Letter of Love

Letter of Love.


                The sound of the dripping rain was very much deafening. The waiting minutes seemed more than the number of raindrops that night. You were seating on the swing with both hands on the chains, your toes touching the ground and your head down. Gravity was pulling your wet hair down together with your tears. How many hours have you been waiting? You can't help but to just close your eyes but the tears would not let you do so. Tears have been escaping without your notice. And you just look up the dark sky. The raindrops, that were once from above, are now landing on your face. It's all in an instant moment but it felt infinite.

                You did not want to remember but you narrate to yourself the day that you gave Kris you letter. It was the day before Kris would go on a month long vacation with his family. He promised to meet you here, in this playground, where you first met on your birthday. It was the day when he gave you a hanky because he noticed you were crying. He held his umbrella towering over the both you and you looked up to see his face. You noticed his features and your eyes sparkled because he was no ordinary man. He gave you his red umbrella, you insisted that he doesn't need to but he grabbed your arm and forced you to hold the umbrella. He sat on the opposite swing and you noticed he was just facing you. He did not say anything, did not even ask the reason for your crying. He just let you cy, with his hanky.

                It took him years to ask you out. Because he practically knew the reason for your crying. Turned out that he was just not another stranger in the playground that night. He actually knew you. You had a common friend, and went to numerous parties together, you never noticed him but apparently, he noticed you so much. He never talked to you except for that one time you asked him where the bathroom was. It was love at first sight for him. He asked his friend for details of you and actually knew you were dating someone so he resisted himself on asking you out.

                Your birthday-the night that you were in that playground, alone- was also your ex boyfriend's 2nd death anniversary. He knew it all and him being there was not just coincidence. He was also there during your ex boyfriend's 1st death anniversary but he was just looking from afar.

                And not long enough, after years of hard work, Kris finally made you his and he is yours. 

                "Kris, read this on your way, ok?" You handed him the letter. The letter contained how much you would miss him, how much it would be different without him and all sorts. He stared at you intently and he promised to do so. And in that moment, you thought that you would miss his deep eyes.




                Once again, tears are falling and the rain would not stop. You turn your head to the right and you see a man in white holding a red umbrella on his right hand and holding a familiar envelope on his left. You fixed his gaze to him and you realized that he was badly injured in the head. It was obvious that he came right out of the hospital.

                And that man in white was Kris. He was breathing heavily and was holding the envelope with the playgrounds address bewildered. "What am I doing here?" He asked himself and scanned the whole place. Only the streetlamps were guiding his way. But he found that particular envelope on the pants that he wore on the night of his accident. The day of the trip, the family had a stopover and Kris decided to stay inside the car for he was not feeling well so the whole family went to the department store and bought foods and toiletries. Without his knowledge, while lying down the car seats to have a nap, another car suddenly hit the car he was in. He was badly injured, not to mention lost his memories. His family tried very hard to make him remember things, watched homes videos and the likes. He himself was frustrated at how he was not able to remember stuff but one day, he found a pair of jeans-the pair of jeans he wore on the night of the accident- and checked the pockets of it and he found a folded envelope, and inside it was your letter. When he read the letter, he felt that the content of the letter was so strong and apparently a girl is waiting for him. He noticed that it was raining heavily so he grabbed his umbrella and secretly escaped the nurse's eyes and looked for the playground for hours. His head was terribly aching but he did not care.

                Finally, he found the playground. He was standing on your far right side but it took you minutes to  notice him. And in that minute interval, the minute he saw you sitting there, alone. Flashes of his memories came back. Memories that tell him that the girl sitting on the swing was his life. That he love that particular girl. That moments spent with that girl was precious. She was the love of his life, and that girl is you.

                When you turned your head to him, you did not noticed but he was crying. He run towards you, offering a handkerchief and his umbrella towering over the both of you once again. You notice he still has his hospital bracelet  on. You looked up to him and traced his beautiful eyebrow with your teary eyes, the back of his palm is resting below his mouth and the other hand suddenly held the umbrella tightly  and he, avoiding eye contact at first, but finally gave in and he looked at you with his deep brown eyes and shyly said "Sorry, I was late. Happy birthday."


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Dubuoreo #1
Chapter 1: Awww so sweet!