

This is weird. My feeling. It's not suppose to happen.


Jessica, that tiny creature. So lovely, so inviting. I've never seen a girl with that qualities before.

But yet, there she is. Right under my nose.


I sniffed her scent. Lovely. Like a tulip and vanilla, with whiskey. Weird combination. But she is, she is nothing but complexity.

But, she's sweet. All of her.

Especially her lips. And forehead. Her shiny wide forehead. So cute. Even when staring at the distance.

Her tiny waist too. Not bony. But sure tiny. Hug-able. Is that even a word? Hug-able. What's the word?

Ah, never mind, a word's just mere a word. She is more than just a mere word. She's more than that. More complex. More important.


More confusing too.

My brain can't function well near her.


Now, in my arms, brunette hair everywhere I could see. And her perfectly shaped eyebrows. So cute. So lovely.

And her lovely eyes. It speaks love. Love I never know that was exist.


Jessica was a magic. Like a land full of unicorn that puking some rainbows and flying nyan-cats ting some sparkly rainbows too. Hearts floating everywhere and unicorn dance harlem shake everywhere. Its weird. Its magical.

Jessica like a treasure. Like rare diamond that never exist but suddenly appeared.


I closed my eyes. Drew her nearer. As near as I could. Feeling her heartbeats on my skin, so somehow I know that this is real. This is real and really happening.

Her torso raise and fall in a calming tempo that like a lullaby to me. As I close my eyes I could feel my self was getting more sleepier and finally I entered the dreamland.


The land that full of Jessica and me.




I felt cold on my skin. It's probably three in the morning 'cause I don't see any sunlight and it was freezing.


I tried to open my eyes. My arms feels funny. They feel like floating.

The lights are trying to blind me. It hurts my sleepy eyes.

I don't remember to turn them on before I slept. With Jessica. That lovely Jessica.


That lovely Jessica that screamed my name when we- oh well, details. Mere details. The more important is the feeling. Feeling when we done that. That things.

I tried really hard to open my eyes. It so hard to keep them open. My body feel cold, colder than it should. I'm missing something.





Jessica. That lovely Jessica. That lovely Jessica that was mine.

Was, mine.


Was never mine.



I feel cold night air try to freeze me. Well, please numb me as well. Jessica was gone.

She's gone.


Leaving this stupid, utterly stupid and clueless kid named Taeyeon here. In her bed. With no notes or goodbye kiss.


It always like that.

I was just a fling. A filler.

She's somebody's girlfriend, somebody's daughter, somebody's lover.


But that somebody was never me.

But I gladly be that fling. Be that filler.

Because I know I like her.


I love her. In every way possible.


But she's gone.

Always gone in the end of the day.

Gone like a wind, come like a dream.

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Chapter 1: Short, but good. I liked it.