
The Chosen Seven

“Come on, Sungjong. Wake up! It’s time for school.” Yongguk nudges the sleeping boy. Sungjong whines slightly before rubbing both his eyes and getting up into a sitting position. His eyes remain small to prevent excessive sunlight from entering his eyes. Yongguk chuckles and pinches Sungjong’s cheek.

“Good, now get dressed. I’ll be taking you to school.” Yongguk instructs.

“Can I just skip it? You’ve just returned and won’t be cool that we spent some time together? You know, like the old days?” Sungjong suggests.

“I’m simply your guardian, Sungjong and I’ll be staying here for quite some time before the company sends me on another business trip. Though we have to separate but we both know that it’s our only income to support me and you. Be obedient and go to school alright?” Yongguk exclaims. Sungjong pouts and nods. He grabs whatever stuff he needs from his wardrobe and rushes to the bathroom.

When Sungjong returns to the dining area, there’s already a freshly prepared breakfast on the table, with a cup of milk. Yongguk sits on the opposite, reading the newspaper. Sungjong notices the elder wearing a pair of glasses, which he has never seen him worn it before.

“You must be getting old, Hyung. You’re wearing glasses now.” Sungjong exclaims as he takes a seat before his breakfast and starts eating.

“I don’t have much choice. It doesn’t seem right wear contacts early in the morning. I’ll wear them before I go to work and you might want to hasten with your eating because you’re late, boy.” Sungjong blinks to the comment and his head immediately turns to the clock. Yongguk’s right about the time.

“Luckily, I’m here to drive you to school. You have five minutes to finish whatever’s on that plate, wash it up and be ready by the front porch, understood?” Sungjong nods and quickly gobbles down Yongguk’s cooking that he missed so much. He didn’t waste any food on his plate and quickly moves to clean it up. Drilled by Yongguk in his younger days, Sungjong finds no problem following that set of instructions and got ready before the given time runs out.

“Let’s go then.”

Both males enter the car, with Sungjong sitting by the front passenger seat, next to Yongguk. With seatbelts on and engine started, Yongguk applies pressure on the accelerator and they are off.

“So anything new about school that I should know off?” Yongguk asks.

“Not exactly. My grades are rather good so you don’t have to meet the teachers. Never got into a fight and I dislike violence so technically you’re safe from their claws.” Sungjong chimes. Yongguk shakes his head at the younger boy’s description of his teachers. Though said, Yongguk have visited them once and do agree to Sungjong to a certain extent.

“Oh, we’re getting a new homeroom teacher today. Our last homeroom teacher resigned after he could not stand our class. I’ve heard that one of the students decided to prank the teacher by dropping a bucket of water on him though sadly it landed on some other student. They said he’s quite popular though I’m not really caught up with the news and popularity around the school. Though I must admit, the scapegoat is pretty good looking.” Sungjong says.

“Wow, I never though students will be so brave to do that. Don’t they normally get a suspension or detention from that?”

“Nah, it didn’t hit the teacher anyways so technically nothing happened though the teacher is extremely furious about out class’s behavior and because of his apparent failure to teach us properly, he threaten to quit if we don’t change. Good thing that he kept his word and left because honestly, he’s a lousy teacher.” Sungjong rolls his eyes as he explains about his ex-homeroom teacher.

“That’s not very nice to say about your teacher and what’s more, an elder. So who’s this new teacher? Do you know his or her name?” Yongguk continues.

“For your information Hyung, no one likes him and even the principal dislikes him. I think it’s safe for me to say that and get no punishment at all. For the new teacher, I recall someone mentioning his name. It’s not a very common name and it sounds… foreign. Oh but someone, not me, did some research on the new teacher. Sounds stupid and stalker-ish but the new teacher is a greasy one. He’s extremely bulky with fats and his appetite is something out of this world! I wonder how he hasn’t land himself with a heart attack yet.”

“Sungjong! That’s not nice. You haven’t met him and you’re already bad-mouthing him. Remember what I taught you about being polite? Be nice alright. We don’t want to have you switching schools anymore and thank the gods that this school hasn’t been destroyed yet.” Yongguk reprimands.

“Hyung! You talk like I personify bad luck or something. It isn’t my fault that those schools became tatters. It’s Mother Nature that destroyed them. I know that I’ve transferred up to ten schools already but I can feel the force in this one. This will be a permanent school for me.”

“Right. Okay, we’ve arrived. Be good and don’t get into trouble, you hear me? I may be just your guardian but I do care for you. I’ll prepare your favorite food for dinner tonight.” Yongguk exclaims.

“Thanks, Hyung! You’re the best. Oh I think the name of the new teacher just comes to mind.

I believe they call him – Mr. Gula.” 

To be continued in Chapter 38: Unexpected Outcome


Tadah! Today's chapter! Almost got a writer's block but didn't in the end. *Whew!*

I think I've not been typing this out, so I'll do it here ~ 

Thank you all so much for the support! 150+ Subbies already! I love you alll ~ ! *Muacks Muacks*

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[12/8/2013] Omooo! I apologize for the very long hiatus but I'm back! =) I'll resume updates soon! (New chapters will centre around romance this time!)


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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 43: Omg where are youuu
Chapter 43: omg please please please update this!! It had such an interesting plot and the story's already well-developed, please don't give up on it T.T
nakita #3
Chapter 43: please update.....this is amazing...
whats the main couple of this story ? i hope its yadong ,...
Chapter 43: Wow this story is amazing *.* cant wait for the next part~
Chapter 14: Ooh this is so interesting and cool!!! Why is one of the stars turning black :O
Chapter 43: Ahh despair is an unholy power..I thought it's part of sin too.. this chapter explain many things.. ^^ now I wonder who is Ramiel? Seems like he/she a guardian to the seven Originals soul..
Ivettie25 #8
Chapter 43: A great update can't wait for your next update!!! So many things happening or that are about to happen!!! So excited!!!!!! Despair and Hope!!! ^_^