
Diary of an Equinox


The morning started with Hwayoung combing her hair before going off to the market. As usual. She bought radishes and a couple more vegetables, I’m not sure. She went home and made kimchi fried rice for the BAP boys. As usual. Then… she washed the dishes with that guy called Yonjae? Or was it Youngjae? Whatever. That guy hugged her. she… asdfkjhsadklfjaliwfsda


“Aish I can’t write this thing,” Daehyun dropped his typewriter beside him and ruffled his hair. He stood up, took a quick glance on the other Equinoxes outside his room, and took a deep sigh.


‘No matter how hard I tried, getting rid of this jealousy is as hard as climbing up the 63 Building without panting,’ I thought, pacing back and forth in this tiny, white room of mine.


Tiny? White? Yes, it’s my beloved room I’ve been living for the past 1000 years in the Equinox world. I used to share a bigger room with these noisy twins, but since I’m a senior now, I got my own room, though it’s much smaller than what I expected, but it’s fine.


I dumped my hard body on the soft bed and let out my second sigh. I’m pretty used to this whole sighing thing earthians would do when they’re tired or stressed.


Okay, so the whole point is, I am jealous. I’m jealous of this Youngjae guy to be able to live with Hwayoung for the rest of his life and see her every morning in her bed hair and sleepy face. How he’d cook breakfast for her. How’d he hug her, ruffle her soft hair. It’s not fair is it? How he’d act like a brother to her when he’s not. Call me selfish or whatever, but seriously, I just can’t help it.


I know the consequences will be bad if the Great One found out I’m in love with this girl. I don’t even know I’m capable of falling in love. We are not made to love, we’re made to guard people.


I was a student too, in my world of course, and what my teacher taught me was that falling in love to an earthian is just plainly absurd. Well, absurd or not, I just did.


I started falling for her ever since she turned 13. It fascinates me how she seemed so strong, when truly she was scared and in need of help. That’s when I step in. I’d come down to Earth and pretend to be an old man, an old lady, a little kid or even an animal to help her, since we can’t go down to Earth without a disguise for it could burn our skin. We’re pretty much like vampires, minus the blood and fangs part and the sensitivity with sunlight.


Ever since she was 13, I could see her boldness and bravery against the bully she had to stand up against to everyday. How she’d keep her head high although she knew in a minute or two, tears would start flowing her hazel eyes. It’s that kind of things that made me amazed and started to get closer to her, though she’ll never knew I existed.


“Hyung!” a tall blond guy, stepped into my room without even knocking. I was about to scold him when his twin came bursting into the door, knocking his brother out of the way.


“Hyung! The Great One wants you to see him in his throne,” the twin with the dark hair said.


“When?” I asked, looking at the two brothers who are panting like no tomorrow. I had to hold my temper down. They’re just kids anyway.


The two twins didn’t answer, instead they stared at the clock for a few seconds before saying in unison, “Now,”


“Aish you guys! I know I was your roommate once, but that doesn’t mean you could barge into my room just like that! You Youngmin,” I said pointing to the blond twin, “You know how I hated when people came in barging my room without knocking! And you Kwangmin,” I pointed to the dark haired twin, “Why didn’t you tell me earlier? Now I have to rush things,”


I was in panic mode. The last time I was late to an appointment with the Great One, my power of turning myself into human or other living creatures was taken by the Great One. I didn’t want that to happen again. Especially now that Hwayoung is a stunning teenage girl.


“Sorry hyung,” Kwangmin said sincerely, followed by Youngmin’s nod.


“Just forget about it. You guys get out of my room now. I don’t like people being here,” I was about to step out of the room when I realized I forgot to wear the Coat.


The Coat is actually a normal white coat. What’s so special about it is by using that coat, Equinoxes could show their huge grey wings. We had to wear this when we’re facing the Great One. It’s similar to how humans would dress up to meet someone important like the president, or the king even.


As soon as the Coat was attached to my body, I could feel my grey wings flutter in grandness. I stood on my heels and flew to the Headquarters as fast as I could.


“Ah… you’re finally here,” The Great One said in his loud booming voice.


“Was I late our Great One? Please forgive me-“


“Oh no. You’re not to worry about that,” He laughed heartily, “What you’re ought to worry is that affection of yours,” His expression turned flat.


I had to admit I expected this day to come, but I didn’t knew it would turn out this fast. We can never underestimate the Great One and his powers.


I knew something bad would happen. I knew the Great One would hate it if one of his creations fell in love with a human. I cursed under my breath.


“I made you to guard her, not to fall in love with her!” He roared.


“I’m sorry,” I bowed my head real low, “I shouldn’t have felt this way to the child I’m supposed to guard, but-“


“But for the past 2580 years you’ve been taught not to do that,” the Great One his white beard, glaring at me and waiting for a reasonable answer.


“Yes I know,” I hesitated for a while, “But you’re the one who created us to look like them right? You created us so that we can walk and move like them. To breathe and see what they see. And to feel…”


“I created feelings in each and every one of your hearts so that you know what to do when your child is feeling down. To know if they needed you or not and what you should do then,”


“Then what if Hwayoung needs me? What if Hwayoung needed someone to love her?” I stepped forward. I’m sure the Great One was surprised to hear Hwayoung’s name for us Equinoxes aren’t supposed to call out our child’s name in front of him, but I don’t care. For once in my life I had to step up. This is injustice.


The Great One sat still on his golden throne, thinking about something. He let out a smile then laughed. He then stood up, went towards me and look me straight in the eyes.


“I always knew you’re different,” he gave me a fatherly smile, “I’ll let you go down to Earth as a human.”


“I told you, Hwayoung needs me and-“ I stopped. “Wait what?”


“I’ll let you down to Earth as a human in your own form. A human as the Jung Daehyun yourself,”


“You’ve got to be kidding me right?” I asked. It was way too suspicious for a man like the Great One to break his own rule. And you see how he screamed at me a while ago right?! He’s… he’s just too much.


“I realized you’re a weird species. If I tried tying you longer in this place, you’d rebel and make a fool of yourself. I won’t let any of my Equinoxes turn into a fool. Even if the process needs to do some breaking rules. But here’s the catch,” the Great One paused and handed me a bag, “Inside, you’ll find a wallet. You’ll be rich don’t worry. You can use as much money as you want. There’s a laptop too. It’s similar to that old typewriter of yours but it’s much simpler,”


“Laptop?” I furrowed. I’ve heard of it before, I’ve even seen it from afar, but never did I encountered one.

“No worries, I’ll plant a knowledge about laptops and how to use them in you,” Now the Great One was all giddy and jumping around as he made his way back to the throne. I stared at the bag in my hands. It was pretty heavy. I wonder what these things are.


“So, you ready?” the Great One asked as soon as he was back in his comfy throne.


“I guess…” I rubbed the back of my neck.


“Oh one more thing, since you’re almost human now, you’ll have a guardian,”


“But I’m not born on the 22nd of September or the 20th of March,” I blurted out. Which was true… I didn’t know when I was born. No Equinox knew when they were born.


“Let’s just say you’re a special human being…” the Great One snapped his finger and in an instance, two figures I’m familiar with appeared.


“Don’t tell me…-“


“Yes! Youngmin will be your guardian now,” the Great One said. I cringed at the thought of this huge eyed teenage boy is going to be my guardian? Just as I was thinking this couldn’t get any worse, the Great One pointed at Kwangmin and said, “And he’ll be Hwayoung’s guardian,”


I saw the Great One smiling proudly at the first twin Equinoxes he’d ever made. Youngmin was smiling proudly to his twin, while Kwangmin was showing a goofy smile towards me. And then there’s me, trying to hold my weight with my weak knees.


The thought of being able to go down to Earth as a human, and as myself made me glad. But there’s just something that was out of place seeing the twins becoming my guardian. They’ve been my friends, my only friends, all my life. I do love them, as brothers though. I’d still consider myself straight even if I’m not falling for Hwayoung.


But they’re 4D characters are just… nuts.


“I’ll give you a night to think about it,” the Great One nodded to me. I glanced at the twin for a few seconds before bowing to show the Great One my respect, and left the throne room.



I threw myself onto my bed as soon as I arrived at my room. The thought of changing human bothered me, apart from those twins. I wanted to be closer to her. But does that mean I have to lie to her too? I could tell her I’m an equinox and I’m actually far from the term “human” but would she believe me if I told her so? I guess not.


I let out a breathless sigh, then I heard a knock.


“Hyung?” It’s Kwangmin. “Can I talk to you?” the door was still closed. I opened the door using my mind, letting the younger twin in.


“Are you upset because of me? Us, I mean,”


I stared at the wall in front of me, then to the typewriter, then to Kwangmin. I let out a smile.


“No, it’s just that being human is so not… us. I know how humans live, but I can never be them, don’t you think?”


“You’d be the most human human any equinox could ever think of,”


The room went silent all of a sudden. I looked around and noticed Kwangmin had gone somewhere else. Ah those twins. They like poking around places and disappearing into thin air.


I stared at my typewriter again. The only thing that knew what I feel and my secrets. Now I could share them with Hwayoung and I could make friends too and share my feelings with them.


I guess being human isn’t that bad after all.


Finally an update ke. It's a pretty long chapter. took me a few weeks to write this lol since i have my exams and projects and everything. hope you liked it!


If you don't get how the POV works, the texts that is in Courier would be Daehyun's POV and the ones that are in Arial are the narrator's POV.




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--daedreamer #1
Chapter 2: Ahaha, this seems really interesting! I'll be anticipating your next update! xD