Bitter life


Lee Min-Hee is a poor orphan girl who dresses as a boy in order to survive in this world.  She auditions to become a singer, but they only accept males. Even though the President knew she was a girl, he still accepted her since she seemed to have a strong will. But  she made a promise and that was if anyone figured out she was a girl, she would be fired. The president puts her up to test by making her live with the new boy band Nu'est. THe President promised if she can handle living a month with them and them not figuring out, she would be hired as the first female star. But sadly, since she is a girl, of course she would look very girly, so people suspect her a lot, especially Ren of Nu'est. He is probably the most beautiful male alive! So he gets jealous that an even girlier guy moves in with them. He tries to make her  his life miserable for the time being she he lives with them. Will she be able to survive for one month?



These ideas keep popping in my head, so I will be making a lot of updates this week, along with probably one more story today~ hehe~

Oh and this story came up from all those genderbender mangas and dramas i have read/watched. So I'm trying to make it special in my own way~. (blah I also make up teh most boring titles, but oh well, I shall work on that!!)




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Chapter 1: keep it up! ^___^ looking forward to it.