First Day

New High New Life


“Dad.... Nooooooo!! Dad!!!!!!!”

After screaming out such word Jieun woke up from her sleep. Closing her eyes while gripping hard

to her necklace locket, Jieun let out tears rolling down her cheeks. “Dad......” she cried slowly.


It’s Jieun first day at her new school, TS High. Her family had to move to a new house due to

traumatical issues.

“Mom! I’m going now. I’ll be late if I have breakfast so I’ll bring the packed ones to school!”

Jieun quickly grab her bag and rushed out to school.

“It’s gonna be hard” she whispered to herself.


TS High is a famous school that focus mainly on two – singing and studies. It is famous for its

talented students. Bang Yongguk is a famous name in TS High. Who would’nt fall for his gummy

smiles? His deep voice rap? His “aegyo”? Well everyone will fall for it. As popular as Yongguk is

he never made his heart for a girl. He never liked “popular” girls. He always think that they are

over reacting at everything. Yongguk is super friendly when it comes to his best friend –

Kim Himchan. They had been best buds since young. Himchan is also well known at TS High for

his adorableness and friendly side. He can just smiled all day long.


“Listen up everyone we have a new student here. Jieun please introduce yourself” – said their

homeroom teacher attracting everyone’s attention.

“I’m Jieun and I’m a new student. I specialised in singing. I hope to be friends with all of you”

said Jieun with a sweet smile and nods.

“You can sit next to Yongguk then since it’s the only empty spot”

Himchan and Yongguk is not in the same class. They are seperated only when it comes to

Biology/Art class. Himchan took Art while Yongguk took Biology as he does not have any interest in



Everyone glared at Jieun when she walked to sit down. Ofcourse they would be envy with Jieun.

 Jieun pulled her chair out to sit and settled down her bag. She looked at Yongguk and said hi with a


“I’m Jieun :)”

Yongguk just look at Jieun and smirked. Then he continued writing down notes infront. Jieun

looked at him and just wrote down the notes  feeling embarassed. While writing down notes Jieun

played with her pencil – spinning it and it suddenly dropped to the floor. Without hesitation she

bent down to pick up. Without realising, Yongguk also bent down to help her picked it up since it

dropped near Yongguk’s. Jieun looked up and Yongguk’s face and hers was just 5 cm apart. Their

eyes met and feeling embarassed Jieun quickly faced up meanwhile Yongguk stayed at his position

and let out a smirked-style-smile. Then he also faced up giving Jieun her pencil back. Jieun took it

and continued writing without even facing and thanking Yongguk. Yongguk and Jieun stayed quiet

during the whole class making not even one sound. 



The school bell rang telling it’s time.

“Okay class please finish my homework by tomorrow. No excuses. Okay stand up class”

“Thank you Mrs. Ming” shouted the students in the class.

Jieun packed her bags and when she was about to go Yongguk suddenly grabbed her by her hands.

Yongguk gave an eye signal showing Jieun she dropped her notebook on the floor. Jieun picked it

up and gave a quick smile and went off to another class.

“Oh god I sure wish I won’t be on the same class with him this time” Jieun whispered to herself

“Me too”  said Yongguk walking pass by Jieun.

Jieun stopped her walk feeling shocked. Unexpectedly Yongguk turned around and looked at Jieun

and as always he let out his trade mark smirked-style-smile. Jieun was even more shocked and he

quickly walked away.


Ignoring all the feelings of embarass Jieun asked help from other students asking the direction for 

her next class. 

“Excuse me do you happen to know where this class is?” said Jieun showing out the class name

that was written on a paper.

“You’re new here are’nt you~~” said Himchan with a playful voice plus an angelic smile on his face

“Oh yeah I’m Jieun :)”

“Well Jieun-ssi I’m Himchan also known as the most handsome guy in this school. I’m going to this class too so

why don’t you follow me? I’ll show you around too!”

“Really? Thak you so much!”


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                -to be continued-



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Chapter 3: Never mind...not childhood friends :p but even better, past lovers~ I wonder what made them split and Jieun not recognizing Yongguk? Hmmmmm....update soon please ^^
Chapter 2: Woah! Hold up! Childhood friends?!?!? O.o this just got a whole lot more interesting ;p love the story and plot(sorta) so far! Can't wait to see where this is going~ XP
rafiqaah #3
Chapter 3: next chapter pleaseeee! fastly yaaah ^^
ssongjoker #4
Chapter 2: woaaaaahh!! is yongguk her friend when she was a child? omg omg I'm getting excited >< xD update juseyo :D
ssongjoker #5
Chapter 1: new reader here :D I'm waiting for your next chapter :D I kinda curious with yongguk's impression when he saw jieun at the first time ><
rafiqaah #6
Chapter 1: actually this is my first time read in here :)
i love the plots but its too short :(