It's over

Belvedere House

WARNING: This chapter contains violence.



''Yoona! Jessica! Jiyoon! where are you?''

My head snapped to the direction of the sound. 


In here! Luhan! In the shed!

He could've heard me, except that I had a tape plastered on my mouth preventing me to scream and shout. I tried speaking but only incoherent mumbles can be heard.

I looked around trying to find a sharp object.The rope wrapped around my arms and legs were burning my skin everytime I tried to move. Realising there was nothing around to help me with, I started screaming my lungs out in hope that Luhan would hear me.

Suddenly there was banging on the door. 

"It's locked!" I heard Chanyeol say.

Thank God, they found us.

The banging stopped for a second but a bigger force was replaced afterwards. They were using their feet to dismantle the door. The door cracked and eventually gave up. The door fell with a loud thud, scattering the dust around. I looked up to see Chanyeol and Luhan running towards me.

"Yoona!" they both shouted.

They helped me take the plaster off my mouth and untie the rope around my wrists and ankles. The burning sensation was gone but the skin around my mouth began to tingle as soon as the tape tear away from it. My lips were dry and sticky.

"Are you okay?! Where's JiYoon?!" Luhan asked after hugging me. His face was a mixture of panic and anger.

"She went back to the house to search for you two," I said soothing the red area around my mouth.

We heard Chanyeol gasped and shouted Jessica's name when he saw her in the corner.
We all ran to her unconscious body.

Luhan and Chanyeol untied her wrists while I carefully tear away the plaster. Chanyeol checked if Jessica was still breathing. He sighed in relief as he found a pulse on her neck.
If it wasn't for the the bruise on her left cheek and her messy hair, she would've passed as someone who was just sleeping.

Hang on, we'll get you out of here. I touched her cheek.

"We have to carry her and get out of here before JiYoon finds us," Chanyeol started to say.
Luhan and I both nodded. We were about to place Jessica on Chanyeol's back to carry her when we heard a chuckle coming from behind us.
We turned around to see JiYoon standing by the door, gun on her hand.

"Thank you for making it easier for me to find you. I thought I was going to hunt you down one by one and drag you in here and hold you captive for the meantime while I wait for the others to come back," she said sarcastically while leaning against the door frame.

Why is she holding us captive?! Does she know that we already know she killed Sulli? 

"You're crazy," I whispered.  She picked up what I said and she smiled towards me. The very same smile she gave when she welcomed us in her house .

"Why don't you just let us go? What do you want from us?"  I said.

"Now, now, you know I can't let you all go. You already know too much."

I pretended to play dumb. "We don't know what you're talking about."

"Well I don't know about you three but that unconscious girl knows too much already. You should thank her. If it wasn't for your little friend snooping around my house in the middle of the night you wouldn't be in this situation right now. You should be on your way home, safe and sound," she said the last three words in a bare whisper.

"Look, just put the gun down and we can talk about-" Chanyeol calmly said but was interrupted by JiYoon's laugh.

"Are you trying to be the superhero today?" 

"Cut out the crap," I said in a low and angry voice. I was sick of her sarcastic tone. I was sick of her games especially after what I discovered today in my dream.

She raised one of her eyebrows at me, "Excuse me?"

"Just stop. I already know your secret. I know what you did to Sulli," I glared at her.

Her eyes widened momentarily but she quickly composed herself again. "And exactly what did I do to her?"

"You killed your own daughter. You let her drown. You watched her carefully while she struggled to keep her head above the water. What type of sick mother are you?" My voice wavered as I tried not to remember what I saw in my dream.

"You hid her away from her father," Chanyeol added in. He reached inside his jacket and pulled out a soakened, white notebook.

I heard a gasp from JiYoon.

"You locked her in her room afraid that her father would find her. Then the day came when he finally saw his daughter for the first time and - "

"STOP! STOP IT! SHUT UP!" She cried out. She was breathing heavily and her whole body was shaking out of anger. "Because of her I lost my husband. She ruined everything," She choked on her words as she broke down.

"We were happy just the two of us. We got married and bought this house. Even though he was always out at work only coming home once every year, I was contented and happy that I got the man of my dreams. Then Sulli came in the picture. I knew he didn't want to start a family yet. The first time I brought up the topic of family was before we got married. He slapped me and was outraged that I would even think of such a thing. I carried and conceived Sulli while he was on a business trip in Japan. I would hide her and lock her in her room everytime he came home. I threathened her that if he found out about her, she will never see him ever." 

It was my first time seeing how vulnerable and hurt she was considering how she was uncontrollably shaking with anger just moments ago.

"He...hurt you?" I asked carefully.

She looked down shamefully. 

"He loved me. No, he still loves me. He didn't mean to hurt me," she whispered. "I hope he forgives me. I didn't mean to.." she sobbed quietly.

She didn't mean to what?? 

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Chanyeol trying to get my attention. I looked at him and he started pointing at himself then to JiYoon who was looking down trying to hide her tearful face from us. He mouthed a few words that I didn't catch but I knew he was planning on something to help us get out of the situation. I glared at him and shook my head slowly. "Don't do it," I mouthed at him.

She realised she has spilled all her secrets and she aggresively wiped her tears away. She looked up and pointed the gun at us again. 

"Here's the plan, I won't wait for the others to come back. I'll end it right here now." all the hurt and vulnerability in her eyes were gone.

She pointed the gun at Luhan, "Luhan, I want you to tie the rope to Jessica's wrists and cover with the tape again."

Luhan kept still.

"DO IT NOW OR ELSE I WON'T HESITATE TO PULL THIS TRIGGER!" she pointed the gun towards me. Luhan's hands were clutched into fists but his eyes were full of fear. He forced himself to walk towards Jessica's body and slowly bent down and took the rope that was lying beside Jessica.

While Luhan tied Jessica's wrists together, Jiyoon's eyes landed on mine and I knew at that moment she was going to pull the trigger at me. I didn't have time to react or move and the only thing I could do was to shut my eyes and wait for the sound of the trigger and the pain that the bullet would inflict me.

I heard the loud bang and Luhan screaming my name afterwards, but I didn't feel any pain.
I opened my eyes slowly and found Chanyeol's face right infront of me.  His face was still and his eyes were wide but his mouth slowly hitched up. He smiled at me faintly. He whispered my name once before shutting his eyes weakly. Then his body collapsed infront of me. 

"Drop the gun," I heard someone say from behind JiYoon.

Everything else drowned out. I couldn't hear anything except the pounding of my heart against my ears. I was so shock that my brain didn't register what has just happened until I saw a pool of blood on the floor where Chanyeol's body was resting.

"Chanyeol..." My vision became blurry as I bent down to clutch on his shirt. I couldn't stop the tears streaming down my face as I called his name over and over again.

", no.." All my emotions poured out and I cried out his name non-stop in a bare whisper. I touched his cheek and slightly shook his body to try and wake him up.

My cry echoed around the room. "Chanyeol, please wake up," I brushed his hair away from his face. I felt hands around my arms pulling me away from him. 

"Yoona let go, they need to bring him to the hospital immediately," Luhan gently informed me.

"Hurry, let's get him to the hospital!" I saw Kris and another man carry his passive body carefully out of the room.

I look around and noticed police officers everywhere and one of them was dragging JiYoon outside and forcing her to get in the police car. 

"Unnie!" I heard Krystal's voice. She rushed to her sister's body while Xiumin and another police officer were untying the rope around her sister's wrists. Kai pulled Krystal away while they carried Jessica's body out of the room.

Luhan hugged me and I let myself cry again against his chest. "Shhh. It's over." Luhan whispered as he caressed my hair.

"It's over."









I finally updated after what? nearly a year? 0_0 

I'm sorry for the long wait. I had a lot of things happening during the past couple of months mainly because of school, writer's block and some other personal problems. Forgive me? I'm glad no one unsubscribe :)

To all the new subscribers, Annyeong! ^^

I will post the last chapter sometime this week and that's it, my story's over. Thank you for the patience guys. Until my next update!

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Chapter 13: Wow it's was a bit scary tbh... But I'm glad my chanyeol and everyone are fine... Nice story
Chapter 7: Ahh guys why are you dividing into groups... Please stick together... Omg!!!
Chapter 6: Ahhh Jessica is missing??? Omg!!!
Haha .. I'm just scared but still here reading
Chapter 3: Ahh I'm already biting my nails... This house is creepy
Okay I didn't start this story yet but from the comments I can figure out this is a scary story...kayyyy!!! But I'm gonna read it anyways...XD
Chapter 13: OH.MY.GOD.!!! this is a great story..
authornim goodjob*-* i hope u made a sequel^_^
Chapter 13: OMO~ I really love your story author! FIGHTING *.*
yoong23 #8
Chapter 13: wow..........just WOW the story is awesome..i thought chanyeol and other will die along the way while solving the problem of sulli and jiyoon.......nice story author........more story to come..CHANYOON will be fine hehehe :)
saseumi90 #9
Chapter 13: Ohmygawd! The best!
Speechless .. Lol *-*
Awesome story.
Keep writing~~
EmemisthebestI #10
Chapter 13: Awesome story, you should write a sequel