A Smile Only For You
3 months later.

School had resumed, but wajeena still spent quite a lot of her time at the café. She would prepare dinner sometimes, and bring it in 3 lunchboxes - an extra for Eunhyuk.

Wajeena and Eunhyuk have grown to be quite close in the short time that they’ve known each other. They had similar interests and would once in a while meet to attend things concerts, watch movies, and the like. 

“MVj! You came! Mm, what’s for dinner tonight?” Eunhyuk asked excitedly, following Wajeena the minute she walked into the café to their usual booth. 

peykler was at home sick, but she still felt obliged to show up at the Bishounen café to check up on Hyuk. 

“Your favourite - kimchi fried rice!” she said, taking out a huge box for him. 

“Oh my gosh, awesome. I’ve been craving this for a whole day, you mind reader,” he sighed in satisfaction after taking a bite. 

“Face -- sore?” she asked.

“Yeah, smiling is such a workout here.”

“Here, brought you a strawberry milk,” she grabbed it from her bag, set it on the table in front of him and watched as his eyes brightened, and his gummy smile appear.

“I love you so much, thank you Mvj, thank you,” he practically sobbed at her.

Wajeena felt her face flush, so she took a long sip from her own milk in an attempt to calm herself down.

“You know,” she started after she controlled her emotions. “You look much better with your unforced smiles. I mean, you look great either way, but there’s more character in your gummy smiles.” She shrugged. “I’m pretty sure the customers wouldn’t mind your gummy smiles. The older women might just want to pinch your cheeks and call you their younger brother.”

“And the younger women?” he asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

Startled, she looked down and poked at her dinner.

“I don’t know, they’d probably want to date you. They’d probably fantasize about your smile every night and wish for you to only flash it at them exclusively and to nobody else,” she finally said. Because she would be lying to herself if she refused to admit that was exactly what she had in mind.

Eunhyuk chuckled. “And do you?”

Caught off guard once again, Wajeena hesitated before answering a simple “No, you’re funny.” 

She felt Hyuk’s eyes scrutinizing her every move, and shuffled uncomfortably.

“You fix the position of your glasses a lot when you’re nervous. You also do it when you’re uncomfortable or embarrassed.” He commented.

“Shut up and eat your kimchi fried rice,” was all she replied with.
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Wajeena looks so cuteee