Husband and Wife?

♥Hey! We Got Married!♥


YoonA and Jessica sat on the leather sofa that was in the director's office, still staring at the man.
Although he had a warm smile across his face, the very thought about what would be coming their way sent chills down the girls' spines.
Hesitation was boldly shown by the two of them, slightly irritating the director.


----Jessica's POV----

"Are you sure about this Mr Director?" I asked, still having an uneasy feeling in my mind.

"Today is not April's Fool. Why would I be lying about such a great opportunity?" He reminded with a slightly harsher tone, scaring me.

"We'll do it then." I sighed and smiled at him, happy that his cold expression changed for the better.

"Wonderful. Wonderful Jessica." He happily clapped his hands and continued with his presentation. "Jessica, you will be the husband and YoonA's your wife-on-screen."


Upon hearing that, I was somehow or rather excited for the show. I've longed to be the "guy" in our relationship and this was the perfect time to do so.
YoonA looked at me, with nothing but a confused poker face on her, curious at what I am smiling to myself about.

"This would be the perfect chance to show the world how we really are." I whispered, making her chuckle. "Finally, we can behave like how we really are comfortably."

"So when does filming start?" YoonA looked away from me and asked the director.

"Tomorrow, you two will have a photoshoot with the other two couples. Official show filming starts after this coming Sunday." The directed informed and dismissed us, happy that the both of us agreed to his initial plans.


Manager oppa then signed the necessary documents, while we waited outside.
YoonA's eyes pulled me to her, like how a magnet attracts nails. While she stared into my eyes, I felt a sudden urge to snuggle up to her. 
But I held back, think that it was too inappropriate to be done in front of public eyes.
Instead, I just stick out my tongue and turned away from her, making her hiss under her breath.

"Alright, let's head back to the dorms then." Manager oppa suggested after the contract signing. "I'm sure the rest of the girls are going to start worrying."

"Okay oppa." I agreed and together, the three of us left the director's office.


YoonA and I found ourselves surrounded by the seven of them, staring at us with eyes filled with doubts.
However much we told them, all that came out of their mouths was questions and not others.
But after a fair bit of convincing, they finally accepted what we told them.

"We Got Married?" Taeyeon clarified. "Between two girls?"

"Yeah...I don't know how is it going work out." YoonA grimaced, slightly sad. "Although it may not be a bad thing."

"What do you mean?" I asked while putting my arms around her neck and leaned close to her.

"Just imagine either of us being paired with a guy. Would you be able to handle the stress of being away from me?" YoonA beamed and squeezed me within her arms tightly.

"Spare me with the mushy things." Sunny shivered and went into the room to rest.


While I laid on YoonA's shoulder, the rest of the girls returned to their room to get their well-deserved rest. 
That is, all except Taeyeon. She walked up and sat down beside us.

"Aren't you going to sleep unnie?" YoonA asked as she patted my back gently, making me drowsy.

"I'm really surprised at what WGM is becoming." Taeyeon laughed. "I can't wait to see the both of you kissing on the screen for the whole world to see."

"Unnie, that's so wrong." YoonA whined as she cradled me.

"We'll see how you two do on the screens." Taeyeon laughed and my forehead before walking back to her room.


The next day, manager oppa personally drove us over to the studios where the shooting will take place.
Apparently, we're supposed to take wedding photos with one another. YoonA has been enthusiastic about it ever since morning.
The both of us walked into the dusty studio, looking around for the director.
He saw us walking in and immediately got the staffs to help us with the image we need to portray.

"Sica, take these." A female staff handed me a set of black fabrics. "Quickly go get changed."

"But black looks so intimidating." I wailed. "So I really have to behave like a guy?"

"That is your given role right? To be YoonA's husband-on-screen." The unnie sighed. "Unless you want to do a partner swap?"

"No way! I'll change, I'll change." I screamed, shocking everybody in the studios.


----YoonA's POV----

Hearing her shriek from the fitting room, I laughed and pounded onto the wall.
Jessica's high pitched scream is her trademark. No one can possibly reach her dolphin leveled pitch.
I zipped up the back of my gown and looked into the mirror. The wide exposure of my shoulders really made me uncomfortable.
Just then, there was a knocking sound from the other fitting room beside mine.

"You are so noisy!" The person shouted and kicked the wall.

"Who are you?" I asked, worried that it may be a stranger. "I'm sorry to have angered you."

"Its fine." The female said and quieten down.


I stepped out of the fitting room, and looked around for Sica.
But she wasn't anywhere to be seen. I suppose she is changing on the other side of the studio.
Recalling the familiar voice that I heard in the room, I felt really suspicious. 
Where did I hear this voice before?
I didn't have to ponder too long about it. Behind me, the shorter female called me by the name.

"YoonA!" She shouted, making me turn around.

"Unnie?!" I gasped in surprise and ran over to the woman whom was dressed in white as well. "BoA unnie!"

"Hi there." BoA greeted and hugged me.


She has yet to put on her heels. Hence, she looked really short compared to me.
BoA unnie had to slightly look up to have eye contact with me. She looked adorable.

"Unnie, why are you here?" I asked, stating the obvious.

"Why else would I be here?" She laughed. "I am wearing a gown right?"

"You're one of the couple?" I exclaimed, happy that one of the couple has an own SM family member. "Who is your pairing?"

"I'm a little disappointed." She sighed. "I'm here with Yunho. Who are you with?"

"Jessica unnie." I smiled, wondering if it is possible that Sica and I is the only girl couple.


BoA unnie tilted her head in puzzlement.
Clarifying if I am referring to Jessica Jung and not Jesse on wrong pronunciation.
I shook my head and explained that I was referring to Jessica.
However, BoA unnie refused to believe me and told me to stop kidding her, until Jessica came before me.

"YoonA ah." Jessica called out and approached us.

"Jessica? You really are her partner in We Got Married?" Boa unnie wailed in shock. "How is this possible?"

"We don't know either. But I heard that we're not the only girl couple." Jessica frowned and grabbed my hand. "It's our turn for photo taking!"


Jessica pulled me along to the main area of the studio.
As we passed staffs, I could hear them whispering about us. To my surprise, they were praising us.
I felt really embarrassed and just remained as humble as possible as I wasn't used to compliments like that.

"Marvelous duo." The director smiled and led us into the shooting area. "This is your scene."

"A living room?" I asked. "Sir, are we overdressed for this scene?" I asked and pointed to our dresses.

"No. That's the concept we want to depict. Come over here." He said and patted the couch. "I want YoonA lying down on Jessica's lap."


We did as we were told and Sica sat on the brown leathery couch.
Trying my best not to let my instincts run wild, I held onto Jessica's skirt, making her laugh.
Between the two of us, whenever I lie onto Jessica's lap, I always have the habit of biting her thigh to make her fluster.

"This flower crown is so bothersome." I whined and adjusted the flower ring on my head. "Can I take it off?"

"No. You need the goddess image YoonA, please leave it on there." The director stopped me and continued. "Look here please."


The camera flashed and captured our awkward smiles onto the camera.
It seemed normal to them but to be honest, we've never been more restless ever.
Under the cover of my hair, Jessica held onto my shoulders and trembled. Her entire body was shaking.

"Next picture." The director called out. "Kiss each other in your embraces."

"What?" Sica and I exclaimed, unable to believe what we've just heard. "Kiss?!"


It's still draggy, I know. Bear with me though. X_X
It's kinda hard for me to picture behind the scenes recently.
I promise to do better in future chappies.
Next chapter, the show WILL start officially.
Leave a comment below for feedback~ I appreciate it ALOT.

Thanks for reading~

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All stories on hiatus...I'm not well to do any updates anytime soon. Sorry people.


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ForeverYoonsic #1
Chapter 5: Dear author,when are you going to update this story? I have been waiting for so long. I want to know what's happening next. Your story are just so perfect! Hope you will update the story soon.
assej7IM #2
Chapter 5: Author ssi when are you going to update this story? please update soon. Kamsa. Yoonsic hwaiting^^
assej7IM #3
Chapter 5: Author ah, when are you going to update this story? please update soon:))
YellowBlue722 #4
Thor-ssi when are u going to update?This story is amazing =D
Chapter 5: WOW! Nice sequel! very funny XD
byuntaeng101 #6
Chapter 5: please update soon author-ssi i really love this fic and i cant wait to see what happens next
Sleep-_-Walker #7
Hey author^^ I was wondering if you were going to continue with this story because I really like it, please update soon
Author! I miss this story. Really anxious whats gonna happen next.
722DolDeer #9
Chapter 5: update soon and make more yoonsic moment..
Chapter 5: Update soon please