Chunji (1) Changjo (1)

TEENTOP Scenarios/Drabbles/Oneshots

Let’s Go Changjo and Chunji (Separately though)

Two little short ones to start things going for this blog you guys.



“________-ah,” You turned around and smiled when you say Chunji walking towards you, “Hey Oppa, what are you doing here?” You asked him.

Chunji smiled at you, “I wanted to see if you needed someone to walk you home today,” You nodded. “I do, but don’t you have any schedules today, Chanhee?” You asked him and he shook his head. “I don’t, I have the afternoon off today,” He told you as the two of you started walking side by side
“And are you sure you wanna spend one of your few afternoons off walking little ol’ me home?” You asked him, and Chunji laughed and starched the back of his neck, and nodded.

You stared at him, when had this side of him come out? He was being shy, something Chunji never was around you, shy, it was weird, somewhat refreshing actually.

“Chunji are you okay?” You asked him, and he nodded and stared down at his shoes. Your eyebrows furrowed. “Are you sure, Oppa?” You pestered and Chunji smiled and nodded, his eyes still glued to his feet.

You let out a sigh, your checks puffing out and your lips setting in a thin line. You glanced at Chunji once more before you went to staring at the floor, an odd silence coming between the two of you, which was far too awkward and weird for the two of you because when you and Chunji got together, the two of you talked none stopped, and this sudden silence, was just… not right.



You looked up at your house when you had finally gotten there; you stared at it for a moment before letting out a sigh and looking over at Chunji, who had happened to look up at that moment. He smiled at you, and you cocked your head to the side.

“Okay, what did you do?” You asked him catching him by surprised, “You’re never this quiet with me unless you did something and your feeling guilty about it, now what did you do so we can “”kiss and make up”” and go back to how we are? Because this whole ‘silent treatment’ thing we got going on right now, is pretty annoying and boring. So spill it already,” Chunji stared at you with surprised eyes and he fiddled with his fingers.

“Chanhee, it cannot be bad enough for you to fiddling with your fingers.” You told him, and he looked at you, for the first time today he really looked at you. “I like you, a lot, I have for a long time now,” Chunji muttered staring straight in to your eyes.

“Oppa…” You muttered at a loss for words.

[Ending up to y’all, I don’t normally end scenarios like this, but this one can go either way, ‘you’ can say no and ‘you’ can say yes, chose.]


Beads of sweat dripped down your forehead you sat down next to your bag and grabbed a small towel, and dabbed it on your forehead getting some of the sweat of from you, you grabbed your phone from your bag and saw the eleven messages you had, all from your Unnie’s telling you that you had enough practice for a day and that should just come home. You shook your head, and send a message to your leader.

I’ll come home soon, Unnie, I just need to make sure I have this all down.

You hit send and threw your phone in your bag. You were one of TOP Media’s dance studios, you were debuting soon in the company’s first girl group, you were debuting as their maknae and their main dancer, and you were also a foreigner, which meant you had a lot to prove not only to yourself but to President Andy, your sunbaes, your Unnies, and all of the soon to be fans of your group, and not to forget your parents who let you come to Korean on your own, so that you could achieve your dream, you had so much to prove to them and so much to be grateful for them to have allowed you to do this.

It was two in the morning and you were still there practicing even after the rest of your band mates had left four hours ago. You leaned back on the wall of the dance studio and closed your eyes, wanting to take a few minutes of rest before.

“Yah~” Your eyes stayed closed and you felt someone’s hand on your shoulder, your eyes fluttered open and you were met by a pair of familiar orbs, you titled your head to the side, your eyes full of sleep. You rubbed your eyes with your hands, “Changjo Oppa?” You asked, and Changjo nodded his hand going to your hair to pat it down lightly.

“What are you doing here?” You asked him, and he shook his head and pointed at you with his free hand. “Better question what are you doing here?” Changjo asked you and you shook your head. “I asked first;” You argued. Changjo let out a sigh, “I couldn’t sleep, so I came to practice.” Changjo told you. “I needed some extra practice,” You told him.

“You’ve been here since noon it’s two in the morning, you don’t need any extra practice ________-ah, you’ve had enough for a day,” Changjo told you, and you shook your head rapidly. “No, I keep messing up some moves, the Unnies are doing so much better with this dance then me and I’m supposed to be the main dancer, and I’m , I’m really s-“ “No you aren’t.” Changjo cut you off, “You’ve been doing great, amazing actually, and you’re one of the best dancer I’ve ever seen, and I saw you today you were killing it, the Hyungs even said so, they kept bothering on how you were such a better dancer then me,” Changjo said with a little chuckle at the end.

You shook your head, “I’m not, you’re so much better than me, I will never ever in a million years be as good as you, as good as any of the other Unnies or the other trainees, I don’t even know why I’m debuting in this group, there are so many trainees in this company that are so~ much better than me,” You muttered.

Changjo let out a sigh, he cupped both your checks and pulled your face closer to his, his forehead rested on yours and your eyes went wide slightly while his just had a soft gaze in them, his thumbs drew circles on your checks and he smiled at you.

“Listen; you don’t have a thing to prove to anyone, you are good enough, you are better than good enough, President Andy would’ve never picked you if you weren’t ready to debut, your parents would’ve never let you come to Korea if they didn’t think you could make, the Noona’s wouldn’t be supporting you if they thought you were good, the 1OO% and TEENTOP Hyungs wouldn’t be so supportive either if they thought you weren’t good enough, I wouldn’t be here telling you this if I didn’t think you were good enough to debut, but you are, you’re amazing, you really are ________-ah. So don’t over exhaust yourself like this, you’ll get sick if you keep going like this. You are better than good enough, okay? So don’t doubt yourself,” Changjo told you.

“Yah, why are you crying?” Changjo asked you, whipping away the tears that were failing down your checks. You shook your head and bite down softly on your lower lip trying to stop the tears. You laughed a little and shook your head again; Changjo chuckled and shook his head, “You are really weird,”

“Thank you,” You muttered let out a few sniffles; Changjo gave you an odd look, a smile playing on his lips. “For calling you weird?” Changjo asked you and you laughed and shook your head, “Aniyo, for saying what you said earlier, thank you for that Jonghyun Oppa, it means a lot to me.” You mumbled and Changjo just smiled and wiped away the few stray tears that had slipped away.

“What?” You asked when Changjo didn’t move his hands from your face and kept on observing your face. Changjo shook his head lightly. “Nothing,” He muttered leaning in and kissing you, your eyes got wide but you quickly closed them when your mind registered what was happening.

Changjo pulled away after a while, he rested his forehead on your and stared in to your eyes for what seemed like forever, his hands never moving from your face, “You are so much better than good enough,” Changjo muttered before he pressed his lips on yours.

[I never do double scenarios like these, so I don’t think I’ll be doing anything like this any time soon. It’s pretty late so I’m not going spellcheck anything right now y’all]

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I know this is really old, but I love your oneshots! Hope you write more for the rest of the members when you have time~!
Pooch-50 #2
Chapter 3: Yayyyy, L.Joe oppa is so cute!! I love it :)
MayChunJoeChang_0429 #3
Chapter 3: update soon..
Chapter 1: great job, authornim. but i hope the chunji's one was longer though.