Follow The Yellow Brick Road




You are either be Lee Young Il, young aspiring students that just transferred school to your childhood bestfriend's school, Jin Hyunki, the only person you know in this school. Only person appart from your new neighbor Park MiHi.As the three of you starts this new school year, you start to befriend some guys from this school, regular guys, you thought. Well, they are. Except for the fact that they are trainees at TS Entertainment. What will happen for you and your friends ? What does the future hold ? Will your relationships last during this school year ? Will some of them change forever ? Will your friendship with the trainees remain ? That is to be told... Or you may be Cho Eun Ae, a student at Yiung Il's school, known for her awesome dancing skills. What will her talent bring her ?




Park Hyeong Seok as Lee Yong Il aka YOU

This is you. The main character of this story; you are kind of shy and introverted but once you get your confidence, you are definitely funny and loves to talk with others. Boys make you nervous, apart from Hyun Ki, especially when they are totally your type. You love to sing (even though you are not good); rap and dance, but you mostly do it on your own or with HyunKi. You are also the kind of person to just stay at home or around hanging out with friends to do your thing. You also have low self-esteem and rather no confidence. You are overly romantic; you fall in love easily and tend to get hurt over it, too. But even through this, you keep a smile and even though you think you are weak, you try to be strong... Will those new friendship help you on your way to grow up?


Lee Jung Ha as Cho Eun Ae aka YOU

This could also be you. Cho Eun Ae, a dancer, passionate about it and very talented. You are not really into having many friends, you are usually on your own, studying and you rarely have friends. It is not that you are anti social or anything, you just don't want to be bothered by the risk of losing people. But will your point of view change because of new friendships or will you stay by yourself, dancing for your life ^


Lee Do Hyeong as Jin Hyun Ki


HyunKi is your best friend since childhood. Both of you know each other so well; you only need to look at each other to understand what the other wants. He is the kind of free spirited person, thinking of others, mostly you, before himself and is always the first to notice when you need help, are troubled or if there is something new happening in your life. Not only because you both tell each other everything, though. Even if he makes friends easily, loves to gout out and is really social, he prefers to be with you and just randomly hang out. Even though, sometimes he wants you to get out too. Does he love you more than just a friend?


Jung Roo as Park Mihi

The new girl in town, she is your new neighbor as well, straight from Canada. Cute, sassy and not the kind of girl to be walked on, she tries to help you get out of your bubble. Energetic, she loves to dance and sing and is trying to get you into it to. Have a crush on Bang Yong Guk.



The Best Absolute Perfect. TS Entertainment's new trainee group, to debut soon. At first, only some of them are your friends, but as you hang out with them, you start to meet them all and become acquaintances.


Jung DaeHyun


The timid yet playful Daehyun is the first person you befriend in that new school. He soon introduces you to his best friend YoungJae. His hobbies are eating, playing and sleeping, but mostly eating. He loves food so much that he often speaks with his big satoori accent as soon as he gets overexcited, usually about food. In fact, he is from Busan and he often tries to control his accent. He comes from a poor family but does not let it get to him, or talk about it, and keeps a bright smile and his joyful personality instead. He tends to get himself hurt often because of being clumsy. Coming from Busan, he sometimes acts in a way not everyone understands but is still liked. He also takes care of his appearance and loves fashion. He loves to sing more than anything else and as the last member to be in B.A.P, he is more than happy to have been taken. He seems to be interested allot in Lee Yong Il.

Yoo Young Jae


As the calmest member, he is also the smartest and puts school as a high priority. He is very timid but is really sympathetic and will often take care of others. That's what he did when Dae Hyun introduced Young Il to him, to whom he also seems pretty interested. He often tries to teach new things to others and learn for himself.  He is also really passionate about music, as are all of the other members, but his studies are more important to him. He prioritises all of his work before anything else. Maybe will the new chain of events change him?

Moon Jong Up


The best dancer of B.A.P, dance is all he needs to be happy, he could break-dance all day and it erases all of his troubles. Even though he is shy, he is able to easily say what he thinks and give his point of view. Even though he is always smiling, seems innocent and mostly is awkward with his jokes, he has more than one personality, as he likes to get on his hyungs nerves, sometimes, but he is not a bad person. Although he has a good body and cute eyes, he does not use them to take advantage of others as he is a genuine person.


Bang Yong Guk


Passionate about his music and a talented rapper, he is to become the leader of B.A.P. He is very charismatic and responsible, taking care of the youngest members of the group, even taking care of Young Il, Mihi and Hyun Ki. He doesn't give up and always tries his best, encouraging the other members too. He tries to look though but he is also bubbly and has a huge shy side...especially when it comes to aegyo.

Choi Jun Hong aka Zelo


The youngest of the group and also the most energetic; He tends to kid around allot and use aegyo to get what he wants, using his big eyes. He also LOVES food and skateboarding. Very talented and passionate despite his young age, he is a great rapper and dancer. He loves to be taken care of. Complexed by his chin, he also is often picking fights with Himchan.

Kim Himchan


Enthusiastic and hyperactive, he is also a big softie. The mother of B.A.P, he takes care of the members allot and often takes the role of leader when Young Guk cannot, as the two of them are also best friends. Passionate, he studies in traditional arts and music in Seoul. Overconfident about his looks, he loves to show it off, especially as an Ulzzang. He is careful about what he eats and is susceptible and pouts often. He loves to cook and loves fashion. He is lazy, though but it seems taking care of his looks is always important.



As people may know, they are some GUYS who read those fan fictions. Surely, gay guys or bi, so as one, I kind of have a hard REALLY imagining myself as the YOU from every fan fiction. To finally fill that need I have, I decided that in this story there would be two main characters that could be you, if you are a guy or a girl.

Another thing, the story is set before B.A.P debuted, as you may have noticed, just to make it more realistic, challenging and last longer too ;)

Also as for the English, please bear with me, English is not my main language but I will do my best.

This is my first fanfic so, if it is bad... mianhe!!

Wish me luck! Hwaiting!!


If you wonder about the title, it's just that my interpretation of the yellow brick road of the wizard of Oz, is kind of a sort of following the road to get what you want the most, as the characters in the book/movie/whatever wanted to go to the wizard of Oz's castle (I think?) so that he could make their wish come true (Dorothy to go home, the lion wants courage, Tin Woodman a heart and the scarecrow a brain).  In this story, young Il wants to find love :) yup.





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Chapter 6: I really like your story^^
Update soon :)