tell me that I didn’t fall in love with Chan Yeol, did I?”

“Chan Yeol? As in Park Chan Yeol!? Oh my God! Sera!!! Congratulation! Call him and ask him to come here right away!” I then call him and ask him to come to my house.

The bell rings and I open the door.

“Why do you want to see me?” Chan Yeol asks, still hurt by the incident.

“I love you, Chan Yeol.” I confess, more like whispering.

“I know, I know. I’m trying to forget my feelings toward you.” I stay quiet. “Wait! What!? You’re not kidding me, are you!?” He asks in disbelief.

“I love you, Park Chan Yeol.” I confess, again, but louder this time.

Chan Yeol hugs me as I hug him back.

Few weeks later, the rumor of us dating is revealed.

“You’re officially mine, Jang Sera Cavalay.” Chan Yeol says as we walk side by side, holding hands.



Sorry for any grammar mistake and thanks for reading. =)

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intoyourworld_15 #1
Chapter 1: cute story ^-^
intoyourworld_15 #2
Chapter 1: cute story ^-^