Leader's Help

Love of an Idol {Hiatus}

Ring! Ring! Ring!

Yongguk's alarm woke him up.

He groaned as he stopped it from making his ears deaf.

"Kids! Wake up!" He shouted, but he got no response from them.

He got up of his bed and threatened them.

"Himchan! Wake up or there will be no breakfast!"

Himchan woke up immediately and shook his head.

"Hyung, I already woke up, right?" He asked.

"Okay then." Yongguk said and went to Zelo.

"Maknae ya! Wake up! We are late!!!" He shouted straight into Zelo's ear.

"Waa! My hair! My clothes!" Zelo rushed into the bathroom.

"Yoo Youngjae. FIRE!" He yelled.

Everyone woke up and looked around.


"I should've done that earlier." He mumbled.

"Be ready. We have an early schedule. And, go do the chores. Daehyun, I wanna have a word with you." He said.

Everyone obeyed and went out of the room, except for Daehyun and Yongguk.

"What do you wanna talk about, hyung?"

"Why did you do that?" Yongguk asked with a serious face.

It really did make Daehyun afraid, so he flinched.

"Do... w-what?" Daehyun stuttered.

"On the fanmeeting yesterday. Why did you stare at a fan and chuckled and all?" He asked, again.

"O-Oh. Nothing, just... yeah! She is kinda like Shin Saimdang! Yeah! Really."

"Are you in love with her?"

"W-What!? Of course n--"

"Yes. You are like my little brother, Daehyun. I know you."

"Fine! I kinda in love with her. And I found out that her name is Melodie!" Daehyun beamed.

"Well, if you want any help, I volunteer myself."

Daehyun's eyes widen.

"Really!? Is this the Bang Yongguk that I know?" Daehyun laughed.

"Ya! This is me, okay ! The real me!"

"Haha! Arasseo, hyung. I think I need your help. Aigoo! Melodie is so cute. She is pretty. Naww!"

While Daehyun was daydreaming about Melodie, Yongguk just shook his head and quietly went out of the room.

"Hyung! Wait for me!" Daehyun caught up on him.




A/N: So, an update! How was it? I hope you like it. ^^ And I got this story a poster! :D Sorry for not updating!

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Chapter 2: tak nak update ke hanny? *pout*
First story not a Beast one? Hahaha! xD
Read mine too, okay? *wink*
What am I doing? Promoting story? Pabo me!
Well, yeah. I will look forward this story! ^_^
Chapter 1: Haha... Gamsahabnida dongsaeng! ^^
Awww~ For me? 감사합니다!! *Bows 90 degrees*