Heartfelt Meeting

Classical Chains





Linda and Kyungmi flinch in their seats, heads hanging low, looking at Linda’s backpack and music folder on top of the table. Minjung glares at them, arms crossed, fire bursting from her eyes. Both girls were taken to lunch after the fiasco at the park, but couldn’t enjoy their time together because they had to scarf down their food to get to JYP building quickly by order of Minjung. After being in silence for 10 minutes, Linda is ready to take it all in.


“You leave. You leave me alone looking like an IDIOT! Do you know how long it took me to contact this company and schedule an interview and you just get up and leave!? Did you know it’s one of the biggest companies in the music industry? You're lucky the president is a nice enough person to still let you sign the contract because he’s a busy man who doesn’t have the time to deal with your childish antics. You got that? And, I don’t want to hear that you’ve been ditching any of your classes because if you do, I’m going to quit my job and leave you alone with the ‘dragon’. Okay? So, think twice before ditching.” Minjung was tired of Linda’s attitude, but she knew this was the best to bring out the bitter and hopeless hole she’s in. But more importantly to get her away from the professor. This experience will change her life. She just hoped Linda would see it that way.


“You do know you said ‘leave’ like about 4 or 5 times, right? Did it upset you that much that I left?"

"Really? Is that all you paid attention to?" Minjung's frustration was bubbling in the pit of her stomach.

"Okay, okay, okay, okay. Look. I told you I was meeting Kyungmi. I haven’t seen her in ages and she's the only friend besides you I know here. So, I left to meet her.” Even though Linda knew she shouldn’t have left at such an important time, she was too excited and anxious to sit and wait. Although, Linda did feel sorry for leaving Minjung in that state.


“I told you, you could meet Kyungmi at the end of the interview, you didn't bother to tell her that? And you.” Minjung turns to face Kyungmi. “You knew that she had an interview. Why didn't you tell her to meet you after, even if she didn't tell you?"


"Well, Linda said we could meet for lunch, so I didn't think it was going to take that long. If I knew she was going to get interviewed here, I wouldn't have insisted." Kyungmi hates getting in trouble because of Linda. Still, being that she's 4 years older than her, Kyungmi does like to take care of her dongsaeng, sometimes. Though, back then, she was like a lost little, black lamb in a pen full of white sheep. Now, she's trying to escape but afraid to leave and get lost in the wide open pastures.


"Let's get to the topic of the matter. JYP entertainment is one of ‘the big 3’ record labels in Korea. Those in the company range from actors, models, singers, and dancers. The reason you're here is because they can help you regain the musical creativity you've lost. I did this without professor Jang's knowledge, so you have to keep a low profile. You'll be working with celebrities which means you have to stay in the background and out of the spotlight. If you're caught on camera, the professor will find out, I'll get fired, and you'll be severely punished. The president and the staff know what I did, so you have an open contract to be an intern and learn what they have to offer."


Linda has been around music for as long as she could remember. Her parents found out of her gifts when she was only two years old and at that time, her older brother practiced the piano. One day when he got bored of practicing and left to play outside, Linda struggled her way onto the chair and started playing the same piece her brother was playing. At that moment, she fell in love with music. Back then, her parents were missionary doctors but weren’t overly protective and strict parents. They let her have as much freedom at being an ordinary girl as possible, not controlling her musical career, and only encouraging her ambitions to continue her education in music. Even though genres of music weren’t restricted for her back then, Linda was always surrounded by classical music. The type of music that she felt soothed the mind and the soul, where imaginations that were locked away deep inside were set free, and the connection of emotions to the audience was visible. But as time progressed, it became a type of blueprint for a skyscraper that had to be carefully built and stabilized exactly as it was printed to see which one was taller, who stood out on top. Somewhere along the way, classical music lost its essence, its purpose to connect to people. That’s when classical music was all she saw, all she heard, and all she studied, and all other genres were prohibited.


Linda got up from her seat and started pacing the room with her hands behind her back mimicking a chief executive deep in thought. “So… this is some type of pop music industry and…you’re allowing me to learn their music. Without the ‘dragon’s’ knowledge. Oh, and I’m not supposed to get caught. Interesting…” Linda then turns to face Kyungmi. “But why didn’t you tell about this place during lunch, especially since you’re from here anyway?”


“I thought you already knew! Especially since you’re the one who brought up the whole ‘I’m going to JYP’ thing.” Kyungmi defended herself while mocking her.

Aish! Come down already. Don’t get you’re in a bunch!” Linda goes behind the chair she was at, crosses her arms on top of the chair, resting her head on top of them. “If I do this, will it interfere with my schedule? I mean, I barely just came back to the musical scene, and starting to get calls to do recitals and other crap.”


Minjung was just about to answer when there was a knock on the door. ”Can I come in?” A man in his mid 30s slowly opened the door and sauntered into the room with a folder in his hands. He was somewhat handsome in a semi-casual white button up shirt and black slacks, but looked like a nice, easy-going guy. “Linda. Nice of you to return. You ready to sign the contract?”


Linda straightened up, bowed to him and then confidently looked straight at him. “Jeongmal mianhaeyo. I shouldn’t have acted so recklessly and disrespected you and you’re employees. For that I’m really sorry.” She then grabs Kyungmi’s arm and happily presents her to him. “This is Bae Kyungmi, my best friend and unni. I’ve played music alongside her at recitals and competitions since I was little.”


Kyungmi was jittery with excitement that she forgot to bow. “Oh my gosh! I can’t believe I’m talking to Park Jinyoung! It’s such a pleasure to meet you!”

“Thank you. It’s nice to meet you, too.” He then faces Linda. “So…what’s your answer?”

“Well, it actually seems like a pretty good deal, but what about my schedule?”

“We’ll work around it.”

“Ok…so, what are the privileges I have? Will I be working at the recording studio?” As soon as she started thinking of the possible things she could do, Linda’s thoughts started pouring out of . “Oh! What kind of instruments do you guys have? Can I play them? Will I learn how to play them all? Oh, and will I – “

“Whoa! Slow down! Let’s take this one step at a time. First, you have to sign the contract and then we’ll see what you’ll do.”

“Someone give me a pen. I can’t wait to start!” Linda cutely extends out her hands, implying to give her the contract.

“Before you sign, are you planning on continuing your studies?”


Linda’s expression down-casted. She hadn’t thought about school in a while. Ever since she started school, her drive to learn beyond the school’s curriculum couldn’t be stopped, so she skipped grades pretty quickly. Then as soon as she was known as a musical prodigy, her parents’ decided she start homeschooling so her schedule could be flexible enough for her studies and her career. From then on, she hardly experienced a normal school life, being surrounded by teenagers and adults made her lonely with hardly anyone her own age. She was scouted at the age of 12 by Julliard and was given an opportunity to have a full-ride scholarship there, once she graduated high school. Linda “graduated” high school at almost 14 and moved to New York City with her family. When she began her studies at Julliard, things were tolerable, the late-night studying, the concerts, the competitions, but something changed in her life that made her want to graduate as soon as possible to leave those memories. To leave the pain and forget it all. She’s 18 now, an adult and capable of making her own decisions, but is she emotionally ready?

Will going to college bring back the memories I have buried deep in my heart? Will they affect me even here in Korea? What should I do?


“Can I think about it first? Starting graduate school is pretty tough, even more so since it would me my first time studying in Korea. I’ll let you know before enrollment starts for spring of 2009 classes start.”

“Sure, let’s do that. I have some things to do, so I won’t be able to show you around the building. But I have someone to give you a tour though.” Jinyoung then looks toward Minjung. “After Linda finishes signing the contract, can you come to my office to start off her schedule?”

“Absolutely.” She then fixates her eyes on Linda and Kyungmi giving them a “you better behave” kind of look. Linda takes her backpack and her folder from the table and head out the door with the other three.


Halfway into the hallway, they meet up with a slim, athletic guy running towards them. "Sorry I’m late. I got caught up in practice." He had a small face with small eyes and when he smiled, cute lines appeared on the corners of his mouth. He turns his attention to Linda and Kyungmi. "Which one of you lovely ladies is the new intern? I'm here to you to explore our grand conglomerate." He said comically.


Lifting Linda's mood, she gladly stepped forward and followed his antics. "I am the lovely Linda Park, the new intern and this is the lovely Bae Kyungmi, the best friend who will be visiting me. It’s nice to hear from a gentleman like yourself appoint us ladies with such flattery and courtesy."

“We’re in your care, my good sir.” Kyungmi tilts and bows her head while curtseying him.


“You guys follow along pretty well and humorous. Come on. Let’s go. By the way, my name’s Jang Wooyoung, dancer, singer, and soon-to-debut.” He said smiling.

“When are you debuting?” Intrigued, Kyungmi cuts in front of Linda, leaving Linda behind them both.

“Not sure. We first have to get some of our acrobats perfected and also our singing and dancing.”

“Acrobats!? That sounds amazing! But you’re not going to do the trapeze and tight rope stuff, right?”

“Hey! We’re not circus performers. We’re…”


Linda drowned out their conversation when the sweet sound of the piano faintly crept in her ears and lagged behind, wondering which one of those doors was confining those beautiful notes. When suddenly, in the direction of one door, it got louder. She quietly opened the door and let herself in. Kyungmi and Wooyoung were so deep in conversation, they completely forgot about Linda. I wonder how long it will take them to notice I’m gone?


A young man was playing the piano. It was good but not at the same level as Linda’s, but somehow the way he played was so soothing, not only that, but his voice. It sounded so angelic that it went perfect with the way the piano was being played. With the passion he sang and played made her insides swell up with these feelings. Feelings from her chest that shot up to her head swirling around making her limbs weak. She was so mesmerized by the music that she forgot that she had papers in her hand and dropped them, making a mess on the floor. It took her a while to realize what happened and bends over to pick them up. “Aw, man. I hope these weren’t in any specific order.” She said looking at each page with confusion. Great. Some of these do need to be in order.


“Do you need any help?” Crouched down, he hands her some papers smiling.

“I’m sorry I interrupted your practice and made a mess.” Why am I such a klutz?

“No, it’s fine. Were you going to practice?” He said, looking at the music sheets.

“No. I’m actually suppose to be taking a tour with my friend but heard your music and wandered off. So, I sort of ditched them. My name’s Linda Park by the way.” Linda said embarrassed.

“I’m Kim Junsu. Do you know the song I was playing?" He got on his feet and helped her up.

“Yeah.” Linda followed Junsu walking towards the piano with the folder of papers in her hand. He sits on the stool and motions her to sit next to him.

“Play with me. ”

"W-what?" Linda said panicking.

"Or do you want to sing with me."

“Playing is fine."


Junsu starts playing the piano on one side and Linda follows his melody. They both play in harmony in the beginning, but then it started to sound a little weird. Then, Junsu stopped playing.

"Wait. Try not to play exactly as the original song. Try to follow my singing also. Incorporate the way I sing into the piano and also put in a little of your own feeling."

"Are you trying to make it different?"

"I'm not trying to imitate the song. I'm making it my own."

"Ok. So what do you mean by putting my own feeling? Like make it happy or sad?"

"No. What do you feel when you hear this song."


It’s been a while since she has thought of what a song made her feel. “It’s hard to put it into words. I guess…free? I don’t know. The lyrics are about falling in love but the melody makes me feel like I’m free to do anything. Experience new things, fall in love, feel everything?” She couldn’t really wrap her mind around how she felt. It was like music started to confuse her.

“Let’s play then.”


As they were playing, Junsu could feel how internally conflicted she was. Linda played the song exactly as it was made and sort of sprinkled in some of her feelings. She was tense and uncertain of what she felt and looked like she was taking an exam. Then, the door opened.

“Here you are! Do you want me to get gray hairs?” Kyungmi came in with Wooyoung.

“Hey Junsu! I thought you were done practicing?” Wooyoung said approaching him and Linda.

“I was about to, but I got caught up playing with Linda." Junsu turns to face her. "Did you ditch Wooyoung, too?" Linda just smiled.

"Since you guys are done playing, let's show these girls the dance room." Wooyoung getting them out of their seat and pushing them to the door.




It's musty and the stench of sweat was everywhere, but you get over it. Why? All you can focus on is the movements. The feet, the hands, the body. It's so mesmerizing to see how gracefully, how smooth and powerful that body moved to the music. You can feel the aura he gives off; the passion he feels for dancing. 

"That's all for today's one-on-one. I'll see you guys as a group tomorrow morning. Alright?" The choreaographer bids his fairwell to everyone and leaves.

"Hi. My name's Jay Park. Nice to meet you." He bowed and gave the girls a smile. "So, what brings you girls here?"

"My name's Linda Park and this is my best friend Bae Kyungmi. I'll be the new intern here, so we're taking a tour to see what it's like here?"

"Well, first off. We're all like family. So, welcome to JYP family. Second. We're all kind of crazy. Some more than others." He secretly points to Wooyoung. "Oh, when are the others coming? They were just leaving for lunch."

"They should be here by now."

"Are you guys in one group?" Kyungmi asks Wooyoung.

"Yeah. We are. There's actually 7 of us."

"Seven! That's a lot. But you guys are going to be cooler than the Backstreet Boys, right?"

"You must really be American if you're comparing us to them. But, yeah. Are dances are way cooler, we rap, we do acrobatics, and we're good-looking."

"So, basically you're dancing, circus, rap monkeys." Linda teased.

"Hey! That's not what I meant."

"There's some good-looking monkeys. And anyways, acrobatics, makes me think of tight ropes at a circus."

"Just wait until the guys get here to show you.

"Do you guys dance?" Jay danced towards them and around them.

"Just enough to get down at the club." Kyungmi joined Jay's dancing along with Wooyoung.

"So, you're a party girl. Is the intern old enough to go clubbing? Or will she be missing out on the fun."

"Kyungmi, stop. You're embarrassing me. And here I thought I was the dongsaeng to get out of control." Linda pulled Kyungmi away from Jay and Wooyoung, ceasing the music-less clubbing. "And yes. I'm old enough. But seeing all this is giving me second thoughts on going clubbing with you guys."

"Just think of us as you're crazy older brothers."


Older brothers... It's been a while since I thought of him. Does he think of me or has he forgotten about me like I have? I have been doing fine without him though. I don't have a need for anymore oppas or him... or do I?




Once again, I'm sorry this is late! I've been glued to my computer learning how to Photoshop, video edit, and subtitle for the past couple of weeks and forgot about writing. I just finished subtitling the first episode of Dating Agency; Cyrano with SNSD's Sooyoung. But, it's in spanish. I didn't know it was so difficult. Now, I have learned to understand and respect all those who contribute in subbing our Korean videos. Anyways, I'll try to set some more time for my writting and please comment and subscribe! :}

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