all day with him

i'm in love with you, oppa

After you finish washed the dishes you walked away to the garden and sat on the swing alone. Himchan was accompanied your parents and his to drink to the pub. It was almost 02.00 o’clock when himchan family returned home and himchan was looking for you to say goodbye, and he found you sleeping on the swing at the garden.

‘---ah.. wake up. if you sleep here you will have a cold.’ He shook your body softly.

‘hmm.. oppa. Don’t leave me again.’ You mumble at him.

He was startled and smiled.’ I will never leave you again.’ And he kissed you on the forehead.

When you awake, you realized that you still use the same clothes last night. So you go to the bathroom to change it and somehow you remember what himchan said last night. ‘because I can see you again’  and it make you blush.

I should not thinking about it. You shook your head. When you done, you down straightly to the kitchen. You looking for your eomma and appa but you can’t find both of them. Where are they? are they still sleeping?

‘---ah? Are you wake up?’ you hear himchan voice in the kitchen.

You walked to the kitchen. ‘neh oppa. Do you know where eomma and appa?’ you asked him and sat on the chair.

‘they go with my parent to somewhere place. Breakfast?’ he smiled and made you an omelette.

‘wow.. it’s looks delicious oppa!’ you claps your hand and smile brightly.

You ate it quickly and give him double thumbs up. he chuckled at your expression. Suddenly, he stared at you and your heart beats faster.

‘what’s wrong oppa?’ you asked him.

His hand slowly moved towards you, then put his thumb on your face, right near your mouth and wipe away a bit of tomato sauce.

You blushed. Himchan saw that you were blushed and smiled. She is so cute, he thought.

‘---ah, do you have any plan today?’ he ask you.

‘aniyo oppa. Wae?’

‘let’s go somewhere!’ he smiled widely at you.

You chuckled. ‘neh oppa. Let’s go!’

You and him walked side by side. You felt that himchan hand hold yours and interlacing your finger. When you looked at him, he was just smiled. You felt his hand bigger but somehow it fit with yours.

You showed him around the town and suddenly he stopped.

‘what’s wrong oppa?’ you asked him.

‘let’s go to the park!’ he said and dragged you to the park.

‘ whoah.. it wasn’t change at all!’ you looked around when you arrived at the park.

‘yes. It’s never change here. Even the tree.’ Himchan pointed at the tree.

‘oppa....’ you called himchan.

‘neh?’ he said and turned back to you.

You splashed him with the water and laughed hard when you saw his shock expression.

‘yah!’ he screamed and chased you away.

You run around the park and himchan try to caught you.

You run out your breath so you stop running and get caught by himchan.

‘I got you!’ he laughed and hugged back you. You can feel his heart beats so fast.

You turned around and gulped. You realized that your face and him was so close, you even can feel his hot breath. He leaned closer and you didn’t know what to do so you just close your eyes.

His lips almost touch yours when you heard a voice.

‘oppa.. are you gonna kiss her?’ a child asked him.

Both of you were shocked and suddenly stepped back.

‘not going to?’ she asked himchan. ‘that too bad.’ She mumbled and went away.

Himchan and you were blushed hard.

Himchan coughed awkwardly. ‘let’s go home ---ah.’

‘neh oppa.’ You nodded.

Both of you walked on the silence and waved to each other.

You entered your home and went straight to your room without saying anything to your parents. You started to blushed again. We almost kissed!

You screamed and hopping at your bed. is that mean you also like me too oppa?

Your eomma heard your scream and went upstairs. ‘are you alright dear?’ she knocked your door.

‘ne eomma. I’m fine. I’m tired. I better sleep now. Good night.’ You lied to her.

‘ok dear. Good night.’ You heard her footstep coming down.

And you started hopping again.


Hehehe what do you think about it? ^^

I just wanna say thank you for all of you who subcripse and read my fanfict..

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I LOVE YOU <3 ^^

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Pertinacia #1
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