
One More Time (Lies' Sequel)
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"Jieun-- Jieun--" you whispers again, jieun burst into giggles the little one really love the sound of his voice coming from you 
"Mom, again please?" she asks again 
"Jieun-- Yong Jieun" you said again without any hesitation 

Junhyung happily watching the two of you interact together, 
jieun we're sitting on your lap, clapping her hands and giggle whenever you say her name. 

"She's better now, even if she still can't remember anything about her, but you can talk to her right now, maybe she overcome her emotional break down so that's why she manage to let her voice out and speak again" Dr.lee explains after he check you, handing to junhyung a piece of laboratory document 
"Maybe it's because of her accident, her mind misplaces causing her to forgot everything or maybe it's because of emotional break down or trauma. Maybe she had a painful pass, as her husband do you know what it is?" he look at junhyung 

Junhyung shook his head, how can he answer those kind of question if he didn't know any single detail on you. 
"Maybe, it's on her family. She fought with her mother" he lied 

"It's that so? I think she really love her mother to make her suffer in pain because on just a fight" dr.lee said
"For a meantime, take care of her. You have son who's on incubator right? Maybe he can help her to ease the pain she was suffering, you need to stay beside her all the time, I got to go. Just give me a call if you have question, you can take her home later" 

After you receive permession, ju
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i may update on monday my net phone broke down.. sorry! :9


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taodayah #1
I know this story from my friend.when first time i read,the story was very awesome.i have stopped read this fanfic a few month ago.bcause i tought no best story i can read.but when i read ur mind said "i must read this story until the end" ..jyeah..awesome XD...
Chapter 20: Omg!! The ending is Like i was expecting.. they married. finally.
Chapter 12: ohhhhh finally he knows..huhuhu
Chapter 11: Luna you decided a good thing
Chapter 10: Freaking liarrrrr.. He's so selfish. He doesnt know anything about kris. he just care to his own happiness. TT.TT
Chapter 7: Huhuhu The sad part is here. Oh poor kris. If only he knows ..
Chapter 6: Luna saw her! Omg she wouldnt be the devil again right? She regreted everything she has done. I guess she would be the angel.. Hope so.
Chapter 4: I doubt if junhyung loves her. He just consider her as his past wife.. aha kris is back. He just prentending right? I hope so.
Chapter 3: Oh I think now I know why the story title is lies. This story is full of lies. Oh man junhyung. T.T
Chapter 2: Ohhh someone save her. And it was him.. T.T hopefully kris will find her.