Try Again

What Happened To Us?
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It finally happened. It was no longer a distant dream or empty words, I finally asked her to marry me and she said yes. Why I even left in the first place, is something I will never forgive myself for doing. It toyed with both our emotions in a profusion of ways.

"Kris?" she spoke first that night, looking down at our interlocked hands.

"Hmm?" I mumbled back, bringing the slim hand with the ring that declared her mine up to my lips.

"You're not going to leave me again are you?". Something in her voice made me snap out of my sleepiness and give her my full attention.

"No, we're gonna be together forever." I promised,"Go to sleep now okay? We've got a long way to go."

"Hmm.." she nodded, locking her arms around my waist and snuggling into my chest before dozing off. "This is too good to be true."

"No... you're too good to be true, you." I whispered against her head. 

I couldn't help but grin like a idiot when I tucked a loose strand of her hazelnut coloured hair behind her ear. Everything was too perfect. Too perfect. Not thinking anymore of the situation, slowly I followed you and drifted off into slumberland. I could finally fall asleep with her in my arms and then start my days with her in my arms. 

The next morning I slowly drew my eyelids back and smiled in relief when I saw her face so close to mine. But she looked vastly different to what I remembered of last night. Instead of the plush pink lips I loved kissing, her lips were now cracked and had began to show the first signs of bleeding. She was also really pale, whether that was a new beauty regime she took on, I don't know. All I knew was that I needed to get her some water and food, pronto. 

"Kris. You're not going to leave me are you?" you's voice mumbled, startling me.

you? Are you awake? She didn't move or say anything more. I sighed in relief. She was sleep talking, cute. No, I'm not going to leave you dummy, but if it means getting food for the sake of our survival, that could be an exception right? She could not leave for the dead, not yet. Then I'd really have to leave. For survival! I furrowed my brows as I forced myself to slip out of our much too comfortable embrace. "I'll be back soon ok? Your stomach will thank me later." I whispered before I leaned down and dropped a kiss on the top of her head. "I'll be right back." I threw the shirt and pants from yesterday on, it was the dressy stuff I wore to the engagement. Whatever, I can be a classy first thing in the morning. I made my way out of the apartment and closed the door as quietly as I could manage. 

When I arrived home with arms full of bags from the bakery and hands busy with an array of drinks from the nearest café, I came face to face with you 's tear streaked face. I dropped everything and rushed towards her slumped body on the ground. 

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?" I cooed rocking her back and forth while her hair. 

"You said you wouldn't leave me!" she croaked. "God, since when did I turn into such a weak and clingy girlfriend?" she pulled away and buried her hands in her hair.

"You have a right to be distressed after what happened last time. It's okay. We can't always be strong. We have to fall apart sometimes. We're only human aren't we? Plus, we gotta get breakfast in these empty sacs." I pointed to my stomach.

"Who the hell refers to their stomach as a sac?!" she was back.

"Your husband."

"Fiancé. As far as I know, I've only got an engagement ring on."

"Do I really need to lock you up with a wedding band already? That's too bad, I would've thought you wanted some time to plan the wedding. But I guess, shotgun Vegas it is." I grinned a gummy smile as I bent down to pick up the pastries and drinks, which surprisingly, have not spilled.

"NO WAY!" she roared in an inhumane way.

I chuckled. "Better get going then. I'm the impatient kind."

She rolled her eyes before drawing a few greedy breaths of air.

Even breathing was becoming harder. Was it because of your condition? Or was it because of Kris's close proximity? You'd like to think it was the latter. You tried not to draw too loud of a breath. Are you going too fast? No, you're now 22. After six years, isn't it time? When you felt your breathing had stabilised, you began to speak. "You know Kris, it's amazing what life has in store for us. It took two years before we could muster up the courage to admit our feelings for each other. And then we took another four years to do that again." 

"I'm sorry I kept you waiting for so long. We really only dated for a proper year before we got seperated again, didn't we? Two years since our first encounter to confess, one year of dating, four years of uncertainty." Kris agreed, pecking the top of your head. 

You nodded before looking down at the boxes Kris had placed in front of you, he opened them too, revealing all sorts of cakes and pastries that would've looked delicious if they didn't resemble scrambled eggs. The current situation was too perfect; you couldn't care less what the food looked like. Screw instagram, stomach needs to be satisfied first. 

"Drink this first. You need it." Kris held a mango smoothie before your lips.

You grabbed the straw with yo

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Chapter 31: AAAAAAAAAAAAAHH. I'm a new sub and I read this whole thing in 3 nights! I was so freaking mad when she died"! I literally cried my eyes out and had to go look at cute animal pictures to feel better. JUST FOR THAT FREAKING PLOT TWIST. You wrench my heart, Author-nim, you really do! I love your story! Take my upvote, you deserve it. <3
KrisBwi #2
Chapter 16: I hate this kind of guys. ???
Chapter 31: Such a great story!!! Great job on this, I love the ending as much as the beginning. Thank you for writing it!
Chapter 21: I'm so glad things are finally working out between them! Yoona was so sweet for helping them, and it made for an even more emotional reunion. Love this story!
Chapter 14: I have a feeling that friendship is not going to last very long....
I see a bunch of drama ahead... Can't wait!
1301 streak #6
Chapter 26: That scene at the end from the chapter before made me think it was going to be a sad ending. Thankfully it doesn't end badly.
I also love the part where Kris threaten Tao about swimming back to Korea and cutting off his "manly parts".
Chapter 4: That's so upsetting, both hurt for no reason! I enjoy the story so far, can't wait to read more! Great job!!
congratulations on winning the bid!
lemme finish reading my other fanfic before i start reading this
ExoticRiceOpener #10