6 Degrees of Desparation


A gang story with 2 love triangles. Yongguk/OC/Himchan & Youngjae/OC/Zelo. 

Every tough guy has a trigger. All kinds of triggers, but the most common is the one that sends them to the edge of their personal limit. Limits will be tested in this story about love, friendship, and deceit.

Yong Guk, a young man with a rough past, has fallen into what seemed like a chance at a new life, but things only worsened as things get twisted. His best friend Him Chan, helps him start fresh and brings in his old friends from his home town. Both Yong Guk and Him Chan move in with Young Jae, an intelligent yet charming car mechanic. Just when Him Chan was getting used to a quiet life, Jong Up’s sister and her best friend come home from University. The endless bickering of the girls and the some guys drives Yong Guk inches away from insanity while Dae Hyun’s just glad Jong Up’s sister can cook really well. To make matters even worse, Yong Guk and Him Chan’s past returns to haunt them, dragging the girls and the group along and endangering everyone’s lives. How it would end is anyone’s guess.


Email me for a copy of the FREE PDF to receive the following: Recommended soundtrack list, location photos, glossary, and other story guides to make your 6 Degrees experience more fun and realistic! It's totally free! See the FOREWORD for more on the free PDF!



PLAGIARISM - Please take note that I am a passionate advocate against plagiarism. I currently work in an agency with direct connection to the Director of Intellectual Property in my country, as well as online and digital professionals. I can easily track down any and all potential thefts of my intellectual property. I have never, and will never, commit plagiarism. My connections would be able to prove, in any such case, that I was the originator of my work. I will even be more than glad to email you a fully detailed FREE PDF of this story complete with photos, maps, and layouts to go with it. My fan fiction is free and I would like it to be that way as long as I possibly can. However, if something does arise that would threaten to harm my work, I will not hesitate to pull out or prompt immediate legal action.

I will update this every time I get the chance. But, if you vote up and give the story good reviews, I just may post the next chapters sooner. I write pretty fast ;)

STORY PROGRESSION: For the first few chapters, most of the mature material would have to be the violence and the cursing, but the "interesting" mature parts will follow. By interesting, you should know what I mean. Imagine me winking rapidly and elbowing you in the ribs if I was beside you. The word "interesting" has so many subliminal messages right now ^_____^ But let me tell you this, to best enjoy the story, you have to go through the violence and real story. The "interesting" parts won't be much fun if you don't understand exactly how much tension I placed between the characters. Trust me, a small touch or gesture from one character would mean so much to the other if you really pay attention to the details I worked hard to include.

MATURE MATERIAL: Some parts get really graphic, just so you know. But since it's not in ALL the chapters, as per AFF's guidelines, I can't mark this as Mature, but I want to make sure you are informed that this story will really escalate to that level.

PERSONAL NOTES: I have almost no bias because I love all of them. Being 21, I don't normally like younger guys, but when I saw Zelo, all I could think was, "I WILL BE YOUR NOONA. WHAT DO YOU WANT? I'LL COOK IT, BUY IT, MAKE IT, GIVE IT. YOU WANT MY ARM? TAKE IT." He just does that to you. Aish. This is frustrating. Oh, and I go gaga over Yongguk's voice and how he just reeks of manliness. YUM. He looks like the good kind of rough. AISH--DIRTY THOUGHTS. And Himchan's charm? PLEASE. I died and his charm summoned me back from the dead. Then there's the voice and adorable quality of Daehyun which really no one can resist. I also love how Youngjae looks so reserved, not shy, but careful and in his own world. Makes you want to just jump into his world, invade it all, and go "I WILL BE YOUR WORLD NOW." But don't even get me started on Jongup's eyes, arms, abs, and dancing. I can't even--- I will have more fics centered on the other members next time. But for now, I wrote this because a friend of mine is obsessed with Yongguk and Himchan (but not to the level of a saesang), just obsessed enough to be bugging me through text, Facebook, and on this site to just post the story already. 

If you have questions, I will answer them as soon as possible :)



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Chapter 3: Oh damn this Annie girl's good @.@ Ooooh Mi Young and Young Jae >:) poor Zelo... ____ Bang you have no idea about your feeling... Jong Up's older than Young Jae and Dae Hyun? Dae Hyun's the best, I keep laughing when he's around
Chapter 2: HAHAHAHAHAHA THE GIRLS ARE SO LEGIT I SWEAR =)) I CAN IMAGINE EVERYTHING CLEARLY LIKE ASDFGHJKL *deep breaths* :') This Annie character was well made ;) >:)
Chapter 1: i like the transitions, but you don't need to mark the time like that so blatantly.

usually i hate character profiles but the layout made up for it. so props for presentation.

i like it. you have potential to be one of the better writers on this site. i applaud you and i'm looking forward to the rest of it. you've earned a watchful sub.
Like how the scenes got transitioned cleanly. The start up of the story has the common backbone of action gangster fic but the creativity made it all hyped up and exciting, enjoyed that. I think the readers who like action will have a good time with this one :)
Chapter 1: EXCITED ALREADY... woooh can't wait till my favorite character comes in >:)