Meeting New People and Planning Revenge

I'm Normal...Maybe??

-Victoria (you)-

Okay i guess i couldent just stay put when this jerk took my neighbour(yes i call him my neighbour) by the collar...why didnt this kid fight back for himself?? It kind of irked me i had always been used to people defending themselves from attacks but this adorable squirt wasn't even looking the jock in the eye.. must've been past connections.. I gave him a small taste of my medicine.. 

I walked out of the classroom satisfied with my answers.. a bit rude but so was he.... on the bright side..i didn't break his neck!!

I walked proudly down the hall for having full restraint on my physical reactions.

The girl who had encouraged my argumentation with the jock came bouncing behind me, and before she could lunge on my back, i instinctively slid away causing her to land face flat on the floor..

well.. almost.

"i-im sorry. are you okay??" I asked concered at her sprawled out body flatened on the floor.. i could have sworn i heard a crack*

"Hell yes, im better than okay!! im AMAZING!!" she said sprinting up as fast as she had falled down. 

I smiled at her adorable nature! Awee how cutee!

"Hi i'm Victoria" i introduced myself and held out my hand. I senced the nerd behind me.. she probably pulled him out with her, when i left. 

She gladly took it and shook it violantly "omighhh hi im Amber.. can i just say that i freaking love you for what you did back there to help out Zelo??"

Ahh.. so his name was Zelo..

"well.. he looked like he needed some help.."i said laughing and scratching the back of my head.. i heard this usually worked to feign innocence.

"Would you like to have lunch with us??" she asked

"i would love to!" i answered gleefully..


I took my tray and sat infront of her and Zelo, who, until now, haden't said a word.

"Hey guys" the underwear man appeared infront of us.. fully dressed and took a seat beside me.

"Hey man, whats up.. i heArd you completely flashed your homeroom this morning?? way to make a first impression" Amber said laughing in between her words.

He winked and said "ya know me, freedom is my thaaannggg" he said as he placed one foot on the top of the table while putting the other wideapart and slowly slid his hand towards the inside of his thigh while making a repulsive 'yface'. 

Amber burst out laughing, and so did i. 

"YA! thurowo!! (that's gross!!), get your feet off the table" Zelo said as he tried to maintain a serious tone but completely failed. 

"I dont believe that we've met.. " he said turning to me and changing his tone to a 'romantic' one.

"who might this fair lady be??, let me, sir Jwangshil, be your date tonight..."  he said offering his hand and speaking in a shakespeare tone.. we were not getting enough of this.

"This lady is none other than Queen Victoria, however, she must most humbly decline your kind request for she already has a date with Hwajangshil tonight" i replied in an elegant tone.. Amber burst out laughing while Jwangshil sat there mortified.  (note: Hwajangshil= toilet)

Honestly.. i never knew the kid could be embarrassed until now..i mean he basically exposed his croch to everyone in the classroom including the teacher.. 

"whoa...this girl deserves an award.. may i present to you....gum??" he asked..

I senced something wrong from the tin foiled piece he was handing to me. Plus, to add onto that, the ends of his left eye tugged and he held his breath. somethign was definetly wrong.. i discrelty sniffed the air taking in my surroundings..wasabi.

"No thanks" i kindly smiled.. 

"Is that trident layers?? apple?? THOSE ARE MY FAVOURITE!!!" Amber screamed, and lunged at the piece, tossing it in before any of us  could stop her.. I was genuinly surprised , she was REALLY fast!! like she had been trained for something her entire life too.. i looked at her and observed her in a split second.. short hair, dosent say anythign but tomboy.. no makeup..again tomboy..sports?? ...i looked at her no wonder. 

I watched as her gleaming faced turned read in an instant and her deathglare came on..

This didnt look like it was going to go good...


I stuffed the green piece into my mouth expecting a sweet savouring flavor of juicy green apples, only to feel the death wrap  of the tingling Wasabi!!.

I should have known better..

"JWANGSHILAHH!!!!!! IM GOING TO KILL YOU!!!!" i said and smacked my backpack repetitively on his head, as he kept apologizing.. the tingling was burning my eyes.. damn this wasabi was sooo strong.. ugh.

Zelo and Vic just sat there laughing at my furiousness..

I took a few breaths and controlled my raging inner soul..

"okay, so where were we??" i said ignoring the huddled up Jwangshil in the corner. 

"hey i heard that were going to have an Outing this year!!" Zelo said, changing the topic.

"NO WAY!, Where!" I chimed in with Jwangshil, giving him a dirty look, which he responded to with a small guilty smile.

"umm... excuse me but what are outings??" victoria asked

This girl didn't even know what outings were??

"oh yeah, Vics never had school before.. this is the first time, shes been homeschooled all her life. " Zelo explained

OH MY GOSH.. poor girl, shes been missing out on our group this whole time!!

"Then lets make this your most memorable one!!"i said cheering up.

"Outings are basically when classrooms go out on a trip together" Zelo clarified.

Ahh she nodded her head in understanding.

Hmm something seemed a bit odd about her.. she had abnormaly fast reflexes... fast as in lightning fast.. how did she know iwas going to jump on her back without even glancing back?? Why did she not go crazy for gum like the rest of the kids did? I ignored the negitive feeling since she had helped Zelo out and seemed extremely nice. We were going to be best friends after all!! 


That girl...

Who was she.. damn.

I had never seen her before.. i didnt even like her..

"hey babe, whats wrong??" Jinah said wraping her arms around me.

"huh? nothing" I replied.

"still thinking about that girl arn't you?? .. im sorry dude, were friends and all but she wopped your back there" GD said grinning and smiling like an idiot.

"Yah- i-im a man too.. i could have said something back there.. but shes a girl and she would have felt embarassed" i lied through my teeth. I could have just slapped her silly the second she was responding to my words. 

Jinah stiffened.. "yah! dont have any feelings for her!! I'm going to be sad if you do.. she puted leaning herself on me" i caressed her head. 

"i'm going to need your help to make this crazy realize who i am" i said staring into her eyes. She immidietly melted and agreed. 

No, I definetly did not get told off by a new girl.. I wasn't going to listen to the others... i was Jaejong, THE Jaejong. The kid that owns half the town. She needed a taste of who i was.. and i had just the thing planed. -evil smirk- muhahaha Victoria, my dear, prepare to realise how lowey you are. 

-Min Ho-

I silently stood outside the school wondering how our little chodling was doing.. hopefully she would stay out of trouble.. i didnt worry too much though since she was on of the calmest among her family.  I hid behind a tree as all the kids came out..

"What the hell are you doing??!!" she hissed popping out of the croud of kids. I shrugged. "i just came to pick you up" i replied casually.

"'re wearing a black outfit with a facemask you look like a ert..." she yelled. 

"what, i thought it would help me blend in!! geez" haha not. I knew this outfit would attract attention, i was doing it to have my little shre of fun. It was my little revenge for her having thrown away my clothing while I was in the shower causing me to roam around the practice ring for an hour.. which mind you at the current time was FULL with all the assassins. They all got a really nice view of my ding-dogn-deng. I would have died from humiliation if her father had not found me running around buck hiding myself behind straw.

"who told you to pick me up from school??" she asked annoyingly

"arrassoo.. i did it on my own, soo how many necks??" i asked, hoping that the number would be in the single digits..

Her mood brightened immidielty. "Zero!" she said jumping up and down.

I was surprised at her strength to hold back.. back in my higschool days it was bad.. i ended up giving a guy a concussion after i saw him tryign to...

"hyung??!!whats wrong??" she snapped me out of my thoughts.

"O-Oh nothing, lets go.."

"first take off your mask, no one will recognize ou here.. geez. Plus if a teacher sees, shes going to make dad come here and verify your identity thinking that your trying to kidnap me.." she ranted. i rolled my eyes.. oh lord.. she was stealing my swagg!!

"Vic-ah!!" I heard a voice call from behind her. Shocked, she quickly snached off the mask i was wearing and took off my hat and threw them in a nearby bush before i could argue.

She stood brightly infront of her new friends.

Omo she made friends??!! How cutee!

i also adorned my face with a huge smile. only to be mentally shocked to hear

"Boya! who is that ajushhi, he looks like a ert!!" from one of her friends

Ughh kids these days.. do they not know im the bomb around here??!! like seriously im pritty hot, i mean, not everyone had moves like mine and looks as good as i do.. :D keke

"um no hes my brother, he came to pick me up from school" she replied, i could sence her furiousness with the tightning of her fist behind her back, threatening to wring me neck as soon as we got home.

"why is he wearing all black??!" the girl with short hair asked again.

"uhh thats his favorite color.. Hey guys, i really have to go home now.. see you tomorrow??" she ended the conversation.

I got ready to run in 3 ...

"okay bye" they replied.

2... they turned around 

1......They turned the corner.

RUNN!!! Hehe you'll never catch up to me!!. Before i knew it my face was on the ground. MY FACE!! my precious FACE!!

I sat there writhing in pain as she stood there, her arms folded staring down at me intently.. aigoo this kid. 

"AARASSO AARASOO, i won't come pick you up from school any more sheesh.." i said, getting up and wiping the gravel off  of me. This isnt the end of my revenge kiddo, just you wait! 


YAYAYAAYAYAY!!  sooo i updated!!! Whadcha think?? ^_^ as usuall leave comments, and subscribe you sneaky silent readers!!!!!!!.. ( >youyou/< )


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2ne1_Sandara12 #1
Chapter 2: Omo saranghae your writing is amazing making me jelly
2ne1_Sandara12 #2
Chapter 1: I loved chapter one and gah tops pic haha good stuff u write amazing
Chapter 2: Loved it! <3
randommiscqueen #4
Chapter 2: No words. Just :)
Chapter 1: LOL she seems pretty y here x3
Chapter 1: Nice beginning! Can't wait for more~! ^^
Chapter 1: double ___ haha i love it ^_^
randommiscqueen #8
Chapter 1: :) I haven't read a story about an assassin wanting to be a normal kid before. Interesting. Keep up the good work chingu!!!!!!