When He Asks You Out


How would you feel if Infinite asked you out on a date? ^___^" <3 How will they confess to you? How is their first date with you going to look like? Let's find out!


   You kept staring at his face and wondered how he could be so handsome.  His eyes were handsome, his lips, his nose everything about him was just handsome.  You couldn’t tear your eyes of the computer screen.  You loved admiring him, in real life and by pictures.

 You were a er for cheesy/greesy guys, that’s why you fell in love with Woohyun the first time the two of you met at a fan signing and he gave you his number.  So what if your friends didn’t like his cheesiness/ greasiness, you loved that about him.  Unfortunately, you didn’t know how he felt about you.



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