Our Silly Summer


It all started when you decided not to study for the final exam. Your score that day was just terrible and because of your anger and frustration, you decided to crunch up that paper and threw it with all the power you have. Lucky you that the one you hit was no other than the devil's son, Yong Junhyung. You're screwed because everyone knows not to mess with him or else... 

Rumours has it that when a person accidentally budged into him, Junhyung threatened that kid and so the student had to move schools. What will happen to you now? But who cares? It's the end of school and it's summer, even if you did this to Junhyung, it's summer and there won't be any chance to meet him EVER again.

...One word: KARMA


Author's Note:

Dimpley here or if you want, you can call me Kaycie which is my real name! How are you?

This is my first AFF story, even if I did have that other story but that's my sister's and she accidentally posted it on my account (-.-') silly sister.

So this will be a story of you and the beautiful, y and flaming, Yong Junghyun of Beast!

Do I hear some whoop whoop?! Haha :P

I'm not the best writer nor am I great with spelling and grammar so please understand any errors, I'll make sure to edit it ASAP!

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Yong Junhyung.

Age: 18.

School: Cube High School.

Bio: Known as the 'badass' of Cube High School. His cold and reserved personality certainly says so anyway. He has friends but other than, he's pretty infamous but girls still crawl over him because of his handsome and seductive body and face. It's odd but he is both feared and loved.


Kim ~~~~~~ (You).

Age: 18.

School: Cube High School.

Bio: Ranked 1 in the whole school on academics. You're an almost normal girl except you're not that popular and you're pretty clumsy and stubborn. You're not bullied but you're not exactly friends with everyone. You have some friends and some enemies who really dislikes you. Your looks is pretty good with a nice body but you cover it with baggy clothes, glasses and all those things that disguises your beautiful figure.



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xRawrRiot #1
Chapter 3: Lol haha JunHyung is so playful xD omg Hahahaha
Thanks for updating~ :D
As for suggestions...play video games? go outside and play a sport? Read a book? Read fanfiction ;) haha or update more? Haha
xRawrRiot #2
Chapter 2: Asdfghjkl; I love your story so far even though it only has two chapters haha.
I hope you an update soon~ <3
And I agree with Srikanda. It's about time a normal story came about :)
Update soooooooon!!! I'm really waiting.. Finally I found a normal story.. xD