worriedly in DISBELIEF

Never mind the LOVE


The movie was done and you guys were walking leisurely along the docks watching the sun set... When,


Neil's phone rang. The other boys looked at Neil.
"Yeobosaeo?... Oh! Umma… Aniyo~ we just watched the movie...Eh~ but we got... Araso~ Araso~ ... Muh? Jincha? We could bring them?... Okay!! Bye~"

You and Mi-sook looked at the view while Neil told everyone what their MOM said.
Suddenly an arm grabbed your shoulder. You turned around.

"L-Joe-ah... What's wrong?? " You asked L-Joe.
Before he could reply, Ricky pulled you and shouted "~~~~-ah!!! Want to come to our house? Mom told us to bring over new friends!!"
"Wait, I thought you guys aren’t related or something?."
"We aren't but we were raised by the same person." CAP said.

"If it's okay with Mi-sook..." you pointed at her but she seems to be STILL laughing/talking to Changjo. *What? Why can't have something NOT to talk about?? I must ask her this later*

"We'll go then!!" CAP already whistled two taxi's over.
You, Ricky, L-Joe was sitting at the back while CAP was at the front. Neil, Chunji, Mi-sook and Changjo were at the other one.

You saw CAP's head dangling while he sleeps. Ricky laid his head on your shoulders and L-Joe was dazing out the window.



30 minutes later, the two taxis arrived in a large compound.
You were asleep with your head against L-Joe's shoulders.
When the taxi stopped, your eyes opened. *Huh? Where am I? *
The four of you got out of he taxi.

In your surprise, their house... I mean mansion was twice as large as your school. "Woaw~!" you were amazed at the enormous estate.
Mi-sook also has the same expression.

The two of you were standing by each other now.

Suddenly, six people in uniforms came out. They bowed as you guys went inside.

When all of you entered they followed. Each of them grabbed the jackets of one boy. You and Mi-sook just shyly stood there.

Ricky grabbed your arm. "~~~~-noona! Let's go play in my room!"
L-Joe looked at Ricky.
But CAP grabbed the back of his collar. "Don't try to seduce ~~~~ by letting her in your room... You know that MOM don't like us to let girls in our rooms."
Ricky ran from CAP, hid behind you and stuck his tongue out of CAP.

~~End of Your POV~~


~~L-Joe's POV~~

~~~~ and Mi-sook kept laughing at CAP and Ricky.
Out of the blue, the lights were out.
*Oh no. Don't tell me...*

A spotlight pointed the top of the stairs and classic music played.
*Please o please o please! Don't let him do this...*

I can see Changjo's expression was the same as mine: Worriedly in disbelief. Ricky, Neil and Chunji were amused and CAP just rolled his eyes.
*No. No. No. Please No! *

"Boys~!" a voice shouted.
*~ why does he have to do this now? *

~~End of L-Joe's POV~~


Sorry if it’s quite short.


Who do you think is their MOM?

Hahaha!!! Thanks for reading!!
See you at the next chapter!!

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please write more fiction good like this :)
@ sunmii- ; sad to say, yes it is gonna end soon... I'm planning to end it at 45. But don't worry, shoobb..<br />
<br />
I already have an idea for the next story... Actually, TONS of ideas for new stories and it's hard for me to choose one... Hahahah!!!
askdhasklhd ahhhh ;-;<br />
/cries<br />
its going to end soon ?! noooooooooooooooo .<br />
YEOLLIE , come to noona ;)) LOL jk . <br />
cool story ;-;
natashabs #5
Does GD only appear at first chapter only?? Sorry for asking :) anyways love ur story ;D
Omo!! What or WHO(?!) did she hit?!!
he? o__o<br />
their mom is a he? o__O<br />
<br />
dramatic entrance ftw :))
Nobody commented @__@<br />
<br />
well anyway,<br />
I really like the story line ^^<br />
<br />
Myungsoo *U*<br />
hihi ~ <br />
<br />
Niel <3<br />
<br />
okay spazz time. lol