chapter 4: flash back

my baby


 a voice that calling my name but i run as fast as i could to see it but i only hear the voice......
  i open my eyes and see all white ,,..!
DARA: where im i...? 
MRS.PARK: dara ur awake..! you are at the hospital my child do you felling well wait i will call the doctor
DARA: why im i here....did something wrong happen 
MRS.PARK: dara do you remember anything you already in coma stage almost 4 months
DARA: what i don't remember anything i only remember that i need to enter at University of Seoul
MRS.PARk: butler call the doctor NOW..!
BUTLER: yes madam..
MRS.PARK: just take a rest first dara i only talk to the doctor for a while 
MRS.PARK: why she can't remember anything..
DOCTOR: maybe the impact of the acccedent that's why she can't remember anything 
MRS.PARK: but she can only remember was the last time that i told her that she need to past the university entrance exam
 it's almost 1 year already...!
DOCTOR: because maybe the amnesia that she have only earase the memory on that time and we must be thankful that now all her memory was gone 
 you must try to ask her about from the past.
MRS.PARK: but how long it will last.?
DOCTOR: I=i don't now mrs.park but it may take a month or a year
MRS.PARK: thank you doc but still it is good to know that she don't remember from the past
MRS.PARK: dara we will move to new york tomorrow
DARA: but i will get the exam mom
MRS.PARK: you need to take a rest there and you will study there to understand and do you remember somthing that importan to you..?
DARA: ammm......what do you mean mom..?
MRS.PARK: nothing just firget what i say you will start a new life there at new york
DARA: ok 
  [dara and mrs.park went to korea and liv there]
  a sound of a baby that crying and finding her parents 
DARA: ...since i get here at new york i alwas dream of it every night..! i can't even escape of that still i want to know what happen a years ago..
    dara tried to search of what happen to her in that accedent that hes mom said to her it was a car accedent and must never remember again..
but what is the connection of that dream to what happen to me.. why is that baby still making me awake...! i even talk to mom but she still said
that live the past and start a new life but how may i suppost to do that..!
   after 2 years i desided to go back to korea and study at University of Seoul and remember anything.....
      end of falshback 
i hope you like it...!
  G-d wiss be at home next...:)
or maybe NOT...:(
 thanks to 
chapter 5: VOICE
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Lette1022 #1
Chapter 6: Kyaaaa omg next chapter please...please continue this story
Chapter 6: Authornim,please update soon, i just finished re-reading it again :)
Chapter 6: Dara's the mother of mai mai???!
lalajoys #5
.im sorry for what i have gone through all this year..!

.soon as i back i will make a story reagarding for what hapen to me this pass few years that's why i can't update

.thank you for all the support
sanji30 #6
update pls..... its so nice fic..........
UPDATE...... puh-leezz
mine2love #8
why would he freakin act like nothing happened?!<br />
<br />
sheeeeesh! desnt make sense Ji!!!!
90light241 #9
NOOOo!!!!! Ji! Don't act like nothing happened T.T <br />
You're supposed to tell dara everything!!!
unii_soeul #10
why he want to act like nothing happen !