GameFreak and Kyute

GameFreak and Kyute




           I chew the end of my pencil while waiting for the internet to connect. Glancing briefly at the sun-shaped clock on the wall of my bedroom, I hissed under my breath when I realized that 10 minutes had already passed. I was so occupied with my latest part-time job these past few days, making me unable to go online. Watching the icon on my computer showed ‘connected’, I moved the cursor to click on the Google Chrome icon on the desktop.


            My mouth stretched into a smile when I looked at several new articles; it was Super Junior M comeback. The pictures of my bias filled every tab on the browser and I quickly saved them, not wanting to miss this opportunity. Well, you may not know when someone going to take it down. He was damn hot, with the hair dyeing and everything. He was definitely a definition of perfection.


             After replying several messages and checked the notifications on Facebook, I executed my real reason of going online. I had this kind of addiction, well I didn’t know if it could be categorized under the addiction word. I love chatting. There, I said it! Therefore, I clicked on the new tab icon and keyed in the address. The colourful website of popped up before my eyes. The pink background with a little of green and purple here and there welcomed me and I mentally made a note to change my background before logging out.


              This was actually a famous Korean chatting website and I kind of stumbled into it when looking for a place to improve my Korean skill. Ms Jung; a very attractive Korean teacher (I love her long, wavy hair by the way) told me that to hone the language, you have to use it. I spent hundreds for this language course and I definitely did not want to waste it. My Korean neighbour (bless her) was the reason for me to learn Korean. The old lady lived alone and the only English words that she knew was, “I’m hungry!” Being forced by my mother, I joined the six month program and tada~! I can speak Korean fluently, well almost.



Kyute is online.


            I joined several chat rooms and literally I felt a little bit boring. Not many people online at this time and according to my calculation, it was supposed to be 3 a.m. at South Korea. Moving the mouse to close the window, I halted in my action when a new user entered the chat room.



GameFreak joins ‘LOL’.



“GameFreak, huh?” I laughed as I read the name. Yup, you clearly show what you spend your time with.




Kyute              :           Welcome~!

Bluerose           :           Hi, new one!

GameFreak          :           Err, hi?

Irumi              :           Hi!


Bluerose leaves ‘LOL’.


Kyute             :           GameFreak, you’re seriously a game


GameFreak         :           What kind of question is that?

Irumi            :           A blunt one? Well, I’m off. Have a school


Kyute              :           Bye!

GameFreak          :           Don’t go to school. Fake a sickness.

Kyute              :           Seriously?


Irumi leaves ‘LOL’.


Kyute              :           You don’t have school tomorrow?

GameFreak          :           Ha… Ha… Ha… Guess.

Kyute              :           You must be a ert ahjusshi. :P

GameFreak          :           Yah! I’m too young to be an ahjusshi!

                               Go to sleep! You’re talking


Kyute              :           I don’t have school tomorrow~

Kyute              :           Wait, you agree that you’re a ert.

GameFreak          :           hdbkjflkofdlfjf;skf




            I didn’t know how long I spent my time on the computer and I could hear that my mother was calling me down for dinner. Indeed I had spent more than five hours chatting with an unknown person. But, he was fun and witty. So, I didn’t mind at all.


            After working, I went back to my usual spot; in front of my computer. There he was, joining the site 3 a.m. KST every day. It was when GameFreak stopped online anymore and I was kind of (see my stress mark over there) miss him. I was practically spent hours with him and poof! He just disappeared into thin air just like that. Well, maybe he forgot his ID or something.


            GameFreak or not, my routine was the same every single day. Went to college every morning and work at the evening before going online after work until dinner. Usually I stopped from my chatting habit before dinner but somehow, I lingered for a while.




             I looked up from my homework to look at the computer monitor. It was an invitation for a private chat by… GameFreak. My heart stopped from beating. I was hesitant for a few moments before I clicked ‘accept’.



GameFreak      :           I’m tired.

GameFreak      :           I’m tired.

GameFreak      :           I’m tired.

GameFreak      :           ………..

Kyute               :           I know, I know. You wrote three times already.

GameFreak      :           Then, why no reply?

Kyute               :           Doesn’t feel like chatting with you.

GameFreak      :           Mad?

Kyute               :           Nah. Not worth it.

GameFreak      :           I’m sick with flights.

Kyute               :           Are you a pilot or something…

GameFreak      :           I’m an undercover spy.

Kyute               :           Ha… Ha…

GameFreak      :           It’s true! Naega saranghan S.P.Y.

Kyute               :           God, you’re singing to SJ’s SPY!

GameFreak      :           You know them?

Kyute               :           Know? I LOVE them. Wait, I should be the one to sing that song.

                    My oppas are spy~

GameFreak      :           LOL




              Our little conversation was pretty normal just like other days. Most of the time GameFreak didn’t appear on the friends online list but I guessed he was too busy to do so from all of his complaints and whines.



GameFreak      :           My back hurts.


GameFreak      :           My head hurts.


GameFreak      :           I want to sleep so much.




            He would say that every time we chatted so I was worried but when I asked about his job, he remained silent and changed the topic. I couldn’t force him; I knew I couldn’t. He was someone I’d never met outside the real world.



Kyute               :           My oppas are coming~

GameFreak      :           Huh?

Kyute               :           Duh~ My SJ oppas are coming to my country for their SJM


GameFreak      :           …

Kyute               :           What’s that for?!

GameFreak      :           Nothing. You’re going?

Kyute               :  I can’t go. Have part-time


GameFreak      :           I thought you’re working at evening only.

Kyute               :           Yeah, but I need to replace my friend. Her mother is sick. Well,

                    not that I’m complaining about it.

GameFreak      :           Too bad.

Kyute               :           Yeah, too bad…



            The days passed as I watched the video greeting by SJM longingly. Well, it wasn’t just my luck. My friend’s mother was the important matter at this moment.


            On the day itself, I checked my twitter at work using my laptop that was placed on the counter and saw many tweets regarding how fun was the fan meeting. I felt frustrated as I put my head on the cold surface of the cashier counter; a feeling of sadness washed over me and I blinked my eyes to stop any tears from coming out.


            I walked round the counter and started to arrange the new batch of books. Oh, did I tell you that I worked at a bookstore? I looked outside the window and watched as the rain slowly fell; making the temperature outside dropped several degrees. Just great. The weather matched so well with my mood now. The windows of the shop became foggy due to the chilliness of the rain outside.


            I moved towards the window, intending to wipe the fog formed on the glass. It was when I heard a soft song playing from the shop beside mine; it was ‘Seven Years of Love’ before  a wave of frustrated and disappointment hit me. I traced my fingers on the cold surface and didn’t realise that my fingers formed two words on the glass; ‘Kyute’ and ‘GameFreak’. When I noticed the words that I wrote just now, I laughed. Maybe I missed him so much (see again my stress mark over there). It’s been a long time since the last time I chatted with him but I did not want to pursue the answers for his frequent absence.  Somehow, I felt like I was living in cloud nine when I chatted with him; he gave a strange, mysterious yet witty vibe around him. I did not know anything about him at all. The only things that I knew that he was a Korean and he loved computer games especially Starcraft so much. And of course, I wasn’t complaining.


            I believed that I was zoned out for a quite few minutes when I realised a man with mask, sunglasses and hat covering his head stared at me. I took a few steps back, feeling scared with the intent stare. I glanced frantically at the door, trying to think a way for escape if the man decided to push open the door and… Well, you might not know what happened in the future, right? I wasn’t being a paranoid but a few encounters with stalkers during my past made me wanted to take any precautions before those bad things appeared. I looked back at the man but he was standing far away from the window this time, nearly reaching the road covered with tar. The man turned around and walked away; I sighed with relief.


            The clock 11 p.m. when I heard a ‘pop’ sound coming from my laptop. Smiling, I ran my fingers on the keyboard.



GameFreak      :           Muahaha, I’m back!

Kyute               :           Back from where? Starcraft?

GameFreak      :           Ouch! Meanie~

Kyute               :           Yuck! Someone trying to be a cutie.

GameFreak      :           Haha. See your oppas?

Kyute               :           Good job on the sarcasm.

GameFreak      :           Hey, I’m trying to be nice over here.

Kyute               :           Then, the answer is no.

GameFreak      :           …. Hmm… Your shop is nice.

Kyute               :           Stalker!      (Somehow I kept remember the man in the dark outfit)

GameFreak      :           I googled it, silly. By the way…

Kyute               :           What is it?

GameFreak      : , 12.00 a.m.

Kyute               :           What?


GameFreak is offline.



            What? What the hell is that? was our local radio station and I wondered what the message lie behind GameFreak’s words. Well, I have less than hour to find out about it.


            When the clock shown that it was almost 12 a.m., I opened a new tab; I wanted to listen to the radio online and I also want to check on my Twitter. I stopped scrolling down my wall when I realised that SJM was going to be the guests for midnight session. Thanks, GameFreak.


            I plugged in my earphone and glanced frequently at the door, just in case any customers decided to walk in and disturb my sweet moments with my precious oppas. I squealed when the boys introduced themselves; an effort to greet the fans using the native language of this country. All eight of them answered the questions asked by the deejay perfectly, although they spoke in either English or Korean with the help from a translator. Now, my broken heart was healed a little bit.


            Then, after a few rounds of questions, the deejay asked for the boys to say something for their fans; an attempt to lift the mood of the night. I propped my elbows on the counter, trying to get comfortable.



“Let’s start with Henry. Anything to say for your fans?”



               SJM members delightedly gave fluttering speeches while adding a few phrases using a language that was foreign to them. I clapped my hands; a fangirl’s mode was on when the boys made cute mistakes of the pronunciation. My heart skipped a bit when the deejay asked the last person to wrap the ‘love speech’ of the night.



“Kyute, saranghae~!”



             I gasped and cursed when I realised that this is a live radio and I couldn’t move back to a few seconds earlier. My eyes went wide. I’m not imagining it, right? Maybe it was just a coincidence; I calmed my poor heart.



“I’m sorry, Kyuhyun-shi. Can you repeat it again?”


“Wae? Wae Kyute?” The members whined and my bias laughed as he tried to explain himself.


“I always think that my fans are cute. So Kyute.”



         The deejay and the rest of SJM members laughed. But the man himself just had to add my heartbeats when he clearly shouted,



“GameFreak love Kyute!”



            I tried to convinced myself that this was the moment that I should faint, but being a  realistic me, I shrugged it off by saying that it was a pure coincidence and…



“We’ll take a quick break for a while and continue with more lovey dovey moments with SJM.”



            I rested my back on the spinning chair before the counter. This was too much for me to take, to think that all of these were coincidence… But, it was too much.





            I looked up; someone needed an explanation.



GameFreak      :           Heard it?

Kyute               :           Oh, god. What was that?!

GameFreak      :           I’m glad that you’ve a pretty forehead.

Kyute               :           Wait, what?

Kyute               :           Seriously?!!

GameFreak      :           I mean it very well.

Kyute               :           Sorry?

GameFreak      :           My confession.

Kyute               :           ….

GameFreak      :           Are you there?

Kyute               :           I’ve a lot of things to digest. First of all, the person I’m chatting

                    with is a stalker… And then, he turns into a superstar. Oh, god.

GameFreak      :           Sorry…

Kyute               :           Who are you, really? You’re not a fraud or hacker or something,

                                    are you?

GameFreak      :           Whoa… Whoa… Calm down.

Kyute               :           Seriously, who are you…

GameFreak      :           The great Cho Kyuhyun, born Feb 3rd 1988, SJ’s maknae, SJM’s

                     second maknae, Starcraft fanatic, son of academician, involved

                     in accident…

Kyute               :          Seriously? (As I typed this one word, my heart felt heavy. I still

                         couldn’t believe myself.)

GameFreak      :           I’m serious. If you don’t believe me, I’m gonna say it again in

                     the second half of this radio interview.

Kyute               :           Wait! Okay…

GameFreak      :           So, what’s your name? The person that I confessed to all over

                     the country should have a name, right?



            I was laughing and tearing at the same time while my fingers touched the alphabets on the keyboard. Yes, this ‘Kyute’ indeed had a name.





Yay~! Finally my baby was born after three months!!! ^^ Thanks for reading~


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awesomecarrotgirl #1
Chapter 1: Jskdkdndnjdjsnsjshsbbdbd gaaaaaaaah!!!!!! <3
I love the way u write n love the title, the nickname they used in the chat aaaahhhh i love it so mucg!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 1: Omgiwhahahshejwhshauemdbfbxsklaznhzdiiebfbf this is so dreamy!!!! Oh my god!!!! I want to talk to kyu too!!! he is a stalker i would love to love!!!!!! Thankyu for this sweet sweet sweet story!!!! Pls make more something like this!!! Waaaaah i love it!!!!!! So so so my so sweet!!!!!!
thank you~!


err... baby hae? keke
oppastongue #5
Chapter 1: Cute story! Hows your baby now?
Chapter 1: This story is sweet ~
I wonder if Kyu will really confess that way in real life.
Ashwaq #7
Chapter 1: to imagine that this was for dira....aish..jealous..haha..i like this story..kyute!
Chapter 1: OH MY GOD !!!!!!!! TT__TT
Chapter 1: Haha, this is so kyute!!!
Er...can I comment? Huhuuu..I hope your friend didn't get mad at me for commenting XD Anyway, Happy Birthday to her~ ^^'s quite sad when I saw how 'he' wrote tired and hurts, sometimes I think oppa really want some strangers to tell their everything..this reminds me of Yesung who once chat in the fancafe XD and good thing that Kyu finally erm...kind of get her...because (listening to Sukira yesterday) it's sad that until now Min still didn't confess to whoever girl he falls in love with because of the job..nice fic, Anis~ ^^