A Smile Only For You

The door locked behind her, and she struggled to find the light switch. 

However, before she reached it, a flicker of light flashed before her eyes. The flame grew, and she slowly made out the figure of a birthday cake.

“Happy birthday, Wajeena,” the person who lit the candle whispered. “Make a wish.”

“Hyuk…” she recognized his voice.

“Just make the wish.”

Wajeena clasped her hands together, closed her eyes shut, made her wish and blew out the candle. Eunhyuk then set the cake on a nearby table and the lights.

Wajeena was still adjusting to the transition between dark and light. She then realized Eunhyuk was holding a bouquet of roses.

“Well,” he scratched his head. “I guess I’ll just get to the point. I’m not usually one to make events like this, but you’re special. Im Wajeena,” he looked deep into her eyes, “Will you be my girlfriend?”

She gasped and tears formed at the corners of her eyes. “W-what?” she croaked, barely able to speak. It was like a dream come true - well, it was more like it was so impossible that she was pretty sure she was lying in bed living in her own fantasy world right now.

“I thought you liked noonas,” she finally said, recalling a past conversation they had.

Eunhyuk just shrugged. “I said that before, but people change MVJ.”

Several moments passed. “Okay look, you’re not dreaming okay? I really have fallen for you, Wajeena, believe it or not.” He shoved the roses into her arms, grabbed her by the shoulders and made her look into his eyes. “I’ve already gone to Rain and resigned from the café, so I’m hoping you’ll accept me with your entire heart and soul.” 

Then, his solemn expression shattered and a little grin appeared. “Don’t make me go home tonight jobless AND loveless,” he pleaded jokingly.

Still, Wajeena could only stand there silently. 
“So, will you please be my girlfriend?” 

Accepting that this was reality, she nodded. 

“SERIOUSLY?” Eunhyuk let out a huge sigh of relief and pulled her into his arms. She leaned into his warm chest and nodded slightly once again.

After what seemed like an eternity, Eunhyuk grabbed her by the shoulders and put her at an arms-length away from his body.

“Hey Wajeena,”


“Happy birthday,” he chuckled and gave her the most beautiful smile she had ever seen. “This gummy smile will forever and always be directed at you. A smile that’s only for you.”

Wajeena grinned. 

Her birthday wish had come true.
Attitude Teenagers Fan keke
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Wajeena looks so cuteee