
Back to my heart

Author's POV

Why did he leave me?...

As the questions runs through your mind, tears swell up on your eyes. The tears slowly crept down your face as you harshly wiped it away with your hands. You quickly turned away from the tree and made your way to an empty bench. As you sat down the bench, you covered your face, thoughts bombareded your mind and painful flashback and memories you want to go away came to you...



Chanyeol- Red


You loved photography and you always have, you thought that the park was a good scenary so you took a picture of it. Satisfied, you walked down the path, and  looked around admiring the scene infront of your eyes and the atmosphere of the park. You felt comfortable, and you unknowingly smiled to yourself.

A man was running towards and his friends were chasing after him, one of them shouted "Thats our food, we share it Chanyeol is not yours, it ours!", and he turned around to look at his friends behind him and waved the plastic bag with food inside it. As he sniggered to himself, he didnt look on his front and you collided with him, which caused you to propel backwards and on to your . As you winced in pain, you raised your head and saw a tall figure infront of you with a shock face, and 2 other friends who were both blonde stopped beside him and was laughing to themselves. 

He snapped out of his thoughts and offered you helped to get up from the ground, you gave him an evil glare and slowly stood by yourself in pain.

"Mianhe I didnt mean to bump into you, Kwenchanayo? cheongmal mianhe" and gave you a warm smile


As you were about to shout at him, but you were captured by his cute smile, and you anger dispersed away from you. You felt butterflies in your stomach.

"Nee...umm..Nee Kwenchana" you said in a calm tone, confused on whats happening

"That's good to hear" he said in relief, beaming at you with his smile

His friend faked cough and one of his friend spoke to you " Hi sorry that our babo friend bumped into you and if your angry it's ok, we can punish him for you" he said with an evil smirked

"Aniyo, its fine" you blurted out still confused on what happened to your anger

Then the short blonde spoke and said "Ok suit yourself. Oh let me introduce ourselves to you, my name Luhan. The tall freak with the blonde hair is Kris." Kris slapped Luhan on the back of his head and Luhan winced in pain while Kris smiled to you and said "Nice to meet you."

Then Luhan shouted at him and said "What was that for?!"  

"For calling me a freak!" 

"But you are!" Luhan replied

"Thats it your dead" he said in an angry tone, 

"Oh god! Bye what's your name?" Luhan while walking away from you facing your direction

" Choi Minhee" 

"Minhee see ya around Bye!" as he sprinted to get away from Kris 

"Get back here you coward!" He turned to you and quickly said his goodbye to you, "Cya later Chanyeol" and ran after Luhan.

The brown with a tall figure stood beside you holding the plastic bag and spoke "Wow they forgot I have their food, well it's mine the way the name is Chanyeol" 

"The names-" "Choi Minhee I know, I was here when you said what your name was" and he gave you a warm smile that made you blush. You quickly looked away

"Want to eat? It's on me" he asked you while holding up the plasic bag in his hands

"ummmm ok" you said still confused

As you were eating lunch you talked to each other about things you like and hate and got to know each other better, while you were talking you realize that you fell in love with him.

3 weeks later...

You and Chanyeol started going out as Chanyeol confesed his feelings to you and you were happy and both of you were happy.

Day by Day you got to know each other and loved each other more

But a year passed Day by Day your relationship started to fall apart which is caused by jealousy and arguments, you were unhappy so was he.

But you still loved him and tried your best to understand him. On the other hand he stopped day by day he care for you less and less.

Then one day he texted you to go to the park where you first met. You got there early but somehow you don't feel good about this meeting. You waited in the bench. 5 minutes later, he came, you stand up and gave him a hug. "sit down" he said as he sighs

"Whats going on are you ok?" Worried that some thing bad happened to him

"Minhee...I think we should...break up" He said in a sad tone 

"Haha very funny thats a good-" "I'm not joking" he said seriously

Tears starts to fall from your eyes "why? What did I do?

Chanyeol tried to look at you but couldnt and then said the words you weren't expecting to come from him "Because we are not meant to be..."

"That's what you think" you said while in tears

"Minhee let's be honest we are not happy with each other and we are not happy with our relationship, that's what I think"

"Wow What you think?! ha! dont make me laugh you made that decision based on your feelings not mine!" you said angrily

"I'm sorry but i can't do this, I'm sorry" 

"No! dont say that *sniffs* please dont!"

"I'm sorry" 

" Forget this" Then you ran away as fast as you can, you wanted to ran away as far as you can. Your stomach starts to turn and your chest tightens and your chest hurt 

When you got home, you cried all night.

End of Flashback

1 year later...

You haven't seen him

Tears falled down your face, you tried to stop them but it won't

You slowly uncovered your face but as you stood up you from the bench, you saw a tall figure stood infront of you

You were shock thoughts ran through your head

"Hi" he smiled.



Author's note:

Sorry If you are confused but hope you like it and thanks for reading the first chapter

Also this my first time so explains everything


I'll update soon


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yeollieka #1
Chapter 1: I almost cried reading the first chappie :') I want to know the reason why he left her.. And now he comes back, what's he up to?
I can't wait for the next chapter :D