L.Joe (1)

TEENTOP Scenarios/Drabbles/Oneshots


Don’t worry your head, just lie on my shoulder and cry Boo – L.Joe

This happened to be five minutes ago, I’m angry writing right now. Pissed writing actually.

‘Boo’ as in ‘My Baby Boo’.

“Jagiya~” L.Joe cooed walking through the door of your apartment, he dropped his seat of keys in the bowl next to the door and walked in to the living room his brows creasing in confusion, him not seeing you there was weird because if you weren’t in the kitchen then you were in living room.

And he had texted you twenty minutes ago and you replied, so he was fairly certain you were wide awake. “Jagi?” He called making his way in to your room.


“Yah,” He whispered sitting on the side of the bed when he saw your curled up figure under a bundle of blankets. L.Joe leaned forward and that was when he saw your figure shaking lightly, “Jagi are you crying?” hearing no response from you he grabbed you, along with your cocoon of blankets, and pulled you close to him.

Your head peeked out form the blankets and he it, soon after you had your head out and your hands were wrapped around his torso and you were crying, L.Joe didn’t say anything though he knew he didn’t need to say thing, no, he knew he didn’t have to say a thing, he knew you just wanted him to hold you like this until you calmed down a little, then maybe you’d talk to him about it.


After a while you had calmed down and you looked up at L.Joe and he looked back down at you, he nudge foreheads with yours and the corner of your mouth lifted up slightly, “Do you wanna talk about it, Boo?” He asked smoothening out your hair and you nodded, sit up on the bed.

You sat yourself in between his legs, your back pressed against his chest and his hands wrapped tightly around your waist, your shirt was lifted up a bit and his hands were rubbing soothing circles on your stomach (weren’t really that soothing, more ticklish then anything).

“She asked me if she was stupid,” You said finally and L.Joe’s eyebrows creased in confusion, not really understanding what you meant. “She asked me if she was stupid and she was asking me honestly! And I wasn’t sure if she was because who texts someone ‘Do U Think I’m Stupid lol?’ and not assume their joking? No one! Everyone would assume that!” He had no clue what you were saying; honest to God he didn’t even know what the hell you were talking about, but you seemed to be getting angry, and even though he wasn’t the smartest cookie in the bunch, he was not stupid enough to stop you when you were ranting on like this, because he knew all your anger would be turned over to him, and then he’d be screwed over.

“Then she asked what I thought of her! She asked me an honest question! So I gave her an honest answer, Oppa! I was honest with her and she got mad at me because of it! I was honest with her, I really was, but now she’s really mad at me now and keeps sending me messages insulting me! And I don’t know what to do, I know I shouldn’t apologize because she asked me honestly and I was honest with her but I know she’s not going to forgive me if I don’t! I don’t know if I she’ll forgive me if I apologize either!” You ranted.

L.Joe had shifted his hand from your stomach to tangle up in your hair again, “Honestly; it was stupid of her to get mad at you over that, she asked you a question and she didn’t like the answer so she got mad, Boo, it’s not your fault. And if she’s insulting you, just shut your phone off.” He whispered his head resting on your shoulder and his trying to lock with yours, but you were sitting straight ahead.

“She’s my best friend, Oppa. I can’t lose my best friend.” You whispered.

“She isn’t your best friend if she gets mad over this stuff, Boo; this is not the first time she’s ever made you cry like this, I don’t like seeing you cry like this…” L.Joe told you his hand dropping untangling itself from your hair and wrapping around your waist once more.

“Are you saying I should dump my best friend?”

“In no way am I saying that, I just don’t like seeing you cry so much over her,” L.Joe sighed, “Boo, don’t worry your head over these things, just know that even if I can’t understand what to say sometimes, you can always just lay your head on my shoulder and cry Boo, because I love you and that’s not changing any time soon,”


“I love you too,”

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I know this is really old, but I love your oneshots! Hope you write more for the rest of the members when you have time~!
Pooch-50 #2
Chapter 3: Yayyyy, L.Joe oppa is so cute!! I love it :)
MayChunJoeChang_0429 #3
Chapter 3: update soon..
Chapter 1: great job, authornim. but i hope the chunji's one was longer though.