Nemesis Chapter 17


The cashier tried to stop a smile

“If you’re attitude is as pretty as your name and face, then you’d have pity on us and my empty wallet” Kris pleaded

The cashier still maintained her answer

“Why don’t I take you out on a date? The café across the corner? My treat” Kris offered

The cashier lady broke into a huge smile. She agreed.

Kris gave his ‘number’ to her. But it was really just a number he saw from a commercial

Tao and Kris bought the belt for half the price.

When they were alone, Tao gave Kris a high-five.

“Good-going bro!” Tao complimented Kris

“I use the same exact number to fool chicks too” Tao chuckled

Kris couldn’t reply. His ears were still ringing from Tao’s compliment

“You complimented me” Kris rubbed it in

“You bought me a belt” Tao tried to deny the fact that he did compliment Kris sincerely

“Even if we seem so different, we’re actually pretty alike” Kris noticed

Tao put up a finger “Oh no you didn’t just compare me to you. There is a social status barrier between us okay? Slaves cannot date Royalty. Period”

Kris wanted to answer back but the fact that Tao thought of them dating was good enough to silence him for the rest of the day.

The two went in a bunch of stores and picked outfits. Kris had great taste whilst Tao had really bad taste. All of his picks were either black, leopard print or just plain ty.

“NO SEQUINS” Kris commanded as Tao put on a pair of shiny gold sequined pants

“But- but” Tao pouted

“Back in there. Here, put this on” Kris gave Tao a hanger of tight, dark washed jeans, a plain white shirt and a simple leather jacket.

“But I already have a leather jacket” Tao made a point

“Oh right, I’m paying for this .” Kris took out the leather jacket

Tao changed in the dressing room and came out. He was dressed simply but sometimes simplicity is best.

“You look… hot” Kris accidentally blurted out his thoughts

“Thanks. I know” Tao said cockily

The two checked out of the store.

“So, now for the date simulation” Tao stated

“Wait, wait. If this is a date practice then your whole concept of your first date will be ruined. Where’s the magic in that? It’s like this is your first date” Kris didn’t want Tao to get disappointed

“Whatever. It’s better than looking like a clumsy in front of Lulu” Tao really didn’t care if love was magic or some sort of drug stupid people inhaled. He was too naïve and straight to the point.

“Well then, let’s date” Kris smiled at Tao

The latter stared at him before hitting his face

“Okay. To the movies then” Tao walked out

Kris followed the boy “Hey!”

The two looked at the choices. Even Kris insisted that they watch another movie for a surprise factor when he watches the action movie with Luhan, Tao still wanted to watch the same movie. He wanted to be focused on kissing Luhan in the cinema and not missing the important parts. Kris just kept quiet and rolled his eyes.

Tao even made Kris buy ‘popcorn’ so he could practice the ‘accidental touching of hands’

The two watched the first 15 minutes of the movie before Zitao requested Kris for some techniques

“Okay. Remember to stay alert the whole time. Slightly move your eyes and inconspicuously look at my hands for times I get popcorn and slowly but naturally, grab some as well. But don’t not grab popcorn till I do or else, that would be really weird and awkward. Game?” Kris started

Tao followed Kris’ directions

Kris stopped Tao “You look too stiff. You’re not believable. Also, stop staring to long. It’s like you haven’t eaten for days”

The student nodded in compliance and they started again

Kris got popcorn from the bucket and Tao didn’t make a move. Kris tried again and still, Tao didn’t make a move.

“Tao, I’m convinced you’re dying of shock” Kris observed the stiff latter not even make eye contact with him

“Sorry, sorry. I get really nervous during these things so” In the end, Tao was just an inexperienced lover boy

They started again. The popcorn was now half empty.

Kris grabbed popcorn, as he watched the clip. Tao didn’t make a move.

Kris grabbed popcorn and this time like it was perfect timing or destiny, their two hands touched.

They chuckled

“Perfect. When your hands touch, you look at each other and smile but not your ing creepy forced smile okay? Let your natural giddiness take over” Kris instructed

Tao practiced his smile. He thought about Luhan and it naturally came out.

Kris just blushed at the boy “Luhan will definitely fall in love”

Although admiring Tao, Kris still felt torn between the truth and his lies.

“You think so?” Tao asked

Kris evaded eye contact “I know so”

The two continued watching the movie before Kris taught Tao some extra moves

“This is the yawn method. You pretend to yawn and stretch and when you put your hands back down, you put your arms around Luhan” Kris taught the boy

“Ooh! I think I’ve seen this on tv before! Show me Slave!” Tao ordered cheerfully

Kris had a huge feeling he was taking advantage of Tao in some way

Yifan yawned, stretched and put his arms around Tao, like he always had in his dreams.

“Smooth” Tao complimented

“Another compliment” Kris said to himself

“My turn!” Tao said like a little kid

Tao tried but he made it look too awkward or too exaggerated

Kris instructed Tao multiple times; this included wrapping his arms around Tao a lot. Benben really felt that Tao must be really gullible to not see his true feelings for the younger man by now.

Finally, Tao got it.

The teacher had no more tricks to teach the student so they both watched the movie.

The popcorn was almost empty.

Kris reached for the popcorn and to his surprise, he touched hands with Tao.

“Still training me I see, hardworking slave” Tao grabbed a chunk of popcorn and ate it in one stuffing.

Yifan could only feel the butterflies in his stomach; he didn’t plan that at all. Thank goodness Tao was an idiot when it came to love.

The movie ended and the two exited the theatre

“That was a good movie” Tao observed

“Yeah. I’m sure you and Lu-zi will have a fun time” Kris assured Tao

“Instead of saying that it was a good movie, why don’t you ask Luhan if he liked the movie and what part he liked the most.” Kris continued

“Right” The two were walking out when Tao’s belly grumbled loudly

“This is embarrassing” Tao commented

“You should probably eat something before the date. Just so ‘that’ doesn’t happen” Kris pointed at Tao’s belly. But of course, Kris didn’t mind. He found it adorable

“Let’s get some dinner” Tao insisted

The two picked a local sushi place

“Hey, don’t forget I’m paying for all of this” Kris said as he noticed Tao’s immense appetite.

Tao had ordered 3 plates and that didn’t include Kris’ half.

“Don’t worry. I’ll pay you back, don’t be a cheapskate” Tao said as he munched on some octopus

The savage boy burped in front of Benben’s face

“Oops… Sorry” Tao excused himself

“You probably shouldn’t do that on the date” Kris commented

Tao nodded “Right”

Kris got the bill and saw how many zeroes were involved. He grabbed his credit card.

“My mom is going to kill me” Kris whispered

The two headed back to the parking lot.

“What a fun-filled day!” Tao rubbed his belly as if to gesture that he was full

“It was, wasn’t it?” Suddenly the money spent didn’t matter to Kris anymore

“I hope my date with Luhan would be as fun or funner than this” Tao unlocked the car

“More fun” Kris corrected

Tao entered the car “The simulation is over now, you can stop telling me what to do”

Kris got in and made a face.

Tao started the car and backed up the vehicle.

Kris fumbled with the radio in the car. Tao got irritated so he took over.

Suddenly, Tao picked a station that played the infamous yet cliché song “passenger’s seat”

He left it there

“Don’t you think this song is a bit cheesy?” Kris noticed the irony of the situation

“Really? I thought it would set the mood for me and Luhan” Tao turned to a curb

“Or freak him out” Kris commented

“I like this song” Tao began to sing loudly and out of tune

Benben could only laugh at  his crazy antics

Tao stopped in front of Kris’ home

“Oh, Thanks bro.” Kris was about to get off when Tao stopped him

“My wallet was in the car drawer all along. Here, take the money” Tao gave Kris some cash

Kris refused “No, this whole thing, whatever it is, is my treat.”

“Your pride is ruining the moment. Stop being a saint and take it slave. Your family has to eat” Tao started again

“Nah, I’m practicing a little something called friendship” Kris replied

Tao paused and stared at the angel

“So, we’re friends now huh?” He continued

“Yeah” Kris assured

“What made you decide this?” Tao asked kris

“I just thought I’d stop being a and claim what I want” Kris was standing up for himself

Huang-zi started clapping “About time”

Kris opened the car door.

“Yah Kris!” Tao called on

“What?” Kris looked back

“You need to teach me one last thing..” Tao got out of the car

“What?” Benben was curious

“How to walk him up to his front door and… Goodnight kissing” Tao said as he flushed red

Kris covered his mouth. It’s never too late for a nose bleed.

Tao caught up to Kris

“Hold my hand” Kris instructed

Tao obeyed

Kris’ was surprisingly dominant

The two stood over Kris’ welcome mat.

“What now?” Tao asked

“Close your eyes” Kris instructed

“Are you going to use your thumb again?” Zitao asked

“As long as you close your eyes. Promise me, you won’t open them” Kris commanded

“Okay” Tao blindly followed

The latter closed his eyes.

Kris was about to use his thumb again. But the temptation of actually kissing Huang-zi was too much. Tao looked extra beautiful under his garden light after all.

Kris tried to resist it. But he’s been resisting all week. A little kiss wouldn’t hurt; after all, this could be his only chance. Tao wouldn’t know the difference between his thumb and dry lips.

Kris breathed in and out

“Hurry up!” Tao was getting impatient

“Okay okay” Kris leaned in. His heart started fluttering. This was his chance. He prayed Tao wouldn’t open his eyes

Benben gave an innocent peck on Tao’s lips that lasted 3 seconds. He moved away fast.

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blueberrygirl91 #1
Chapter 18: I really love this story plz write more
I really love this story *O* it's not the cliche innocent sweet love story :) hoping that you would update soon author-nim :D
jay_cassic #3
Chapter 18: That was so awesome *____* loved how tao was the bad boy and not the innocent one like he is so often :D
Bliss_Destiny #4
Chapter 18: Ps. Thank you so much for mass update! That's very kind of you! /sob/
Bliss_Destiny #5
Chapter 18: OMG these lovebirds... LOL
Tao and Kris are getting intimate woooooooohhhhh~<3
Wait... I think they haven't finished their project?? XD
You're so done, guys! XD
Chapter 18: thank you so much for mass update :D
so, how will taoris do after their relationship blossom?
slowbutsure #7
Chapter 18: I was shocked you updated so many chapters..
OMG.. I cant handle how Kris asks Tao to be his boyfriend.. ><
btw, I feel a bit anxious because I'm afraid the baby is still in Tao's room and recorded Tao and Kris activities during.... *ahem* you know.. that thing.
bcuz I remember there's camera attached inside of it..
I hope that's not true!!
can't wait for the next chapter!! ^~^
AnimeFreak96 #8
Chapter 18: I saw this updated and when I clicked it I was like wow ! How much did u update for a day ? Ugyaa this is certainly absolutely definitely cute adorable and so much fluff !!!
Finally tao and kris become a couple
Thank you x3 so much for this..
Update soon authornim (^-^)/
Chapter 10: Aww my Krisus is about to get his kicked. Or maybe he will seduce tao into loving him instead. *wiggles eyebroows* /shot
but really. What would YOU do if you found Kris in your living room half ? I wouldn't be angry that's for sure ;D
Bliss_Destiny #10
Chapter 10: Uh huh.... my baby will definitely wushu you for wearing his panda pajamas especially when Lu Han is not around, Kris! XD
Poor Tao :(
I know how it feels....
Lu Han is just so clueless XD
Why ending it so soon, author-nim? I love this!~