Truth or Dare 진실 또는 도전



Sujin's POV
"How did you become friends with Kevin anyway?" Jong In added.
Aish. Why does that question keep echoing in my head?
"I can't remember, actually."
And why did I have to lie like that?!
"Sujin! Over here!" Kevin oppa called out, waving up his hand. I smiled gently and walked towards him. "Oh? Gwaenchanha? Why are you so flushed?" I tilted my head a little and looked straight to his eyes. Thump. I think my face just got even redder now. Kevin oppa sure is good looking. I lowered my head while touching my cheeks. "It's probably because of the weather," I beamed at him. "Ah n-ne. It is getting warmer these days. Uhhh..." he trailed off. "So, shall we go in now?" I made a gesture pointing to the cafe. He laughed that angelic laugh and said, "Yes! Let's!" So we finally entered.
Good thing there weren't so many students around. I was worried that Kevin oppa would catch so much attention. I mean, meeting him like this could mean trouble for the both of us. There were a few curious eyes, yes, but at least they seemed civil enough to just ignore us the rest of the time.
"Hey," Kevin oppa was waving his hand to my face.
"Y-yes? Sorry, you were saying?" Why am I being such an airhead lately, tss.
"I said don't worry too much. The more that you look at them, the more that they'll think something is up. Chill, okay?" He gave me a reassuring smile.
"Ne, mianhae oppa."
"So," he leaned his elbows on the table, "you're probably wondering what brought me here today, right?" Is is just me or is he doing an aegyo to me right now? Or does he always look so... Aish! Oh stop it Sujin! Now isn't the time to be thinking about these stuff.
"Ne. I was really shocked when you said you were in the campus," I managed to answer straight.
"I actually just wanted to say sorry to you personally. I should have been more considerate. I thought it could still be just as before." His face suddenly became glum for a moment then returned to a smile again.
I can't help but feel a piercing sensation in my chest. "Mianhae, I was too harsh. Let's start over?" He gave me a confused look. I closed my eyes for a moment and  took a deep breath. "Wah! Kevin oppa! It's so nice to see you again! It's been ages!" I said with lots of aegyo.
He immediately burst into laughter. "So that's what you meant." He looked relieved now. "It's nice to see you again too, Sujin-ah." He smiled. "Hold on, where did you learn how to do aegyo?" He raised his eyebrow to me.
"I learned it from you! You're like the king of aegyo, even dressing up as a girl," I teased.
"Ya! How did you... So you still watched me then?"
I just looked at him and he just looked at me back. I'm sure none of us knew how to react to this.
Kevin's POV
From the time we met at CBTL, I knew we've just been acting cool. What I did there was pretty bold, not to mention crazy. I wasn't even sure how she'd react if she saw me again but I still took my chance. Then she got mad on our first meeting after five years; I thought that was the end. And now, this is definitely the crossroad. Sujin-ah, tell me the truth. For once, please, be honest with me.
She's still not saying anything. I don't blame her, even I'm too shocked myself. "Mianhae, I shouldn't have said that," I finally told her but she remained motionless. Damn, why do I keep messing things up?!
"Anni," she said turning her gaze on her cup of coffee. "We had to talk about this eventually." She gave a weak smile. "Hmm, let's see. About your question, I uh I didn't really watch you, especially during the first year. You know how prideful I could be, right? But yeah, eventually I did, just a few shows here and there..." She paused and looked straight at me. She was studying my expression then she laughed as if satisfied with what she saw. Don't tell me I look ridiculous right now. "I still hated you though." Her tone suddenly turned serious. "Even as we speak now, I still hate you." Ouch.
"I can take that," I started, "I mean, I understand if-" She raised to her hand, cutting me off.
"BUT then again, I've decided to finally patch things up with you." Oh god, she's killing me. She's seriously driving me crazy right now. Why is she playing with my emotions!? Aish, this girl.  "I know it was difficult for you too." She was serious again. "Perhaps it was more difficult for you than it was for me when you chose this life. I hated the idea of you leaving and betraying me. I just thought, I thought..." She was crying now.
"Sujin-ah..." I reached out for her hand but she pulled it away to wipe her damp face.
"Aish, why am I crying?! Mianhae oppa, please don't worry. I'm just overreacting again," she chuckled.
"I'm really sorry." I looked at her trying to act like she's all right. Seriously, this kid has so much pride in her. "But I guess, now that you're saying that you want to fix our friendship means you finally understand me, right?"
"Ne, oppa. I was too selfish. No. I was jealous. I was jealous because I knew when you decided you wanted to become an idol that you finally found your reason, your purpose while I...I didn't. It was stupid. I should be the one saying sorry."
"Anni, at least now we're friends again" I gave her my brightest smile and she smiled back to me. 
"Now," she rested her chin on her intertwined fingers, "you've got to help me." I don't think I like what's coming.
"Yeah, sure. Let's hear it," I responded. She narrowed her eyebrows and stared blankly on her cup. This is definitely making me nervous.
"You need to help me get into the K-pop industry."
Hoho, chapter seven is done! Thank you for patiently waiting ^^
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Kamsahamnida! Saranghaeyo <3
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Chapter 13: Woo! Hahah. Literally.
Pwhahahhahhaahaha. That was a terrible pun. Okay. I'm done now.
Great chapter!
Chapter 13: Ahw poor Kevin :c she can't leave him on his knees :o

and and.. Kevin is too sweet omg T_T can I have him :o?

Love the update ^_^
Chapter 13: So she is actually doing it! Sunjin Fighting! ^^


This is SO deabak! I love it! ^^ ♥
Chapter 12: Don't worry! You update more then most of the other stories I'm reading. ^-^
I can't wait to see what happens next!
SeoulSweetheart #5
Chapter 12: Omo I hope she gets her audition ♥♡♥
Chapter 12: I really Love this story! I hope she does great at her audition !! > < Sujin fighting! Author-nim fighting! ^^ ♥
Chapter 12: Of course we still like it :DDDD! ~
Hmm.. how will she do in her audition hehe :3

Can't wait to read more n_n
Chapter 11: Omo. That was one crazy chapter. O_O
Really, really great chapter!
Seriously can't wait for the next chapter|
Chapter 11: He kissed her and then left? AISH!! My Feels are all over the place now!! >.< WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME!? Aigoo this was a great chapter! Update soon! xD ♥
Chapter 10: Aahh~ I love this update :D
I'm wondering if he can make it :3 hihi