

Your existence is the cause for love, hope, as well as hatred.

The war of a thousand years finally came to an end with both the 67th generation of Angel and Demon unified. Though the unification was a success, numerous Demons had a huge objection towards affiliating with the Angels.

War soon broke out by the villain Demons, having Angels as their target. Blood was shed and screams of terror were heard in every corners of the town. Family was killed one after another by the merciless Demons, even the Royals were not excuse.

The villain Demons were defeated and eventually, the war came to a stop after years of fighting with them being incarcerated.

Huge loss was made and the existence of Angel soon died out, leaving only one left.

With that only one left, will the villain Demons resurrect and truly accomplish their so-called mission?

So what if they did? Will the King Demon keeps his promise and risks his sons' lives or breaks it and risks the live of the only Angel instead?

Love, trust, hope and hatred.

Which, shall be the one that brings them through this brutal war?


The bloodshed ended, troops retreated back to their region and the remaining villain Demons were captured and held in captivity. The King returned to his fortress and was aided immediately.

The war had brought many deaths, innocent lives were taken away including the King's wife. The species of Angel was also swept out, leaving only a few that was badly wounded. Despite the advanced treatments given, the lives of those Angels could not be saved.

Back in the labor camp, the captured Demons were treated as slave while some were taken away for unknown experiments. Guards were seen to be patrolling around, the sound of  whipping would be heard in minutes interval. 

"ARGHHH! ", the victim of the whipping growled in pain and trampled over by the guard. The victim was none other than the leader of the villain Demons, Victor.

Victor, also known as the brother of the King, was the starter for the war. He had huge dislike towards the Angels, believing that the dark and light should never be mixed and hence, held strong objection towards the unification. Using his strong belief, he succeed influencing the Demons and lead them to war with the Angels. And anyone that go against him, shall be executed as well.

Minutes before the sun rise, the prisoners were made to retreat back to their cells by the escorts of a few guards. Using this advantage, Victor escaped and sneaked up to the King's room. The King was deeply asleep, but with his sharp hearing, he woke up alarmed by the figure in front of him.

Victor came out from the shadow and got onto his knees. He hates to admit to himself, but the fear he had for his brother was more than anything else. The King, baffled by his own brother's action, remained silent.

"Brother, please. ", Victor pleaded, "It wasn't my fault for this war. I did it for the sake of our own kind. ".

Their eyes met, one filled with fear, another with unpleasantness.

With great courage, Victor continued, "The Angels can never be trusted, brother. Remember the battle centuries ago? Because of them, we lost our love ones, our family! I'm sur-".

"You killed your sister-in-law, Victor. ", the King cut him off with a stern look on his face, "You caused disruption to your OWN dimension and even took away innocent lives. You are no different from them! ".

The King paused, "YOU SHALL BE JUDGED! ".

Victor stared at his brother in disbelief, dismayed by the fact that his own brother would not defence him. He was then dragged away by the called guards.


One cozy evening, the King was accompanying his six sons during snack time. 

"M-My Lord! The imprisoned Demons, th-they have escaped! ", the moment was disrupted by a guard with body full of wounds. The horrible sight of him caused uncomfortableness for the unexperienced sons. The King sent a signal to the nanny and his sons were taken out of the room.

The guard was then taken care of by the aiders. The King, instead of preparing for the battle ahead, he arrived at the hall where the elderly was kept. 

Meanwhile, the situation was out of control. The campsite was totally destroyed and the imprisoned demons had became something that was way powerful than their own kind. Caused by the overdose of the virus used for experiments, they had mutated over time.

The same kind fought off with each other and the history repeated itself, except it was between the own kind. 

On the other hand, the King stopped between the coffin of his parents and kneeled in front of them. With both palms put together, he pleaded for forgiven from his parent. "Dear mother, father, your son have failed in fulfilling the promise you had for him. I failed in leading Victor and brought disruption in our own kind. Here and now, I ask for your forgiven. "

He closed his eyes and continued, "With the exchange of my live, shall the seal be activated. "

The ground shook violently, the air pressure increased tremendously.

The ground of the campsite shook as well, the mutated demons' movement slowly decreased and one by one, they each turned into stone. At the same time, the ground stopped shaking and the air pressure went back to normal. 

The King collapsed and with his last words, he fall into a deep sleep.

Thanks to Navi_7769 @ timeless_eden for her poster!


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JustAnotherTeenOnTop #1
Sounds intersting. Please update soon.(: