Pick Up Lines

Pick Up Lines
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A/N – Hi darlings. A little heads up before you read. The italics are their thoughts. Well basically hyuk and kyu’s. So read carefully. The thought belongs to the person in that particular paragraph or sentence since I didn’t make it one sided like I usually do.


And sorry for the late update. Someone asked me if I was writing a fic for Eunhyuk’s birthday and since I hadn’t thought of that I thought I might as well post this today…his birthday. Thank you for reminding me guys!! Anyhu, enjoy and let me know how you like it!! Mwah!





It was the opening ceremony for the new students in school and Kyuhyun being part of the newspaper club, was here taking photos of the event - though he really didn’t want to be here. He could think of other more interesting things to do, like play with the PSP he had in his pocket.


He looked through the lenses of his camera, clicking the button to take some random pictures of the school principal giving his welcoming speech - though it was filled with boisterous achievements of the schools and between the lines warnings for the new students to keep their toe in line -  and the decorations of the area. He twisted his body, still looking through the lenses, towards the new students sitting perfecting in the chairs in their crisp new uniforms, in full suit since it was after all the opening ceremony. Those blazers would be left alone for the rest of the year unless there was some other important occasion that called for it.


Kyuhyun continued walking forward from his twisted position and then it happened. Lightening struck on kyuhyun’s little heart. The camera seemed to have zoned in on this one boy. He was sitting there, in rapt attention, listening to the principal as if his life depended on it - believe me; it didn’t matter because listening to the principal is like listening to a droning rule book. As long as you are not caught doing anything stupid then you’re all good.


He was beautiful with soft features, blond hair falling on his face in cascading waves swept slightly in one direction ( A/N - I’m thinking LG mobile photoshoot). His big eyes peeked out from underneath the falling tresses and it made Kyuhyun want to gaze into it for eternity. He’s lips we-


“Owwww” Kyuhyun moaned as a sharp pain radiated from his head which had collided with the wall he had apparently walked into. ‘I was distracted alright! happens!’


Kyuhyun scowled at the wall in front of him all the while rubbing his head before turning back towards the new students only see  them all standing up, clapping politely to the end of the boring speech. The beauty lost somewhere in the middle of the sea of blazers.


Kyuhyun frowned before starting to take some more last minute picture since he didn’t want to make his editor mad – he is a pain in the – thinking that he would probably find out more about the boy when the school starts tomorrow. The event was now at an end and everyone would be excused to carry out any other enrolment requirements before the official start of school.




Kyuhyun liked taking pictures actually but he preferred nature instead of people. He always said that he couldn’t see the beauty in people but the boy sitting on the bench in front of him under the cherry blossom tree he was previously photographing made him think that maybe he was wrong… so so wrong because this boy was nothing but beautiful.


Eunhyuk had just finished getting his timetable and other papers from the school office and was waiting for his father to come pick him up from school since the enrolment ceremony was over now. He had found himself a bench near the school gates and had happily skipped over to it, admiring the beauty around it. There were cherry blossoms floating gently in the air, falling on the ground underneath, coating it beautifully in a sea of pink and white. Eunhyuk scrunched his nose as one petal fell and landed on his nose. He grinned as he blew it, watching it float upwards and then down again, landing near a pair feet. Eunhyuk looked up to see a tall boy standing there, a camera slung around his neck, looking at him with a strange look in his eyes – not scary but it did make him feel a bit flustered.


Eunhyuk eyes widened when he saw a red angry looking swelling on the boys’ forehead and being the kind boy he was, he asked him if he was okay.


“Yes, I’m okay. Though this is all your fault.” The boy answered making Eunhyuk look at him with confusion. How is that my fault when I don’t even know him?


Kyuhyun seeing the confused look the beauty was giving him said, “Well you see, I was so enchanted by your beauty that I ran into the wall over there during the enrolment ceremony.” Kyuhyun almost swooned when he saw the boy blink up at him cutely; his wide eyes making his heart do the Vietnamese waltz. He took a deep breath, “And so I am going to need your name and number for insurance purposes.”


Eunhyuk looked at the boy in front of him in shock. ‘Was he hitting on me? Oh my God, he is hitting on me!!’ Eunhyuk gave a mental squeal because he had never been flirted with before. And the fact that boy flirting with him was so handsome made everything even more exciting.


Kyuhyun saw the boy blush and open his mouth to say something when they were interrupted by a loud honking and a shout, “Hyukkie!!! DADDY IS HERE!!!” the boy jumped at the shout and with a wide smile, he ran over to the car and jumped in, earning himself a hug from the man inside before they zoomed off leaving a frustrated Kyuhyun behind.


“Hyukkie huh?

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Chapter 2: lol, gotta love fics clever enough to incorporate/ jam as many pick-up lines as possible xD
Hahaha...Kyu is soooo cheesy and I love it and Hyukkie is as cute as always.
Chapter 2: hahaha. if I was there i will be laugh with changmin.really kyu? so cute you being like this . si sweet. haha
Riddlemeidle #4
Very cute story, it was fluffly and this Kyu is so endearing. The pick up lines were just so funny, thanks !
Hime-kun #5
Chapter 2: i cringed every time.... Kyu stop being a corny kyu,... it hunts me... Anyway this was kawaii ~_~/
RingoJuice #6
Chapter 2: Rarely see a cheesy kyu! It's really cute!!! Hehehe!
lovingkyuhyuk #7
Every line Kyu said were pickup lines...yet they fit the plot so perfectly!! ROTFL!!
hyukstar #8
from the beginning to end i was smiling and laughing...its too cute!
heyitstheduff #9
Chapter 2: Gosh! Cheesy Kyu!><
Chapter 2: I am now crying from laughing so much at those pickup lines. You could make like 30 pizzas with all that cheese my goodness. Not upvoting would be a crime.